PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I got a buncha matches in with Error404 earlier today, they were gg's, but kinda one sided since I watched/studied all GT's matches with shido last night. He seemed a lil bummed about it, but I had him add me, and let him know i'd been studying the Jean match up recently.

    I'll get Error in some more rooms whenever we get some going.
  2. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Did the vf servers broke, or is it just my stupid connection?
    It's like working every once in a while for 5 minutes and then I can't enter in any online mode again :\ Sometimes i even had disconnects in the middle of the match, and then i couldn't enter Ranked again.

    BTW, good games to volX and some other people in Ranked.
  3. Ahhh... vencabot. I enjoyed hearing your reactions as much as playing the games. Your voice was a little muffled, but I always get a kick out of playing people with mics.

    And what the fuck is this? Talking shit about people that aren't even here (though obviously I am now)? What is it with certain players that make them so self centered to actually believe that someone else is "scared" to play them? Do you honestly think that playing and/or losing ONE game against someone is such a devastating thought that they'd actually hide from you? Well, apparently you do. That's a delusional world you live in, my friend.

    Btw, we played earlier tonight... do you remember me beating you? Oh yeah, you probably don't because you DISCONNECTED in the final round in the middle of me juggling you when you were low on health.

    Was it coincidence? Only as your excuse.
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Elite exposed!! Ofc it wasn't a coincidence, he's the one behind all the errors and disconnects everyone's been getting for the past week now, nice detective work, space_cadet. [​IMG]

    BTW, I tried joining you today but you wouldn't have any of it... why good sir?
  5. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    space_cadet the PSN has been dropping games for a week so gtfo with that crap.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'm sure Elite would be more than happy to play you. And, in case you didn't notice, PSN has been flaking a lot lately. Don't assume that people have pulled on you in matches. That doesn't sound like something Elite would do.
  7. Riiiiight.... coincidence. He calls me out when I'm not even a member here, then plays me and there's magically a dc right before he's about to lose.

    And I love how I'm not supposed to pass judgement on something, but "elite" can make an assumption with zero merit.
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Why you ignore me. [​IMG]
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Oh snap! Elite, where are you? [​IMG]
  10. I have no idea who you are, and honestly don't remember ever seeing your name in the ranked games.

    But if you had challenged me and I didn't accept, then the obvious answer is that I was scared of you.
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    So... you admit to being a coward? Cool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. ^ Yes, of course. Because what other explaination can there be?
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    None, because elite originally called you out for being a coward, and I'm backing him up because you refused to play me as well.
  14. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Hello there, and nice to see you rush to this site to defend yourself.

    Sadly you had been dodging me for weeks before today (coincidentally the day after I rank up out of your group) so no I'm not going to take back what I said lol. However, kudos for growing a pair and playing me today.

    And yes, the disconnect was just psn being retarded like it has been for days. You didn't find it odd that you couldn't get back into the finding opponents screen afterwards? I don't control your internet.

    I'll be looking for you next time I'm in ranked and we can play until you get demoted [​IMG]
  15. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Plug-pulling scrubs. All of you.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  16. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Be-gone you recovering virtuacrack addict!
  17. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

  18. Seriously, I'm looking at your psn name... and it does not ring a bell. Nor do I recall seeing your name on the leaderboards. Perhaps you're there somewhere, but my point is you're a stranger to me. A nobody. This is the first time I've seen your name. You're not actually trying to make the claim that you see me all the time, challenge me constantly, and I run away, are you?

    Here's my best guess at who you are: You're either ranked dan, which I never play... or you have a trash connection. Another possibility is you tried playing me one night when I was already going back and forth with someone else. There are two main reasons I decline... 1. trash connection, or 2. I'm already playing a series of games against someone, such as the other night when I was playing vancabot.

    Sorry that I have no inkling who you are. The beautiful thing about the internet is that you're free to believe whatever the hell you want. So enjoy.

    Rush to the site to defend myself? You're just full of shallow assumptions, aren't you? I came here by recommendation. While browsing the forum, I see your douchebaggery. A shallow call out with no validity behind the claim. It's nothing but you falling back on elitist cliches. Hence where we currently are.

    Dodging you... for... weeks? How foolish are you? I can think of ONE night when you kept challenging me... and your connection was trash. I told you that in a reply. Even the game earlier tonight when I beat you (y'know, before the magical DC in the final round while you were in the middle of being juggled with no health) your connection was only two bars. I avoid two bars, but you were the only one in the room.

    To say I developed the balls to finally play you is to think I feared you. To think I fear you means I would have to know something about you. You're a stranger to me. Nothing else. You're name isn't highlighted in tournaments. You're not in interviews. You're not endorsed. You're just a name in an online room. Do you think I fear you based on your name? Try to be realistic here. Perhaps you think I fear your rank? Is that it? Maybe I see your rank, that thing that all you "tournament level" players claim is meaningless, and I immediately left a pile of bricks between my legs? Meanwhile, I've played many games against others with higher ranks... I've played cha-mame 10 times (managing to only win once)

    And yet... I'm scared... of you? I bet the world you live in rains Skittles as well.
  19. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    A timely recommendation then lol. And your user name gives the impression that you were furiously palming on the keyboard in haste.

    I don't want us to turn the good games thread into a flame war so I guess I'll just take you at your word that you've refused to play me for weeks based on something other than us being close in rank.

    Our connection is fine, I'll be coming for you.

    edit: oh and I'd already beaten you easily the first match and the second one was far from over. I've also been demoted at least 5 times by challenging people who were getting the better of me repeatedly at the time (whiteworm, GentlemanThief, le-ang yeoh to name a few). I'm not afraid to lose at a video game so let's stop trying to make me look like a puller k? Thanks.
  20. My user name is the result of having no intenion of being an active member here. I'm here because someone told me to check it out. Well, that's what I'm currently doing. This is just me window shopping. I don't plan on being here much more, if at all, beyond tonight. This is a community for a game that I likely will never play again in another month.

    And seriously, stop with this "for weeks" nonsense. You've challenged me a couple different nights over the course of the last few weeks. That is a far goddam cry from what you're pretending it to be.

    But if you insist on living with your hubris and want to continue with your act of "for weeks" then let me ask you one question:

    If you challenge someone, and you KNOW they aren't going to play you (regardless of the reason) then WHY would you constantly challenge them... "for weeks?"

    The answer is you wouldn't. The alternate answer is you DIDN'T. So stop with the act.

    I also love how, in spite of you knowing I beat you, you still act like you'd walk all over me. If we played 20 games, would you win more than me? Absolutely. But would you destroy me? Fuck no.

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