Poll posted on SEGA messageboards

Discussion in 'Console' started by Syzygy, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I can't quite understand the complains. Syzygy said they "will be working on [it]." Do you really think that a company like SEGA doesn't give support for the online part of VF5?! Don't be kidding ...
  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I'll believe it when I read it, something, anything!
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Working on the issue is essential...answering to community is not as much...Im afraid. Lets just have faith folks. ^^
  4. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    That board is retarted. I made a post about the same damn thing when the game came out and people ignored it or told me it was fine the way it is.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Which is why I doubt we are gonna get any responses on that forum. Lets just hope that whatever info we provide gets passed up to the developers somewhere in japan... And there might be a change.. These things dont happen instantly.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    This is the difficult part about interacting with the community. You get so many questions and requests that you can't possibly answer them all adequately.

    I also doubt it's Syzygy's job to have done what he did, namely get a few input from vfdc'ers. So it's probably in your best interest to take it as a favor that he did at least post and taken some feedback.

    Even if he did come back and said "sorry but we can't take anymore inputs, there's nothing further we can do," although it would be a nice gesture, but not only would it not change anything, it would probably add fuel to the fire.

    People should have simply expected nothing from the very beginning, as Syzygy has already put it elegantly, "No promises I can answer everything, and it may take me some time as I'll need to make sure and get buy-off from the stakeholders here."
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    One reason why there will be no response is that developers know what they would like to do, but wont have time or resources for it right now. So the intention to improve game is propably there but they can't say anything to the community, because that would be taken as 'a promise' and people would be disappointed when the improvement doesnt come. Most often its quite simply better to not say anything at all if you are a developer.. Nasty but true.

    Well thats my view on the issue after following development of a certain MMO for couple years. Improvements will come but developers avoid mentioning them beforehand. Lets just hope that they will come.
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I agree with you both, Srider and Manjimaru. After all, we can have good hopes that there will be an VF5 Xbox 360 patch related to the online mode and its various issues (users disconnecting from a ranked match, and so forth). I think the poll at the SEGA boards for this issue in particular wasn't the last one. There is no developer for the Microsoft's Xbox 360 that does not offer extensive support for the multiplayer part for their game. And I'm certain that SEGA is no exclusion here.
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, those Sega jerks obviously must not give a shit about us! It's not like there's a long and established process of submitting feedback and proposals to various team leaders and higher-ups in the company, getting the greenlight to use time and resources to address the issue, and then have to wait for the programming/network crew to rewrite a bunch of code and create a patch. Curse you, Syzygy, you and your evil blue-logoed corporation have once again crushed our Christmas hopes and dreams!
  10. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I remember seeing a post about a bug for online. Does anyone know what bugs there are exactly? I've seen the Shun vs. LeiFei bug when Shun throws him out of a stance and switches sides for a split second (maybe not just Shun specific) but is this an XBox Live bug or a VF5 bug?
  11. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I saw it happen in the arcade vf5 last night and saved a match vs phoenixDth on the ps3 where it happens as well.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I've seen that bug as well, happened other night with Aoi Vs. Lau where she just teleported to the other side of Lau to grab from the front.

    EDIT: It was offline.
  14. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Oh, if we're talking about bugs, i've had OS Vanessa's sidestep lancer go through Sarah while performing a flamingo, 2 times - i *guess* the game considers this as if Sarah were *jumping* for a split second there so vanessa can't register her catch throw. The result is similar as when trying to do lancers on a downed opponent: vanessa goes through them and on to the other side. However, i guess because the jump is so low, vane's sprite literally goes through Sarah. Looks weird.

    Of course, maybe that's the intended behaviour that just happened to me with Sarah (lots of flamingo transitions), maybe it also happens with other character's attacks that have a jumping animation. It hasn't happened to me with the other lancers though, just the sidestep one.

  15. Exactly.
    I work in the gaming industry as well, (not fighting games, so don't pm me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )and have been told not to post in forums regarding our games. Simply because most often people tend to "over interpret" or read too much between the lines, so to speak. And on forums, rumors grow quicker than the speed of light. It's better to just be patient, and hope for an update, rather than calling Sega and employees names and whatnot.
    Also remember that not everything is easy to add. If you change one thing, other things might suddenly not work properly. And then there's alpha testing, bug fixing... Be patient my friends. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  16. Syzygy

    Syzygy Member

    I'm sorry to read that not being able to reply has gotten people down on VF and Sega. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif I haven't been able to make a formal reply -- just a bit more patience please.
  17. GoLD_ReaVeR

    GoLD_ReaVeR Member

    I'm too lazy to go all the way over to the sega forums and ask this:
    Will there be a Ver. C(+online) update for the ps3 version (preferably as a (free) download)? I mean, there's a whole bunch of people that bought a PS3 and the game and it's kinda a let down that, especially with the currently available technology, there seems to be no effort for keeping those buyers up to date.
  18. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    its good to hear more people asking for a ps3 update.

    Sega answer so far seems to be sorry we couldn't do it and we won't be updating the ps3 version.

    But there seems to be a possibility that a new disc version with online will be coming out in the future.
  19. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    First of all, I have to say <u>thank you</u> for releasing VF5 to the 360 to begin with, it is indeed a great game, but it seems that there are some things missing in it. While the fighting system is great there are other areas which I was dissapointed with, I know some of these questions have been asked, however, I belive it's important to know that it's not just one person who's interested in knowing the answer to a certain question.

    Will we be able to get the costume mixing system?
    I know that there is definitley high demand for this feature, and I believe people would more gladly pay for this than another hair color and a light plate.
    I know that this feature is the one which I'm looking forward to the most, I was pretty let down when it wasn't in the game to begin with.

    Will we be able to buy arcade ver.C original items?
    Once more, people would be more than happy to pay for something like this, but the latest two item packs we got were beyond a letdown.

    Will online mode be improved?
    The ability to filter through connection, both when joining and creating a game, should be a standard amongst games by now.
    Also, being able to switch stages while playing in private and being able to save replays should be added aswell.
    We should also be able to use our personal messages and our emblems online aswell.

    Will new features be added to dojo mode?
    We all know that the VF5 dojo mode is very bare bones, there are some features that I miss more than others. One is a record mode, this is something which is definitley -needed-. Then it would also be nice if it was possible to not just have the CPU react after a block, but also after a hit and CH, and have the CPU be able to block strings before doing the reaction you chose.
    Say you're doing a 2 hit string on a cpu set to block and then jab, after the first hit connects with his block he will do the jab, it isn't possible to make him do it after the 2nd hit.
  20. GoLD_ReaVeR

    GoLD_ReaVeR Member

    on the lag part, perhaps being able to set a maximum delay manually. It's kinda bullshit to have 4 frames of lag while you're pinging 40ms and it's bullshit to have 2 frames if you're pinging 8ms.
    (1000/60 = 16.666, 16.666*(1+delay), filling in the blanks leads to 5*16.666 for delay 4 which allows for ping 83, 3*16.666 allows for ping 49)

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