North West UK VF Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    I know a guy from Future Publishing, he invited me to play PS3 VF5 in the offices. Remy came along too as he was being interviewed. They've got the most insane hi-def screen there hence me soiling myself. Cant believe I actually played it.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Haha it's Remi by the way
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Soz Remi I realised I mis-spelt your name as I'd logged out last time.

    That's awesome Dan, who did you use and how did it feel then, majorly different to the VF4 series?
  4. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    It felt pretty similar to vf4 but looks a whole lot nicer up close. It was so cool to try out all of Lion's new moves. I mostly played with him but gave most others a try. Completely forgot to use Eileen at all but played as Blaze who seemed ok. Just amazing on a 70 inch screen though. Gonna be so sweet when it comes out, theres still a small chance of online play but prob not. Hopefully I can play it again b4 it comes out.
  5. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    U lucky bugger. Keep us informed of any updates, nice to hear from you Dan (u are still alive LMAO).
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Thats cool
  7. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I gotta say Angel, you have the best avatar I've ever come across. I have no idea what it is or where it's from, but I find myself watching the little guy spin round and round for like 10 minutes everytime I read one of your posts....
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    it's Jiraiya from naruto dude
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I have no idea who Naruto is, but the little guy is cool neverless....
  10. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    I have no idea who Naruto is, but the little guy is cool neverless....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And don't let anyone try to make you feel bad about not knowing it either. It's the name of a very popular anime all the nihongloids are into these days. Think "Dragon Ball Z" status.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Narutards are dangerous creatures of habit. I don't go near any without holding guard and a buffered Blanka electric shock.

    You got to hand it to the makers for making the fillers the main show. That's incredible right there. Maybe, in the future, intermissions in movies can be the main movies as well.


  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Well I like DBZ, and I don't really see why I would feel bad about not knowing what a particular anime is....
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I was just using that in reference to the people who give you a "you don't watch Naruto?? OMG"

    As if anyone, and everyone should see all 98479285 episodes.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Ah, I see.
    Meh, I could do the same to those guys about many things; we each have our own tastes and opinions (mine just happen to be the correct ones).
  15. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    EV2, what are you up to? A few weeks ago you said that you were going to America and told everyone to fuck themselves or something. Just wondered what that was all about.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I am in America, and you can all fuck yourselves.....
  17. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    That cleared that up then, thanks.
  18. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    I doubt anyones still alive on this thread but I wondered if anyone has a copy of the final tuned character select music? Would be really helpful to me. Thanks.
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Maybe Jide could help you out?
  20. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Thanks Remi, hows u anyway? Come n give me some matches quick!

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