North West UK VF Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hello Matt!

    I'm the guy that organised the T5 tourney in the Trafford Centre but I had no idea you played VF as well, it's my main game (that's why I suck so much at Tekken).

    Yeah, we've had a thread here for about 2 n a half years, the last one ran to about 200 odd pages but was full of flames and arguments. I started this one fresh in the run up to VF5.

    Shit, manchester has just emerged with a proper VF scene again. If only Mye was around and Darius still played it...look at the numbers we have now;


    as well as Dan.

    I will definately organise a VF meet at mine this Jan. I already have 2 tvs, we just need an extra copy of evo a ps2 n cables. I also have 2 sticks as well, will be getting a RAP soon.

    Scott, for some strats check here:

    There is loads of good Goh info about. He plays a very basic game at low level but there's plenty to learn with him.

    Matt, NO! Not another Jacky skank lol.

    I will let everyone know about the next VF meet here.

    Take it easy y'all.
  2. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Hello Matt, welcome to the board. Here is a list of the players down in the South West region- Me, ....... and thats it. So make the most of all the competition in manchester you lucky swines. Scott-Goh is pretty limited in certain areas in Evo so good luck with him! His range sucks and I gave up learning him. Gotta dash.
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I'll be back by March and miss VF like crazy so will be probably coming to the first meeting you have after I get back.

    Keep the new guys interested.
  4. Xeion

    Xeion Member

    Now we have a VF4 scene again, i think you know what this means!

    We demand VF4 at Jennies XD
  5. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Spoke to darius and he is getting back into VF as well, so that's another player!

    Good to have a scene again for VF.

    Kage and Sarah for me all the way. Jacky on the side. That's all you need to know LOL.

    Namoo etc etc
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I saw darius in the cinema back in sept when i was watching land of the dead and he said he was getting back into VF after seeing what VF5 looked like but I didn't know if he was just saying, we DO have a proper (if fledgling) scene back up and running again!

    Ok guys, we need to set a date for the next meet (there will be more VF players at this meet than most Tekken ones byt the looks of it!).

    I guess we're not travelling to London on saturday so hwo about we hold a meet then? We could do some North West Ranking kinda stuff or whatever, just have a meet to get back into the game and get to see how we all compare. We'd have;

    Ramsey (lol I know)

    What do say fellas?
  7. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Sat is good for me, I will come after I've been to the gym, I won't be able to bring a PS2 though, cos I'll have too much to carry.

    Oow, a reason to practice VF YEAH BABY!
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Cool. I would text the others right now but I left my damn phone at home and I'm in the office now.

    I'll text Synth to see if he's interested as well as Scott later on. I'll give Darius and Ramsey a shout just in case.

    I swear after playing nothing but T5 for the past 3 weeks, VF evo owns all other 3D games round atm tho I am looking forward to playing some DR when it's out.

    I guess TC will get it first in manchester?
  9. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Nottingham Namco already has DR I think.

    Hopefully MC Namco will get VF5.

    BTW My mate saw Jennifer Ellison in the Trafford Centre in Fat Face (clothes travelling shop). He wouldn't shut up about her massive tits, LOL.
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they are pretty nice and big but they're fake. A mate I worked with knew where she got them done in Liverpool, was some random place hidden away down a back street. When she was in school she had nothing there at all, totally flat chested.

    Still, I wouldn't say no.

    Yeah, hopefully Jennys or TC get DR soon to pass the time till VF5...which they hopefully get too.
  11. kaworu

    kaworu Member

    Gah! I wont be able to make Saturday, I have the Pokemon City Championships that day, cant we do Sunday like usual? @_@ pleeeease!
  12. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    I cant make that one either, Andy when r u back in England?
  13. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I get paid this Thursday, and then 2 weeks after that I get paid again and will be able to afford the ticket home.

    So....mid-Feb or early-March probably. We should have a meet at Shaun's or something when I get back if you want. Or at Chris' if his next one is coming up soon by that time.

    Looking forward to Ninja-ising you all again.
  14. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Got your txt Chris, got your new number.

    Andy, it will be good to have you back. Kage is too much man, LOL. Bet your gagging for some VF play man! LOL.
  15. kaworu

    kaworu Member

    Hey Chris, is it on for Sunday then or not? I won't be able to make Sat' and I want to see Ade's Kage he always goes on about ^_^
  16. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    You will get my Sarah, she will be all nice and warmed up for you. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    doubt I will go on Sunday though, as I'm out on the piss and will (probably) have a hangover. Scott, could you take my 3rdstrike PS2 disc and leave it with Chris? Cheers.

    On a lighter note, I've been banned at

    Please go there and spam the shit outta that site, I don't think any of em get northern humour. Faggots! LOL
  17. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Well I've had 9 months of quest mode only to renew my appetite for the game. Plus it makes me realise how important a regular sparring partner of equal (but a little worse :p) skill than you is.

    Although, I am dying to test out my Akira on someone now I can double-palm like a stick user.

    Aside from in the 46P combo, I still use ABC there but that's just habit I think.

    Fun times are ahead.
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    I personally find your Akira harder to fight against than your Kage, but that's just me I guess. If you could SPOD you'd take him to the next level, that's your only weakness IMHO.

    I know what you mean about doing combo's out of habit. I do 'basic' non counterhit combos loads, even though I spot a CH and can get more damage. This will have to be sorted out for 'max damage' potential.

    Will be great to play the game 'properly' this year after a lean year in 2005. When you coming back Andy?
  19. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    My Akira is too one dimensional for serious play I find. I use (or used to anyway) SDE/Throw guessing games too much and it becomes predictable.

    Started using delayed shoulder ram a lot as an evade beater to compensate for my terrible SPOD inputs. Works alright and owns 2P too.

    I should be back by March, maybe Late Feb and will use Shaun as my training bitch to get back on form.
  20. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Akira's Shoulder is teef, well, you certainly have made Kage look evil, way better than mine, although I would never ever ever ever (you get the picture LOL) drop him. Although our Kage's are different is one of the fundamental reason's why I love VF so much, same character, used in a DIFFERENT way. I don't mean one's good, one's bad gheyness, but the attack/defent ratio is different, which is cool I think.

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