Pax East Stream - Shidosha

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Apr 6, 2012.

By akai on Apr 6, 2012 at 10:26 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] Shidosha streamed live from Pax East, courtesy of SEGA, Twitch TV, and Beyond Gaming! Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is being demoed at the Boston event!

    Check out his stream embedded below or at

    Update: Sunday Stream is over. Any additional information from the event will be posted in this news topic thread. Links to past streams [​IMG] <a href="
    /b/314107575" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Friday</a> / Saturday / Sunday

    For summary or answers to common questions related to the console of the game, please check the VF5 Final Showdown Console FAQ.

    Embedded below is Shidosha's interview with Frank Hom. All VF5FS videos from the Pax East event were uploaded to Shidosha's Beyond Gaming Page:



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Apr 6, 2012.

    1. Myke

      But what would make this truly amazing as a skill trainer would be, in conjunction with "Guard or NH/CH" reaction, the ability to select a secondary reaction after the Guard (e.g. mid or throw).
    2. Dobi
      Good games Ken.

      Wasn't the first set already 2-3?
      Why did you continue to play the 6th game?
    3. Myke
      So which VFDCers went to PAX East? I haven't watched all of Shidosha's streams yet in case they're shown on there, but it'd be cool to hear some feedback?

      Seeing Dobi's post above just seems totally random, but I expect that from Dobi [​IMG] Was there a tourney?
    4. Feck
      Shidosha and Kenny (Boston player?) had a first to 5. They started off with Pai vs Akira, the matches were quite fun to watch and it looked like both players had spent some time gettin to grips with the game.

      They switched it to Jeff vs Lion at some point but I got busy so didn't get to see much from there. Apart from that Shidosha was running us through all the options in free training, akai posted all the juicy stuff in the FAQ.
    5. Shidosha
      Ps: to Akai & the others that were in shoutbox on Saturday - that info can now be made public [​IMG]. Still have no clue how mimic mode functions yet, but the build was said to be 99% done so I'll test it out next chance I get
    6. Dennis0201
      What's about "Mimic" option? Can CPU imitate my action or inputs?
    7. Shidosha
      thats what i thought dennis, but when i tried it nothing was happening. im not sure yet
    8. Shidosha
      VFers that i know of/saw there were:
      Masang Lion & his crew (Boston natives, played with shang)
      An OG VFer whose name i forgot (he played Lau)
      Ninja CW (Also a DOA player)
      Godokunodan (needs no introduction)

      I should also mention that I ran into alot of people that knew about VFDC & SRK but lurk the forums due to "lack of any good input" as they said. This game's got interest, we gotta make it look good!
    9. steelbaz
      I wondered if any DOA players would try and get into VF5FS (the ceiling on DOA is pretty low imo)... Game looks slick, we're all just waiting to buy it [​IMG]
    10. akai
      Sorry, not sure what info you are talking about -_-;; . I put everything that I saw in the vids that I / others have noticed in the thread already. If there is something outside of the vids/streams, please share [​IMG]
    11. Kamais_Ookin
      On page 2 akai, you posted everything that shidosha said not to and that it should be kept between us, I think you dun goofed. [​IMG]
    12. Shidosha
      lol yea u posted the "Secret info" pre-emptively but its ok cuz i got approval anyway... but to update you all: the PAX vids are now up on youtube! the interview SHOULD be up tomorrow.

    13. Tricky
      how were you able to post vids longer than 16 min? When I tried it youtube told me I was going over the length limit for a video.
    14. Shidosha
      i met a requirement that im still unaware of
    15. akai
      Ah I did not see the message of not posting info from Saturday's stream on shoutbox (warning: don't post private information on the public shoutbox!) or in the PM you sent me after I made the post. Sorry [​IMG].

      Looking forward to the interview!
    16. Myke

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Uploading longer videos

      All users have the ability to upload videos up to 15 minutes in length. You can attain the ability to upload longer length videos if:
      • Your account is in good standing, as determined by the YouTube Community Guidelines.
      • You verify your account with a mobile phone.
      • Your account has no worldwide Content ID blocks on any content
      On the upload page, click the link to Increase your limit to be prompted to verify your account. If you do not have the option to verify your account, or if you lose your access to long uploads, the best first step is to check your account for copyright claims and strikes.</div></div>
    17. Shidosha
      Pulled from SRK: Here's Godokunodan's impressions on VF5FS.
      I post this cuz everyone keeps asking me how he is in real life. This should answer that for you:

    18. Shidosha
      The interview is up!
    19. akai
      Thanks for the interview, embedded in the first post.
    20. akai

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