PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Titantony

    Titantony Member

    The feeling is very mutual brotha (maliksushi)! Ur nessa is somthing else bro! No prob on the demotion, i play because i enjoy the game (rank specifically b/c there is no one in vs, an in rooms). I can really care less about the rank. (It can be soooooo overated lol) i'll take my L's like a G! I didnt mine at all tho, the matches wr very competitive an it was bound to happen after stagging off the demotion 3 times, which added to the 3 i had that afternoon lol.. once again ggs! Always a pleasure to face players that arent spamming 2p's an using abare tactics every opportunity just to pick up a w!

    Oh yeah! Ggs to the homie genzen (think was the name) diggin the jacky!
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    There is a good reason why there are so many decent Pais that get away with basic crap way too much raze unless the other person has the match up experience to know how to block the right way and punish the many unsafe things most Pai players spam without thinking. You weren't using enough of her frame trap moves and look like you could attack them when you really can't do that safely like I was using on you.

    Pai is the same as Sarah in that big damage doesn't come as easy as most people get but then again her mixups are godly when they are done by someone that knows how to make them work right. I am working on that and it will come one day really soon hopefully. Sarah players shouldn't quit just because they have to work for their damage that is the best part of it working your way to the top the long way not easy way.

    I have played Rikojjang since VF5 Vanilla and he is by far one of the scarier players I will ever see in VF. I would hate to see him with a decent connection instead of my gray connection with him and he still got me pretty bad with his Akira. Then again I don't play enough Akira anymore and I am beginning to forget the specifics of the Akira match up now I have to play him in dojo at level 5 to remind myself of what a decent Akira can do for sure.
    BeastEG likes this.
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone I played the past couple of days. PSN is so laggy on the weekends though :(
    steelbaz and BeastEG like this.
  4. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GGs to Nammerai and Elite, fun games

    I think I need a break from FGs in general, don't seem to be improving and just getting bitter at this point. If anyone wants to tell me on how to improve, please do. I was doing the Beasty more than usually today, but for some reason my cancels weren't going through when I tried them, even though Elite is psychic and could read them :)

    **RANT TIME**

    While I'm not one to comment on characters too much on the forums, Sarah is mid tier at best and I would argue possibly mid to low tier. Her mixup game is way too limited. It basically boils down to mid vs. throw and fuzzy kills that, especially since her lows are utter garbage for the most part and she doesn't have low throws. Her only fuzzy break from a high is [P][4][K] which gives you a stagger you can't even combo with! Even her elbow follow-ups are trash. Good ones would at least make it rewarding to out hit a [2][P]. Sure, Pai has to work for her damage and is a tough character to master, but she has a far more flexible mix-up game. Her throws do just as much damage as Sarah, she has good lows, reversals and a really good elbow move. Also, because Sarah is a light-weight, most of the cast can kill her in 2 combos. I love Sarah and don't want to drop her, but it's near impossible to take a game seriously when they give her such limited options. Hell she only has 5 moves (besides throws) that beat Aoi's, [P]+[K]+[G] stance that aren't [2][P] or [2][K]. And all of them are slow as hell to the point of being able to block them on reaction or tough to use against Aoi's dancing around BS. How does that work? It's like they hit her with the nerf stick after VF4 and then decide to make a mid-throw character who doesn't have the tools necessary to be a mid-throw character. Mid-FULLcirculars, who needs those? (You'll notice all the top tiers basically have them and can spam the crap out of them) Guard breaks? (Once again,top tiers) Nah...Tech jump Launcher? (A lot of the top tiers have it) Screw that! 11 frame jab? Only ninjas, emo boys and female Chinese action stars get those! Scary throws? What your name isn't an animal, or you aren't a 300 Ibs fatso who can side-step as fast as a F'n Ninja?! Nah, screw that, we'll give you a stance that is basically just higher risk for higher rewards...and the least cheesy intro lines out of all of the English speaking characters. Oh, and some cancels but since Abare is very rewarded in this game, somehow it will work out...

    While it's nice to espouse the idea of "working you way to the top," You have to take into account the lifespan of most FG's in this day are maybe 2 years. Sure, if VF5:FS is around for 5+ years, then maybe I wouldn't care as much. But when most likely it will be replaced by VF6 in 18 months, it's a little hard to invest the time into a grind when it will most likely mean nothing after that time since (hopefully) FS is a deviation that won't be the trend going forward. I'm getting a little sick of how combos and high damage are pretty much the norm in every FG nowadays. As much as I love spending time in the lab, it's getting a little absurd when the vast majority of it is spent on combo learning and not on actually learning the character or playing the game. Anyone who says that combos are the least important part is lying to him or herself. Here's a challenge, play your character without doing any combos and see how for you get. Then, pick Jacky and just use backflip as your only mid and see how far you get.

