North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    just on a side note, the reason i don't break many of your throw is because you very rarely do them, plus the fact that i am Jacky and I go on a full on bull rush from start to finish, means it hard for you to do any throws. as for the stpm, Onny said exacly what i was trying to.

    Faded, Jackys [3]+[P] is 14 frames?

    Chris, some help please.
    Akiras shoulder ram, is it hit counterable, coz when Andy does it, i follow up with [3_]+[P][P][P], he cannot block the first hit, but the last hit can be crouched under, yet if the first punch hits on counter hit, i thought that the last punch was guarenteed.
    also, can you give me some info on Jackys [4]+[[P]+K]. because i never even know it existed untill you posted it in those combos.........
  2. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    [3][P] is thirteen frames.
    and akiras shrm is exactly -13.

    What this means is that on that thirteenth frame Akira has actually fully recovered from the move and the move hitting him will be a nomral hit not counter hit. [3][P] has to hit on either major or minor counter to combo properly so it needs one extra frame of recovery on a blocked move before you can use it as an effective counter.

    The same applies to Goh's [4][6][P], like Jackies it's a thirteen frame move which needs -14 to combo as a counter.

    Hope that makes sense, I just woke up.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    Actually the last part of [3][P][P][P] is reversable!

    I've been training myself to react to it. (Andy would need a high reversal with nice timing [4][P]+[K]). I often thought it was guaranteed as then you can follow up with heavy down attack, but you can duck underneath it or reverse it if you want. Getting a reversal in though can really screw with someones mind, just like landing a sabaki after a LP > throw effort or something. I was told months ago that Akira is deadly on the attack but more deadly when at a disadvantage. Sounds strange at first but its partly true.

    Shrm, as Faded said IS hit counterable which is why you can get your series in.

    Jackys [4][P]+[K] is a fast jab. Its odd using it in combos too as its over really quickly (when used to begin a series) and so you need to pay careful attention to get in the [7][K]+[G] at the end.

    In the [4][K]+[G] combo [4][P]+[K][P][K] looks like a canned [P] type series ending in a mid kick (I think).

    Shit. Just checked and [4][P]+[K] is only 12 frames. -3 on block and it can lead into Jackys [P] series.

    On a totally random note We're almost on page 100 of the thread!!! Its quite ironic that the Scotland thread and the North UK thread, both with only a few people who post on them, have manged to make over 200 pages between them!

    When I started this back in sept I had no idea at all that anything was going to come from it. In fact the first few pages were an amusing banter between Andy and Ryan /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. Still, need to root out some more north based players and expand our group to a bigger size.
  4. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    iirc the last hit is only avoidable/reversable on normal hit. On mC/MC it's a true combo. But my testing was kind of half assed so I might be wrong.

    People have told me that [4][P][K] has some slightly evasive properties to it but I've never been able to get it to work very well for me outside of combos. Screw around with it, maybe your mileage will vary.

    When the opponent is only at -12 to -13 the best option is to switch between P throw and P big attack. [6][K] is nice in this case for Jacky as it's uncounterable. The great thing about P throw is it totally screws up their throw escape timing.

    Another fun option can be to go for one of Jackies P strings and see what kind of mileage you can get out of that. [P][P][6][P] might be fun to catch him out a couple times if he's in the habit of ducking the third hit.

    Of course when it comes to -14 always take the [3][P][P][P] pounce.
  5. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    Unrelated comment : the new Bo Selecta was absolutely shit. Apart from The Darkness sketch.
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    ok, so if, after akira's shrm he is not being hit on a counter hit, then why is it impossible for him to block the first hit?

    Chris, you said that [4]+[P]+[K] is 12 frames, but it is -3 on block and it leads into the [P] combos that Jacky has, does that mean that i could get a six hit combo out of it?
    surely that would work>
  7. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    I'm not to sure on the reasoning actually. It might be because there has to be a transition to standing normal between move recovery and guarding but I'd just be taking guesses in the dark.

    The important thing is the end result. At -13 any 13 frame move is still guaranteed it just won't be a minor counter hit. Which is why you need -14 for [3][P][P][P] to combo properly.
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    Well strictly speaking


    type moves are really series, not combos. When people talk of combos its separate moves/strings put together which are in-escapable (in most cases)...

    eg Jackys [P]+[K][P] > [2][P] > [7][K]+[G] is a combo but [6][P][P][K] isn't (in my eyes anyway).

