PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    He saw my post here and we exchanged messages on PSN. I have nothing to say to him. It's whatever now.
  2. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Got my first hate mail in a long while. Apparently 'WILLIET96' thinks my Eileen was overpowered resulting in his losses. If you're a Taka user and you think Eileen is overpowered you got problems. In case you're wondering it'll take most folks here more time to finish a sentence here than it would take to beat this guy.
    steelbaz likes this.
  3. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Bgs and lol @ fiRsTcLAiMs. I challenge him 2 times, won both. Then he messages me saying I over use combos and I dont know how to use Kage. While he doesn't know how to use pai and just spammed her 2pk. He tells me I need to play fair lol after I punished his scrubby ass
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    haha, BG to fiRsTcLAiMs.

    Scrubby Pai, I'm surprised he's an Assassin rank. Repeats 2KK constantly, gets crushed, then claims that I have no skill because I "combo spam". Well, why the hell not? Do the same move, why shouldn't I punish it with a combo?
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  5. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    :confused: ~highly confused by previous 3 posts~

    Edit: Mods at work, quick clean up, good show gentlemen...
  6. TaNooki_kun

    TaNooki_kun Well-Known Member

    BG to senpai21: Lion player, Assassin ranked (which i feel didn't match his skills), beat him 3-1 and he dc'd (oh, that explains it) really there was no good reason for it since the connection was good and since I'm Beserker there was no danger of losing that much rank points. Watch out for this guy... Maybe it's just a one time ragequit but I'll be keeping an eye out for him since I could be in his ranking range pretty soon.
  7. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    you got victimized by senpai :) He's free rank point tho.
  8. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Yea i can secon this, hes a bitch. I only got a "fuckin grabber" after three fights:/
    Well some free points at least
  9. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I lost to firstclaims a few times yesterday :( I had to stop playing for a few hours because I hated myself so hard I could no longer concentrate. he didn't talk shit to me or drop, he just played scrubby and revealed a scrubbyness in myself I thought I had left behind, the reality check I received was uncomfortable and hard to take. BGs to myself
  10. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't fuck with him...
  11. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

  12. TaNooki_kun

    TaNooki_kun Well-Known Member

    Ah good to know his treachery has been documented before, now I can give him the cold shoulder with a smile on my face. He would be free rank points if he didn't dc. I only played him once and he dc'd... Talk about having a trigger finger.
  13. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    Beware of raipochan (Warrior), he's another rage quitter.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Some guy called Detriment (maybe some numbers in there somewhere) is a puller. He beat me the first fight, we did the second fight and he pulls as he's about to lose the last round. His rank is the one above Shatterer, whatever that is.
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Detriment has never pulled on me. Are you sure that it wasn't a random disconnect?

    The rank above Shatterer is Destroyer.
  16. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    man, the people mentioned the most in here are the people I see online most generally :(

    seems like the only players left are pros and trolls, need more people my level damnit!
  17. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Very unlikely. There were no connection issues at all during the first match, which he won. Second match, everything was smooth until I slapped him with two back-to-back throws from his tech-rolls, and then it just disconnects.
  18. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Hm Detriment never DCed against me either. And i even deranked him from assasin back to berserker once. He was a really good sport then.
    Maybe he had a bad day or it really was PSN.
  19. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Same for me, even if I won most of our games, detriment99 kept challenging me and never disconnected.
  20. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I played him again for a couple of games today. Won some, lost others. No D/Cs, so maybe it was a PSN issue. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since you guys vouch for him. He is a good player, so I do look forward to playing him again, especially, since I ranked up to his rank now.

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