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North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Yeah Kate Beckinsale does look quite good in it but the action scenes and story are quite cool too. Bit cheesy but fun. Oh and the guns rock, they modify them to fire phosphorous rounds and silver rounds (it's vamps v werewolves).

    In a way quite similar to The Matrix and Equilibrium.

    Also got Father Ted series 3...will get 2 but it's on 2 discs.

    "Take me to Chris, the unhappy sheep!"

    Oh yeah...

    <font color="white">Maximum</font>


    hope that got your attention of you're reading this. Do you know whether or not you can make it down for the 25th sept yet?
  2. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Players

    Yeah, look's like a lot of character's r gonna be represented, which is cool.

    I won't post anything to do with the plot, it'll probably be what the graphics are like, enemies you fight, weapons, scariness etc etc. Can't wait to get the 'inevitable but cool' UFO ending. Hope their are a few places in Silent Hill that are from the first two SH's ala Res Ev 0, Silent Hill can't be that big.

    'SlimAdey Start's praying for the Emergency Hammer from SH1'. Hope their is still the 'grain filter' from SH2 and their are multiple ending's like in 1 + 2 and the bonus weapons AND is it too much to ask for extra costume's this time round? Tonight I will 'hopefully' find out!

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Underworld

    Yea thanks, that's the weekend I've proposed. I'll need to sak directions and stuff nearer the time. Still not sure what part of Manchester my mate lives in. I'm planning to take an early train for the tourney, then leave for his at 5pm or so.

    Should be a good tournament. The three set-ups sound promising. You can't get enough set-ups even with small numbers, as we know from our getherings in Scotland.

    Btw, hope the pubs in Manchester are good /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  4. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: Underworld

    Just solved my PES3 trade in CALAMITY. PES3 + £10 swapped with GCon2 and Time Crisis2 /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  5. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 25th Sept

    Maximum, do you think you could get any of the others to come down with you? (i want to see a Ryan V Ryan, Kage V Kage match!).

    btw, i beat Andy in a Goh (me) V Akira (Andy) first to ten. i find that Goh's sabaki into the grapple thing works really well against Akira, especially as a round starter, as most Akira players start with either [4][6]+[P] or [6][6][6]+[P], and both of which are sabaki'able and so it gives a great advantage at the beggining.
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Tourney of destiny

    Ok great stuff. I'll provide you with directional details and my mobile no nearer the time.

    As for set ups yeah...in feb we had 2 but there was 21 who turned up so it was a bit chaotic. Think this time it'll be fewer numbers and hopefully 3 set ups, though if at all poss I'd try and stretch it to 4...ok this is just hyperthetical btw.

    2 are guaranteed though.

    Oh and bars and pubs in Manc are very decent...provided you stay in the good areas.

    And if you like a good curry, I live about 2 mins from the curry mile so you're spoilt for choice.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: 25th Sept

    [ QUOTE ]
    EliteVersion2 said:

    Maximum, do you think you could get any of the others to come down with you? (i want to see a Ryan V Ryan, Kage V Kage match!).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sure if anyone up here wants to come they'll pipe-up and say. I seem to remember the general consensus being it's quite a hassel getting to Manchester from Edinburgh, which it is. For my own part I'm able to combine this with seing a mate and having a place to crash so it's no big problem for me - I don't really travel just for VF anyway....mainly coz I'm not that great /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Anyway, looking forward to playing you again Shaun. I'll also keep you informed of the next gathering in Edinburgh - shouldn't be too long away.
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: 25th Sept

    Actually, Maximum, just thinking....

    Would you be ok with this group set up:

    <font color="white">GROUP A</font>


    Now, I do realise you'd be playing RH along with me and Mye but it's one of the few ways I think we could sort it out wth moaning. Anyways, the top 2 from each group go through so you've still got a chance to qualify plus 3 games are guaranteed, one against the guy who came 4th in Evo2K4.

    I'm not so sure we'd have enough time to have 2 matches with everyone in the group stages.

    Would this be ok with you?

    Obviously everyone will get the chance to play everyone else afterwards or before, I'll make sure of that this time.
  9. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: 25th Sept

    [ QUOTE ]
    Maximum, do you think you could get any of the others to come down with you? (i want to see a Ryan V Ryan, Kage V Kage match!).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As much as i feel like humiliating myself in public next month I've already told you umpteen times I won't be going so I have no idea why you're even mentioning this.

    Graeme is considering it I think, but I have no idea what his situation with getting time off from work will be. I think Li will still be in china on the 25th. No idea about anthony, but i doubt he fancies travelling by himself.
  10. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Mike meet at Jenny's

    Hi Mike, I'll be waiting at Jenny's between 5 & 6 Tonight (Fri 13th).

    If your not there, ring me, I'll PM you my number's.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Tourney of destiny

    Yea, no bother, I’m not too fussed. Haven’t really been following the whole organisation side of things but why don’t you do a random draw for the groups with seeded players?

