Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by adamYUKI, May 31, 2008.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    A HA! Special interview! Listen here!
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member



  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I'm totally down to do this. Let's lend a hand to our international brethren! DABARU!!

    If people want to arrive earlier in the week, please let us know ASAP, so we can arrange a place for you guys to crash in NYC, before we "officially" arrive at the hotel (which will be Wednesday night, September 3rd).

    <u><span style='font-size: 14pt'>AIRPORT / TRANSPORTATION INFO</u></span>

    Please fly in to the following airports (in order of convenience):

    1). Macarthur Airport, Long Island - This airport is closest to the hotel, but flights into Macarthur may be few and far in between, and as such, ticket prices may be more expensive.

    2). JFK Airport, Queens N.Y - This airport is about 1 hour by car (and about 2 hours by train) from the hotel.

    3). LaGuardia Airport, Queens N.Y - PLEASE, do not fly into this airport, if possible. It is really inconvenient. About 1.5 hours by car (and maybe 3 hours by train) from the hotel.

    Please note - that we will only have access to 2 vehicles (3 if we're lucky), and given how far away the hotel is from the airports (JFK and LaGuardia mainly), picking up and dropping people off at the airport will be a nightmare. We will do our best to accommodate you guys as best we can, but we can't guarantee that transportation (to and fro) will be provided. So, please be proactive! If feasible, try to rent a car at the airport and help yourselves. This will help every one out. Coordinating flight times and pooling money to rent a car (and hotel room) worked out very well for Flash, Rodney, Monty, and myself for the SoCal event. Super convenient. Do it!

    If people can start posting their flight itineraries in this thread, that would be great, as it gives us something to work with when coordinating transportation.

    Also, please visit the airport links above for public transportation to the hotel. Also, you can visit this link for travel directions: TRANSIT PLANNER

    Basically, the Long Island Railroad is the most inexpensive & convenient way to get around, but please note that weekend service may be limited! Here ya go: Long Island Railroad

    Sure, with public transportation, it'll take longer to get to the hotel, but it's quite cheap and comfortable! I really recommend this, as again, i don't know if it will be possible for us to pick up, and drop everyone off.

    To reiterate, given our resources, we will try our best to make sure you guys get where you need to be. We'll all figure something out!

    <u><span style='font-size: 14pt'>LODGING & RESTAURANT INFO</u></span>

    So, there are 10 rooms reserved under code name ADNAN. The rate is $70 per night, per room(tax included). They all have 2 full-sized beds. Obviously, it would be cheaper if 3 or 4 people share a room, so if you guys go this route, we can get cots (and extra blankets, pillows, etc). However, in the event that cots run out, i recommend people bring whatever they need to make themselves comfortable.

    Again, the pool will be open, and if our resident VF cooks are so inclined, we NEED to have a BBQ or cook-out on the grills in the lawn. Aww Jeah!

    There are numerous restaurants (and fast-food establishments) within walking distance of the hotel, and the prices in the area are very reasonable.

    <u><span style='font-size: 14pt'>DENKAI CHALLENGE & RIVALRY MATCHES</u></span>

    You've already read about the Denkai Challenge, so TRAIN hard,and bring your A-game, because here's your chance to have your airfare reimbursed! *see details in Switchnationer's post*

    Also, there will be a few rivalry matches between a few of the premier NAVF players. Expect tension, drama, shit-talking, and high-level VF play. I personally can't wait for this!

    <u><span style='font-size: 14pt'>LIVE BROADCAST</u></span>

    Of course, ALL OF THIS VF MAYHEM WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE for the world to see!

    <span style='font-size: 14pt'>ARE YOU OKAY!!?!?

    GO FOR BROKE!![/size]
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Ohhh my.

    Ohhhhhh my.

    Single coolest thing I've heard all week hahahaha.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm thinking about attending this, i'll see how much the flights are and try to work out how much money i'll need when i'm there. If I can get the money together in time i'll definitely attend.

    Edit: Hmmm, would I be better catching a flight in on the day before and leaving the day after?
  6. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg! yoooo that is jeff! XD
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Depending on how many out-of-countriers that come, I may be able to front you around 20 bucks or so. I really wish money weren't an issue for those interested, so I'd like to try and help even if it's just a drop in the bucket of the cost lol.
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Thanks for the offer man, it's very generous of you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif I should be ok though, I earn enough money it's just getting it together in time seeing as it's only a few months.
  9. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    hahaha im already losing tons of sleep over this. THE ANXIETY IS KILLER!
  10. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Only two months away!! Hype hype!!!!
  11. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I really need to start paying more attention to these tournies....
  12. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    If anyone decides to come early, ya can stay in my crib.
  13. PineTree

    PineTree Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting up the Airport and hotel info. Now it's just a matter of having enough money to go.

    I think you meant to say "This airport is closet to the hotel" and not "this hotel is closet to the hotel" haha.

    If anyone from Arizona or even southern California are going, maybe we can do a get together somewhere before we go, and take off in a group or something, let me know.
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Anybody down for a little virtual on action, holla! My raiden destroys all!
  15. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You talking VO:OM or VO:OT?

    Either or, I got mechs that will demolish U YAAFI! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  16. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member


    keep me posted on what your plans are.. maybe we can coordinate something to get out there, car rental etc.
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    sure, I'll let u know ~
  18. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    Twin sticks? cause you know that's the only way to play VO
  19. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    You guys still have any working FT cabinets up there?
  20. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    The cabinets are gone but we can still play FT.

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