North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    [ QUOTE ]
    SlimAdey said:
    The general idea I that entered my head to improve from the London player's was don't use more than TWO CHARACTER'S, hell some chose to only use ONE. That's dedication, something which I have took on board. It's essential to know as MUCH as possible for your chosen character's.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah i absolutely agree. most folks should just stick to one or two.. it forces you to learn how to cope. a general knowledge of all characters is useful, but there is too much to learn to be able to use everyone at a very high level. unless you're japanese, it would seem. hehe.

    you should come to london again sometime and try to stay in troc longer.. would be good to play you! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif in fact the same goes for all the "northern" VF players.. we should organise some sort of meet sometime, it would be awesome! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  2. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    When I was using Sarah on a regular basis (I suppose 50/50 with Kage) , I use to pick her playing certain people cos I knew they had trouble with her. Since coming back from London, I have changed my attitude to VF (for the better IMO) and will pick Kage for EVERYONE I play, not matter how much I lose. In the long run, it WILL work out for me, I'm sure of that. To be honest I'm surprised it has took me this look to make this 'decision'. In VF3TB on the DC, I used to use ONLY Kage. I guess that's what too much Tekken Tag has done to me!

    I still might come to this weekend, I will have to get a train there, but can get a lift on Sunday from my mate, does anyone know how London it takes from Manchester to Central London considering I'll have to get a 5pm(ish) train? Is Trocadero open until 12? The only problem is Iron Mike (the guy's flat I'm meant to be staying at) doesn't have a mobile. Mike if your reading this, can you ring my mobile. Or Indeed, if anyone reading this who know's him, can you tell him to contact me? I wanna see Mukkey Akira, that would be SWEET! Chamone!
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

  4. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    [ QUOTE ]
    SlimAdey said:

    When I was using Sarah on a regular basis (I suppose 50/50 with Kage) , I use to pick her playing certain people cos I knew they had trouble with her. Since coming back from London, I have changed my attitude to VF (for the better IMO) and will pick Kage for EVERYONE I play, not matter how much I lose. In the long run, it WILL work out for me, I'm sure of that. To be honest I'm surprised it has took me this look to make this 'decision'. In VF3TB on the DC, I used to use ONLY Kage. I guess that's what too much Tekken Tag has done to me!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    damn, u must of been crap at VF3TB if u only used kage, i mean a team of kages would of got bruck back in the day
    hell thats was the good thing about VF3 Team Battle, it kinda forced you to learn everyone, hell i used to know everyones moves.
    but about everyone only using 1or 2 players for evo aint really true (yes for the shit people) all the top heads i play can use 3/4 or more
    hell VO back in the day used to use sarah/jacky and lei fei!!!
    but as well all know that girl players in jap fighting games have Extra Tings, he just really uses Vanessa now!!!
    anyways as ive said before, everybody who plays VF should be able 2 use jacky!!!
    or lau...
  5. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    So random i guess that makes me shit then does it ? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  6. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    I can use other character's, it's just that I've decided to settle just with Kage for the time being. There's no point in me trying to bust skull's with Lau or Jacky, I just don't enjoy using them find them dull as dishwater. In the future, I might learn a second character, but I'm enjoy Kage at the moment, so I'm stayin put.
  7. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    So random i guess that makes me shit then does it ? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    makes me shit too. and chibita! i heard he's pretty shit because he only uses lion.
  8. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Onny said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    So random i guess that makes me shit then does it ? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    makes me shit too. and chibita! i heard he's pretty shit because he only uses lion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL The more character's you use, the more it dilutes your gameplay (well, that's my opinion). I suppose some top level player's can use multiple character's, but I'm MUCH better when I concentrate on one character, so that's what I gonna do. If I had more time I probably would have a 'second' character, but I'm not, so I won't.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Right on Ade. Think I'll stick to Akira, Pai and Aoi for the future. I know too much stuff with Akira to drop him and Aoi and Pai both have similar games.
  10. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Yeah, Chris, just stick to those character's (especially Akira, you addict! LOL). For me, I would have to use a character I ENJOYED, I couldn't be doing with 'mastering' someone I couldn't care less about, because at the end of the day I play VF for FUN. Namoo!
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Simple fact is you can learn all the chars you want it's all down to how players uses the tools available. Also the word "play" can be taken anyway you like. Anybody can use any char at a very basic level. I.e throwing a throw counterable move, using floaters etc...
  12. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Gutted I wont be going to absolution this year, mainly (Well, ONLY because of how much it would cost, I mean would you pay £51.10 for a one way ticket? Thought Not LOL), but I definetley wanna distance myslef from being just a 'bedroom' player who think he's good to someone who actually IS. (LOL). The thing is, I'll still have opportunities in the future to play Ryan and Co., so I ain't sweating it just yet. London, this isn't the last you've heard of me! AAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH! (Don't worry, I've not gone mental, just getting high on VF at the most, I'm so addicted to the Ninja, it's starting to become an obsession!).

    Chris: At our next meet IronMike should hopefully be coming, it would be great for EV1&2 to face off against his LeiFei/Akira skills, in fact, it would be a thing of natural beauty! Chamone!

    BTW Chris, when are you back in MC? It's just I have my stick with me at work, so could come round afterwards? Let me know b4 5oclock.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Hey Ade, not back in manchester till sunday night I'm afraid. As for when the next meet is, not too sure as I have exams coming up soonish and loads of work to get done but I'll try and make it within 2 weeks time or so.

    R u up for next friday night Ade? I might be but I'll have to get back to you on that. Been totally side tracked by other games since I got Pai to Champion. Collecting her 3rd set of orbs (just to look funky) and ranking Aoi up atm. C u soon no doubt.
  14. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Onny said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    So random i guess that makes me shit then does it ? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    makes me shit too. and chibita! i heard he's pretty shit because he only uses lion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well i guess his emperor akira dont count???
  15. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    So random i guess that makes me shit then does it ? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    who was in the vf finals???
    an who can they use???
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Yo gang I'm back in manchster. I'll try and hold a meet not this sat but next. I'll post about details asap.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Rock on! Look at my display! For one day only I've got a little birthday cake there!

    Ade I'll wait to hear from you soon. I'll try and make the next meet mid may or so to give ironingboard-mike a chance to get up here and show off his badself. Aoi, Pai and Akira it is atm, can't way to see which new char you're gonna use.
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    Respect for the Cake, happy 21th Birthday (RE: Bo Selecta reference!). Yeah, I'm enjoying going through a transisatnial period for a 'second' character, it's proper bo I tell thee!
  19. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchester, 6th of March, League of fury/rage/death etc...

    happy birthday man, hope you have a good one. also, good to hear you are back in manchester, i will give you a beat down at our next meeting. (p.s. check out our thread on the meeting with Faded, the replays should be up soon hopefully).
    keep me posted on the meeting as andy has no access to a p.c.
    p.s. how long are you in manchester for coz i am thinking of going to uni there when i finish my A-Levels next year.
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Manchester, 15 of May, Showdown meet of destiny

    Cheers for the replies.

    I coud be here for quite a while atm not too sure when I'll be leaving manchester. I'm here for another year thats certain but after that I could leave or I may be round for another 3 years after that. Ade and Das will be round for a long time though presumably.

    I'm thinking of holding the next meet on...the 15th may...that IS a sat I think. Mike should be able to make that I think as Ade relly wants him to face off against you and andy. I haven't used jeff in a while as I've been busy with Akira, Aoi and Pai but I should be able to have a few mirror matches with you if you like.

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