    **SALT GONE**

    Hell, I'm gonna pop in Bushido Blade 2 for a while since every hit is pretty much a 100% combo and least I don't have to remember to [G] after every hit to clear my buffer.
    ToyDingo and steelbaz like this.
  5. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Bushido Blade 2 is very fun, good call!
  6. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    great, i hoped u won t be mad beacause of it... i didn t remember if I got u on my friend list, add me if you want, and we will go on player match to continue our battle... C you bro =)
  7. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Did we play, Sushi? I don't remember seeing your name recently. What character do you use?
  8. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I agree with everything this man just said. I love Sarah to death and don't want to drop her because I really don't have as much fun with the rest of the cast (though I'm starting to like Aoi a bit...). But it's so damn annoying to work my ass off to get small pokes and throws here and there, only to have that completely negated by a jacky backflipping for dear life or an akira that got a lucky sidestep body check of death.

    Sarah's greatest strength, pressure from flamingo, is made almost useless by how this game rewards abare and 2P. If your confused about what Sarah is going to do next, just 2P 2P 2P. It's so......damn......frustrating.....
    steelbaz likes this.
  9. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Not really lol. His akira is ok. his main is lau. i fought his lau and froze up lol. Hades akira is still the strongest.
  10. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    yea gg's to rikojang yesterday. his jacky's ok too but THAT Lau! HOLY SHIT. SNAKE BOSS!! could learn a thing or 20 from him. lol
  11. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GGs to Tiripsm! Fun chatting and cycling through characters!
    steelbaz likes this.
  12. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    GGs to Libertine, VF4EFan, and Akai_something (sp? pai player).
  13. JinKs81

    JinKs81 Well-Known Member

    That is weird. I get wins against Hades time to time, but I could barely touch Rikojjang0's Akira.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone in the bracket tonight. Sorry about PSN being all weird, but we got there in the end.

    Special mentions go to Icky as a newcomer - was fun to meet and play you, and it's always nice when there's more than just me with a mic; and also to Radon, for storming the group this week. You've improved a bit since we last played - your defence is a little stronger, and you've picked up some good offensive techniques to beat out 'standing guard > throw escape' (I think they have a Japanese word for it but I'll be damned if I know what it is). Just be careful, you were using your 'from crouch punch' (the uppercut that floats) a lot, and I noticed you were using it after getting your low punch guarded, but (forgive the lame excuse) the lag on PSN was causing your uppercut to beat my elbow. Probably will have to mix that up a bit against players with faster reactions and/or better connections.

    Thanks again to everyone for the games.
  15. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    That Pai player was me it was my first time seeing you and LibertineVFDC in 1 night I saw the lag spikes and tried to reset my router but the lag was so bad after the reset that I quit after just 3 matches on PSN. The only good matches I had were against Libertine and his brad and he was as solid as I expect him to be. I recall playing his brad back in the Vanilla days too and he was solid then too. I think my connection was really acting up tonight and it took me awhile to get back online after I reset my router about 3 times. I wish I knew what happened to make things happen like that. It even affected me playing XBL too
    Valakrie likes this.
  16. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Well when i fought his akira it wasnt anything special. he just kept grabbing me lol. i still loss though because of his wierd ass style. like i said his lau is his main. you can tell.
  17. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I'd agree that his Lau is the stronger character, but in honesty, he toyed with me with Lau, then Jacky, then Akira. I'm not sure if I was just playing badly that night (didn't seem to be doing anything I don't normally do), or if he's just that good - but I definitely have respect for the guy.
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    GGs to Hades. Very nice Akira, but with the lag we had there's no way to really tell how good we are relative to each other!

    GGs to Valakrie. You've developed some nice movement! You might get as good as GT and Dennis with that!

    GGs to MakiLeSushi. I still haven't figured out how to beat your Vanessa. :(

    GGs to JinKs81. I don't believe in jinxs, but I don't have any luck when fighting you. :( I do believe in lag though! But really, that's not the entire picture. Nice Lion. I should study his commands!

    GGs to yui_azusa_love. I respect your skills, but I should not have been dropping my combos with the fastest timing! Lag was bad unfortunately. :(

    GGs to VF4Efan. I was glad that we could play after the room yeon-ang started dropped. Sorry I didn't have a chance to play against anybody else in that room.

    GGs to shadowmaster. We only had two games, but they were good. I only left because I was invited to that aforementioned room.

    GGs to Flawed_By_Design. Your Jacky needs a lot of work, but your Vanessa is pretty solid! I wish we had more games so I could have adapted better!

    GGs to MisterRadon. Were you the Lion player? We need more games.

    GGs to JoninAssassin. I didn't think I'd run into a more reversal/Tenchi happy Aoi player than HopFrog. LOL! You kept me on my toes and forced me to use some common sense before I could beat you. I was autopiloting moves. Thanks for breaking me of that habit!

    GGs to HopFrog. I'd stop using that ground reversal! I can do an 80-something damage combo off of a simple 2P. It's not worth the risk!

    GGs also to everyone else not mentioned above.
    Valakrie and MakiLeSushi like this.
  19. JinKs81

    JinKs81 Well-Known Member

    I just found out rikojjang0 is aoiyuka.
  20. JinKs81

    JinKs81 Well-Known Member

    GGs. :)

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