    But getting back on track, you may be able to use that as a complete series yes, I'm not sure as I've never really used it. I could check it out if you want.
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    [ QUOTE ]
    Faded said:

    . At -13 any 13 frame move is still guaranteed it just won't be a minor counter hit. Which is why you need -14 for [3][P][P][P] to combo properly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    is this the same for all frames. -16 any 16 frame is guaranteed, not counter hit?
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: TEs

    [ QUOTE ]
    EliteVersion2 said:

    is this the same for all frames. -16 any 16 frame is guaranteed, not counter hit?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes this is true hence why Jacky can punish a blocked double palm with [3]+[P][P][P]
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    dbplm is over -13 frames. i think i get it now.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    Hehe cool, welcome to the kerazy world of FRAMES!!!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Now try and master ARE!

    I checked out that series you asked about and you can certainly do it but not all the hits will chain in a series (the damage meter kept setting back to zero) so its definately something you can mess around with. Jacky has loads of mix ups like this.
  13. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    what is ARE?
  14. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: TEs

    Cheers for the link I was going to add it myself.


    Maybe before you try ARE, you'll want to try ECD (mentioned in the article by Myke) and after that get stuck into some Fuzzy Guarding or some Minami Stepping (lol, Minami Stepping with a pad...your thumb would be bleeding after one round).
  16. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    I know I shouldn't be posting, but...

    I've come out of retirement, our thread is dieing on it's arse, come on people!

    Chris: Hope, Lau is champion now, you've put in a lot of hard work, Chamone!

    Kage and Akira are defenitley NOT overpowered in Evo.

    If we were talking about the original VF4, then yeah, Akira was EVIL in that, he could take half a bar in ONE combo, a light down attack was guaranteed after a SPOD (70+13=83 /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif) (although LOADS of character's were sick then! /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif)

    While Kage is still a 'threat' in Evo, his best VF in my eyes was 3, his elbow could be ABUSED almost to the point of insanity (a blocked elbow recovered WELL faster than it does now), as well as D+K+G was NOT throw counterable on guard (like it is now up close to your opponent). Also his F+P+G flipover throw could net easy 70 (approx) damage. Also, a heel swat down attack was GUARANTEED after EVERY throw he had. His TFT could take 90 plus damage) Oh and to top it off, he had an 11 frame jab.

    So, to put it plainly, Kage is NOT FUCKING OVERPOWERED any more, but a top Kage and Akira will remain 'great in the right hand's' and my 'favourites' in the series and just hope they remain playable to tournament victories in Final Tuned.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: I know I shouldn't be posting, but...

    Wahay! Illegal posting!

    atm Lau is Guardian with a full third set of orbs (as every one I get to champion has) and then I think I'll rank up Aoi. Saw an amazing match this morning between Ohsu and Mukki on one of the media threads. 100% raw Akira aggression, it was almost sexual. Oh and some top Aoi player too which is why I'm ranking her up next. Very inspiring.

    Its a shame Emma had to leave BB...I mean the fight wasn't her sole fault and now shes missed out on getting the money, still she didn't seem to bothered by it really.

    So far the only chars still in the Dans are Shun, Brad, Vanessa and Wolf but hopefully that'll soon change. Planning on getting a Champion each week for the next month or so whislt also trying to get the damn rocket launcher in re zero and then playing through the huge pile of other games I have whilst then concentrating on Akira and looking for a job.

    Cha'mone brother its all taking off...ohhh crab paste.
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member


    Almost forgot about Rooney pissin on the Croatian's last nite, Engerland! ( /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif)

    Chris, is Lau a 'second' character for you, or has the womanly charm's of Pai won your heart? /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: 4-2

    Well as I'm sure you know Pai and Aoi will always hold a special place in my heart but yeah atm they're both secondary chars and lau and Akira I consider to be my mains....for now that is. Who knows I may re invent myself as LM_Vanessa.....haha stranger things have happened, havent they Nadia?


    btw Stevie Gerard actually wne to my mates school just round the corner from where I live. And I actually live 5 mins away from evertons training ground and round the corner from liverpools, melwood. See them going to match days on the coach.
  20. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member


    Actually my mate copped off with a Evertonian fat chick in Brannigan's in Manchesterafter the match last night, although he was a 'little' bit drunk and didn't remember!

    I hav also come up with some 'style' tft combo's just for a laugh. Chamone!

    'Sight seeing with Stevie Wonder'
    'I'll see you next week guy's, well, I won't, but you'll see me!'

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