PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    yeah, GT is sick (and he's on this site, his username is Lucky_GT or something).

    speaking of RubMahBallzandgivemea69, BG to him for continuously ducking me. :I
  2. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    I can't believe I am doing this again, but there seems to be no way around it!

    This is a bad game thread, which means..... just bad games. How can you say BGs to a person who doesn't even play you? He ducks, of course, but he has every right to choose his opponents as a feature provided within the game. If he only wants to accept the matches he is likely to win, how does that concern me (or anyone else)? I can understand the frustration of another StormLord or closer ranked player, but it doesn't even matter to the rest of us. It's his choice to make, to call it a defiance of "honourable", "respectable" or "moral" attitude is just like hating abare. They are free to play whomever and however they like. Why give them any importance in first place?! Do we just want to play them to stroke our ego and show them how bad they are and upload the replays/boast about it? Yeah, that is why this thread is full of only one name: BlackBeltSpartan. If that's the reason, here's a hint to make us all comfortable: they've already lost when they didn't accept the challenge out of fear of losing!

    Just to be clear, I neither practice nor condone this approach and I personally accept almost all challengers, even Kyus and Dans from time to time. But once again, a challenge needs the approval of both players. If someone doesn't accept your challenges (or "peeks") after several tries on different occasions: say "fuck this guy" and challenge someone else, works like a charm for me. As a matter of fact, you probably wouldn't enjoy/learn from playing that match anyway!

    To quote the very first post on this thread (bolded the keyword for emphasis):
  3. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Had the same thing happen
  4. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't ever suggest that every player doesn't have the right to decline matches for any reason, as designed by the developers; I'm just saying that it makes them a punk bitch in my eyes, and a bad sport, which is what I interpret the BG thread to be for: calling out bad sports. Obviously, a person could interpret it more strictly (which would be pointless to argue about, considering the inconsequentiality of the topic), but we're all playing the same game, and, in this case, I'm just making my point that I don't think that we have to get all the way into a match for me to say that a player's approach to the game rubbed me the wrong way.

    If I challenge a player and he declines based on my rank, he's a coward, and he just wasted my time, and bad game to him.

    Koenraku and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    The ranking system is pretty meaningless and easily gamed. Here's the real problem: everyone takes this system too seriously.
  6. Dr_Tom

    Dr_Tom New Member

    So I don't post here often, and never in the bad games thread, but I just wanted to say, I ran into Tuch_MyBalls6699 and beat him with my really really bad Wolf 3 rounds to 1. I've uploaded it if people want to laugh at a terrible match. My PSN ID is Dr_Tom_
  7. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    BG to VF's broken low punch especially Lion's. BG to Lion's low kick too!
    BG to AM2 for taking away the shift attack from VF4, forcing me
    to leave Shun and use Taka :)
  8. Omnistalgic

    Omnistalgic Active Member

    I don't know about meaningless...for example in SF4, you literally had to just keep grinding all day! At least with VF5, you have to beat people on your level to rank up, or you get demoted. If you see a person with 5000 matches and he's only a Hunter or Raider, usually that means he's not that great.

    So the system takes so long to reach a decent rank with grinding, the number or games you have will still reveal whether you suck or not.
  9. Jacky22

    Jacky22 Active Member

    Not true, SF4 gives a huge reward if you beat someone much higher ranked, but you get not much for beating lower ranks.

    VF5 gives you nothing if you beat someone higher, but always takes away a huge chunk when loosing to someone within your rank, 3 losses, half of your bar gone.

    The biggest problem however, once you rech Assassin, then goodby SEGA Ranking System, look at Scoreboards, 8/10 players past Assassin are japanese, which means next to no competition unless with japanese Account.

    Thats why many players past warrior simply grind Beginners, dodge or start cherry picking,

