PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music rumor

Discussion in 'Console' started by 420Gamer4Life, May 22, 2007.

  1. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    shang one question. is that really your boyfriend in the picure? i bet you guys tap each other in the face with your wands.
  2. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    1) All signs are pointing to this being true. But I agree, don't have high hopes. May as well be pleasantly surprised than horribly disappointed.

    2) I believe it works for any game. How does it work for the 360? Cause the in game XMB would be the same thing as how the 360 does it.

    3) I agree. >.>
  3. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    shang do you use strap on wands and double sided wands with the guy in the picture?
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

  5. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    so it is a valid topic then. so why do some of you choose to attack me. oh yeah thats right cause im new. you guys are dicks. instead of taking the higher road and not responding to something that may bother you, you choose to insult me. what makes you think im not going to insult you back.
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    People insulted you because you are stupid, but you are too stupid to realize what a stupid idiot you are. You should learn how to shut the fuck up until you absolutely have to open your mouth, that way people would at least presume you are average intelligent; which is the advice I gave you. But now you opened your mouth too fucking early and people know you are a stupid fuck. Just delete VFDC from your favorite menu and never visit this site again.
  7. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    no wonder theres not more people on this forum. its because of all you judgmental assholes who look down on topics and posts from people who are new on here. i can hear it now, no we dont. i bet some of you guys have done this before to other people who are new on here. just cause some of you think you know everything there is to know about VF. yea right. ive been playing VF since the first game was released but im not a know it all dickhead like some of you. damn if you dont like the posts and topics just dont respond. some people might want to though. no wonder theres not more members on here.
  8. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    to the rest of you who arent dicks. respond if you want with what music you would listen too.
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    hey dumbfuck, you are the one who started using penis references on people. you are the one who keep on replying to yourself while spaming the board. quit crying with your "you insult me because i'm new" bullshit, you sound like a fucking 2 year old who got his candy stolen. blame people, blame society, blame parents, blame everyone but yourself.. people treat you like a dickface because you are a dickface. quit acting like you are some helpless shit getting bullied on, take some responsibilty, go suck a dick.
  10. ironzen

    ironzen Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    LOFL, VFDC is the greatest forum ever
  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Eating penis is actually a manly thing to do.

    Completely different than sucking a penis.

    I'm not man enough to eat a penis I'll say that now, it takes alot of guts and a real man to do it.

    Using it as an insult only achieves the opposite effect.
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    I don't have to be a mediator to care about what goes on here. Just like I don't have to be a cop if I see someone trying to steal from you and I stop him.

    Your posts are mostly about you and what you want and like. So far...

    I know you plan to smoke pot every time you play a video game for the rest of your life.

    I know that if I planned to meet you in person I could make your day by bringing along a bong as a toke(n) of good will.

    I could listen to the 300 soundtrack ahead of time so when we sat down to play VF, I could make this awesome be-nice comment: "Whoa, track 2 of the 300 soundtrack is perfect for this fight."

    I know that if I disagree with you, I'll probably have a bunch of genital-related insults thrown at me.

    Please don't take this the wrong way... this site is not Most people probably come here to learn about VF and not about me or you.

    Back to your topic... Rumors have no real value - even if they are proved true (cause then, they aren't rumors anymore). If you only posted when you had real insider info and it always came true - you'd be revered as the guy who knows things and people might back you up.

    I have not seen anyone publicly backing you...

    about anything you post.

    I like this board a lot. I want to read about real things. I don't like wading through a bunch of rumors. I don't like our server being weighed down by a bunch of data that only means something to 1 or 2 of the 9653 people registered here.

    You can post what you want, in any style you want. If it's rumors, try going to the general section and posting everything in your own thread called "420Gamer4Life's rumors.*"

    *Just a suggestion. Please refrain from putting your bong in my ass if you don't like it.
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Umm...there are tons of new members on this forum. Not just you. Notice that you're the only one being 'attacked' and not anyone else who has registered before and after you. It's not because you are new that people are 'attacking' you.
    Ok so no one can insult you, but you can insult anyone instead of taking the high road and ignoring their insults?
    It's not that no one wants to respond. It's that you flood VFDC with off topic posts, and now create senseless topics. Notice the forum this thread is in is "Virtua Fighter 5 ==> Console" and not a general console forum. Just because something is console related, does not mean it's directly VF5 console related. This firmware update has no real affect on the VF community...
    When I play VF...I listen to VF music. These one line posts of yours are insanely annoying because they usually follow a dozen more one line posts, and almost none of them are relevant to VF.

    Also Shang is proving again his intellect infinitely surpasses everyone else's when it comes to internet forums, brilliant trolling Shang, just brilliant.
  14. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    the topic does state that its a rumor. anyway you guys win i'll stop making topics that are stupid. by the way what gives you guys the right to judge if a topic is stupid and useless? is it because you guys have been on these forums for years?
  15. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Why are you still asking questions that we're already answered?
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Because it's annoying and frustrating to see a bunch of new posts all by the same person giving useless one liners that convey nothing new/exciting/intelligent.

    Basically, you are wasting everyone's time. People are complaining because there is no way to ignore your post without reading it first. Believe me, they would ignore it if they can.
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    Look, 420... we could all put you on ignore but why should a whole community have to go and change their settings just for you?
    The community shouldn't have to adapt to you, you should adapt to the community. Not because you're new but because you dont move into some other people's neighborhood and start disturbing your neighbors that have been living there for years and then get mad at them when they tell you that you're disturbing them.

    If you keep blasting your music and it's upsetting your neighbors, wouldn't it make more sense to turn down the volume instead of turning it up?

    You either adapt to your surroundings or you leave. It's as simple as that. I dont know if it's the "rebel" in you or the "weed" that makes you say "fuck that" but understand that no one is asking you to succumb to their will, there are written and unwritten rules on this site that you are just going to have to get familiar with and respect... unless you dont want to be a part of this community. In which case, God speed.

    I've seen and read posts that got people banned before I even got here and it wasn't because they were new, it was because they crossed a line. A line that got many other people within this community upset.

    I'm not anyone special here and I know we got off on the wrong foot but I would still like to say welcome to VFDC.
    Do you know about the edit feature on your posts?
    Dont be shy to PM (personal message) me or any of the other members here with questions on how you can make your posts easier to read and understand.

    BTW, Plague is one of the coolest guys on this site and when he replied to you he did it in a cool way, he wasn't coming at you disrespectfully but you came back and disrespected him. That was really uncalled for.
    Please understand that if enough people have a problem with you, there is a good chance that you are the problem.
    This is not where noobs get flamed as soon as they log on (or so I've heard, I dont go there), this is actually one of the friendliest and more intellectual fighting game sites I've ever heard of (intellectual by comparison, of course /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif )

    If you choose to stay, good luck and have fun. If not, I wish you the same, peace.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    this is actually one of the friendliest and more intellectual fighting game sites

    You must be high Tony.
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    This thread has way too many future hall of fame quotes.
  20. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: PS3 firmware update version 2.0 custom music r

    OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! you are my hero, shang!! i'm gonna make a shang quote database

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