    Might be fairer than just choosing. This way if anyone complains they only have bad luck to blame.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Tourney of destiny


    The full group lists are here atm:


    Now, the reasons I'm sorting things out this way are because:

    1. No good players will knock out each other early (like last time). In effect, I have seeded the better players across the 4 groups as evenly as possible.

    2. Players who play one another all the time don't play one another (eg Shaun and Andy, me and Ade). Plus the way I've worked things out I think most in each group is playing totally fresh blood...they won't have played them in comp before. Bar Group B really. This should also stop players from being able to throw fights and matches in order to come 2nd as opposed to 1st in a group to get an easier ride in the next round etc...

    3. Players are guaranteed of 3 matches in the comp at least.

    I have this feeling if I did do a random draw you'd end up with Andy, Ryan Hart, Shaun and Dan all in the same group or something stupid.

    This way, I'm pretty sure I've got all bases covered.

    Saying that, they may be jiggled around slightly.
  13. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    This way is fine!

    IMHO Chris has a fair idea of who the 'seeded' player's are and all the group's will have some very close EVEN matchup's that will be cool to watch (or particapate in!).

    well , that's my 2 cent's!
  14. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Silent Hill 4 Report

    This is my totally honest SH4 report. I have the japanese version, but this is all based on using the english language (Cool! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif) option.

    1. In the 'Room' it play's like Shenmue on Crack. (It's First Person!)
    2. Their is a 'box' Resident Evil style.
    3. Their is a spare room with a tank of oil (Possibly for the inevitable chainsaw bonus weapon? Watch this space!)
    4. The enemies are much harder (I'm playing on normal).
    5. There is a 'health bar' this time round.
    6. The design of the room has passing resemblances and homeage's to hitchcock film's (Rear Window and Psycho spring to mind).
    7. You can open the fridge.
    8. Their is a grain filter from 2.
    9. The graphic's are improved, although not drastically EG. Their is a 'crackling' , 'worn' effort on the screen when you enter certain room's at random.
    10. There is a phone, but isn't connected to the wall? (You can dial out on the phone and it isn't too hard to find a trademark Konami funny hidden away)
    11. The title screen has a scary ditty.
    12. You can still press R2 to get 'extra' option (but no bullet adjust yet!)
    13. Control's modified and I'm having trouble adapting. Possibly the only negative. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    14. Title sequence is freaky.
    15. No puzzle difficulty option.

    This is a GREAT game (VERY FREAKY!) and my personal best of the year so far. If you have access to a jap/american/chipped machine and like survival horror, DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND BUY IT!

    EDIT: Just checked GameFaqs.com and there is ALREADY Walkthrough's for it! What's the point of using walkthrough's on a game that new? Defeat's the purpose of buying it IMHO, but gonna sit SH4 through on my own, come hell or high tide! It rock's!

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Tourney of destiny

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:
    I have this feeling if I did do a random draw you'd end up with Andy, Ryan Hart, Shaun and Dan all in the same group or something stupid.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I meant only randomizing the weak players, and placing the good players apart in each group, so the above shouldn't happen.

    Anyway, looks like you've put allot of thought into it already, so I'm fine with the arrangements as they stand.
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Tourney of destiny

    Ah... yeah, thanks for bringing it up anyway.

    I'm pretty sure most players will be happy with the groups atm but if there are any reservations by people I may jiggle them around slightly.

    Nice one Ade, sounds like good stuff. Prepare for zombie overload:

    1. Dawn of the dead 2004 Directors cut out soon
    2. Shaun of the dead out soon
    3. RE Outbreak out soon
    4. RE 4 due march sometime I think
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    North West Season results: 25th Oct - 15th May

    Finally sat down and collected up all results.

    Ok, these aren't strictly 100% accurate and we must bear in mind that some players have simply played more games than others but these are overall results from all competitive play (ie all league stuff from meets and the UMSD tourney oh and anything else I have a record of). A "win" is one fight, ie first to 3 rounds, usual life bar and time.

    LMA 29-59
    SlimAdey 38-56
    Darius 34-56
    Elite 68-24
    Elitev2 64-36
    WJ 4-15
    Lead 15-19
    Nakura 11-38
    (Rayne 19-6)

    The start of the next "season" will be 25th Sept, ie at UMSD version2.0

    LMAO gotta love that stooopid name.
  18. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: North West Season results: 25th Oct - 15th May

    Rough win ratios if anyone is interested.

    LMA 33%
    SlimAdey 40%
    Darius 38%
    Elite 74%
    Ev2 64%
    WJ 21%
    Lead 44%
    Nakura 22%

    edit- Rayne 76% wasn't gonna add him since he only came once or twice but what the hell.

    I wonder what the ratios would look like if you had the records of all the casual play matches, guess that's the trouble with tournies eh?
  19. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: North West Season results: 25th Oct - 15th May

    Conclusive proof that I am better than Ramsey /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  20. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: North West Season results: 25th Oct - 15th May

    I noticed that too.

    Pai + backdash + [9][K][K] > Jacky + constant whoring of [7][K]+[G]

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