    You cannot derank once Hunter, Sega should do the same once you reach Warrior, more fights this way, less dodging/cherry picking
  10. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    Players with high ranks can turn out to be crappy. On the flip side, low-ranking players can turn out to be pretty good. You can't judge a player solely on their rank/number of matches. That's one of the problems with this ranking system: it's not accurate enough.
  11. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    I'd say it's pretty darn accurate. Most of the very good players I've seen have high ranks, and most of the really bad ones are appropriately stuck where they are.
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Meh I barely play ranked, think i'm still in the second group or something, but i've seen lots of bad players of high rank that challenge me because of the lower rank. They usually end up losing and don't rematch, but they're really bad. Decent amount of high ranked players that are really good too, kind of a mixed bag imo. There are definitely a lot of fraud ranks that i've run into, but again I rarely play ranked unless it's to hunt down someone that's on my friends list for matches :D
  13. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    I Personally Think Ranking Up Is Like Prestiging In COD... It Doesnt Matter. Low Rank Players Could Be Good And High Rank Players Could Suck. I Stop At Raider (with 300 and something matches under my belt. having 5000 is over board. lmao) Because I Got Bored With Rankings. In Order For Me To Get Better And Consistantly Play Good Players Is In Rooms. I Think Where The Ranking System Fails Is When You Rank Up Regardless When You're A Kyu Or Dan Win Or Lose. But Then I See Their Reason As Well. They Got To Reward The Beginner Players Some How Lol. But To Cherry Pick Your Matches Is Lame. I Play Everyone No Matter What Ranking. High Or Low. Lol
  14. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    I hate having to call out people on forums, but there's been a player who's been consistently refusing to fight me.
    It's Darksoul173, and I know he's on VFDC, from what I hear he's a pretty decent player.
    It don't really mind the fact that he doesn't want to fight me that much, the problem I have is that he doesn't tell me WHY.
    He's a higher (Veteran) rank than I am (Defender) and we have a good connection (2 bars), but he quits as soon as I challenge him and ignores all requests for an explanation. I sent him several (polite) PMs on PSN, I sent him a PM on VFDC and I quoted him in the Bad Games thread, yet he has never once replied.
    If he just explains to my why, then I won't have to keep challenging him.
    Anyone else know/play him?
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Well Vencabot... I guess its bad games because if i do decide to play bullshit ranked... Im not beating on players 2 groups lower than me most of the time... sorry.. if you feel this way and your on Xbox live make a room or some shit and i will find it.. Everybody griping about the same shit but dont invite people on they friendlist to battle.. i can care less about rank cause it about meaningless but don't complain about people not playing you when you know how the game works in online ranked...
  16. Omnistalgic

    Omnistalgic Active Member

    yeah I played him, he's pretty good, our connection isn't that good though which I think affects our matches, he maybe better than what we've even played, had some nice lion combos. maybe the connection on his end wasn't saying 2 bars or something I dunno? PM him....

    I also think the rank system needs some adjusting, and I remember SF4 does reward you more for beating someone with more BP/PP than you, but the system in place with VF5 is still decent, in SF4, you can't get a B+ and then get demoted to B or B-, that's my only point really. After a while of losing something negative happens to you in VF5, they just should balance it out a bit, but the thought process behind it is cool I think, just not executed perfectly.

    Ranked is not pointless regardless though. See if you can shoot up the ladder with relatively low amount of games, that's the little test I give to myself. I hit Assassin, but I'm not dominating like I did when I was a defender, so after that, I goto player matches and see what I suck at, and then play rank again and see if I can breeze through the players on my level. You can always use a system as a test, and I think that's what Rank is, and it's why Rank is so appealing in the first place.

    Even if you're a genius, it's nice to have the degree/noble peace prize/awards that say you are. That's the appeal of rank, an online trophy, and to find other good players to add to your friends list.
  17. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    I already PM'ed him, both multiple times on PSN, on this tread, and a personal PM to his mailbox too, only silence...
    I try to keep the matches in my rank bracket (Defender-Sentinel-Guardian) but when no one else is available I fight anyone. I actively avoid assassin or higher as of now, since I know I'm just not good enough yet. People say rank is worthless, and sure you have excellent Hunters and sucky assassins, but as a general indicator it's ok
  18. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Well i usually keep out of this kinda stuff about calling people out, but i think i gotta chime in for darksoul here. He has always been playing me without any problems, even when he lost and even though im a few ranks higher (and play his nightmare character jean:p).
    I could only imagine that he declines your matches when hes in a longer set with someone, like he was with me today, or because your smiley might still be yellow.
    I read your thread about wanting to get it green again, but you sure cant blame him, if he hasnt and doesnt want to play people without a green smiley.
  19. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Supreme B, I have played with Darksoul many times and he never refused to play with me. He is a very good player and a respectable opponent. I think everyone has the right to choose their opponent. I challenge high rank players, low rank players, people who have the same rank as me. If someone doesn't want to play with me in Ranking, I totally understand it. It's no big deal. Above all, VF is a game that all players should enjoy.
    Shinzu921 likes this.
  20. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    He also runs from me as soon as he sees me. When I asked why, he just told me via psn:

    " I donĀ“t do bars".

    .-Shrugs :confused:

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