Possible VF5r console Info?

Discussion in 'Console' started by L_A, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Well, I'd love to agree with you... but I don't.
    The success of Wii has nothing to do with it, as the reason for it is that Nintendo is aiming for the casual gamers audience.
    Sony has stated clearly that they don't give a damn about that and they don't plan on being "like Nintendo".
    There is no doubt that Sony has always set the bar for hardware very high, and there is no doubt that despite many problems Microsoft has always kept good quality of their online support, OS, and other stuff (don't lie to yourself, most of us still use and will use Windows). Nintendo on the other hand prefer for their games and hardware to be for everyone and to be fun.

    Anyway, every company and their console has something good about it, it just depends on the audience we're taking into account when discussing a certain game.
    That's why I think that it's hihgly probable for Virtua Fighter 5 R to come out on PS3 only. It's not a game for "families and their dogs" and Nintendo hardware wouldn't suffice anyway.
    X360 is ok, but considering they'd launch it for one console only...
    PS3! They figured out how to program for the console quite well, and the more powerful processing unit cannot harm any1 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    I would like them to make the game for both consoles, that'd be fun, and I don't think there should be any problems with releasing 5R for 360 and PS3 at the same time...
    Like I said though, if it's one console, PS3 is the way to go...
  2. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member

    And besides, it would be crazy for Sega to realease this game on one console only.
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Um, what? This is directed at me how? Only thing I've posted in this thread is that peer-to-peer is faster for 2 player games, and that FT never got a console release.

    If you want to start console vs. console trolling, you might at least post more interesting links - as far as I can tell, that neogaf thread is mostly talking about how uncommon ps3 hardware failures are ("She hadn’t taken many calls on actual hardware failure"). Aside from, y'know, the discussion of explosive diarrhea. :rolleyes:

    Please keep this shit at least somewhat on topic, which probably means there's nothing worth saying in this thread until (hopefully) tgs next month.
  4. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member


    Sony is amining for Nintendo market. The same way the original PS1 was aiming to the SNES market. It's just they were slow to catch up with the nintendo strategy, and only now they're getting out stull like LBP that appeals to everybody, not just Hardcore gamers.

    Why would they realease a half assed controlled like that, if not for a knee-jerk reaction to the WII?
  5. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member

    Shit sorry KoD,I got confused by masterpoo post. Please forgive.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    You make very valid points. But I do want to add something about the complexity of multicore programming. I can't remember if you were one of the guys who admitted to being a programmer or software developer in your other life or not. There are quite a few VFers that are actually computer programmers, software developers, etc. There is a dramatic (very dramatic) learning curve between programming 4 the PS3 and the Xbox 360. That learning curve can be measured in developer costs and time-to-market costs. That's why so many game developers initially preferred the Xbox 360 (it was just easier to develop 4)

    Learning how to do true parallel or multithreaded programming along with a new game SDK can realistically take 24 - 36 months.
    I know this from personal experience. Take a look at the behind the scenes disk for Metal Gear Solid IV!

    But once the developers have passed the learning curve which is just now starting to be the case for some and still about 12 mos
    away for a few others, then the superiority of your product offerings will start to pay off.

    Sony doesn't have a retire date for the PS3 because they don't need one. The PS3 has enough modularity and processing power to be valid for at least another decade! As developers get more comfortable with this new programming paradigm it will be the preferred method of programming (again speaking from personal experience)

    <span style='font-size: 20pt'>If[/size]</span> Sega is going to pick a single console for the release of VF5r it will be the PS3 (for superiority and longevity reasons)

    Actually, starting with Metal Gear, Team Kojima is showing how its done, and 2009 will be the year /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member


    Sony does not have a retire date because they can't afford to make PS4 right now. They lost 3 Billion Dollars already, Stringer said they wont be able to recoup them anytime soon.

    So their 10 years plan really is a plan to recoup their losses.
    Please not that I'm not anti-sony, but your optimism is too much for me to bear lol
  8. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member


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