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North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Well yeah I'm justing thinking of some hyperthetical mind games and all.

    If your opp reacts to your dash in with guard (ie they freeze out and panic guard) then you can throw or jab > throw, or gb > combo/ SPoD etc...it all depends on how much credit you give your opp at knowing how to get out of situations. Of course sticking to guaranteed damage is often the best idea but it pays to mix it up in da ruck.

    It's like I used to get stuck in a rut doing PIT > d P+K all the time. Now I vary it 50-50 with u for a start and occasionally use PIT > PK or dbpm (both guaranteed) depending on position or PIT > evade > gb or [3][K] to stagger crouchers, PIT > headbutt throw ([1][6][P]+[G]) etc...

    I mean it's sometimes possible to rush in after ST and get a nice yoho on the go (used to be able to use sjk too) but most rely on the sgpm > dbpm follow up or guaranteed dbpm. If you take a chance it can sometimes pay off. Then again you can sometimes land on your arse and look like a twat. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    PIT owns for mind games, it's gotta be the best thing on the game for that. The damage you can get is just silly too with yoho being guarenteed from gb.

    Nobody can match Akira when it comes to catch throw "biznessing in da ruck".
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah Akira's catch throw is the business.

    As is SPoD, when mastered, as it can be used against crouchers and hence players using TR after certain combos etc.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah I can nail SPoD now, I forgot to mention that. It's helped my game quite a bit especially since Shaun started his anti-Akira evading spree. I do still fall into the trap of thinking "I am going to try the SPoD now no matter what", I need to try and work it into my natural game more but hey, practice makes perfect.

    backdash, SPoD seems to be a very good round starter too (obviously not every time).
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah nice one.

    The bitch with SPoD is you need to evade to Akira's front. To dodge DFS it's to his back though if you time DFS correctly after your opp TRs they can't actually dodge it.

    Personally I find DLC quite a bit easier than SPoD but I can SPoD bettter on the p2 side than I can DLC on the p2 side.

    Which is ironic.

    It's dodgy on block though -15... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah well most of Akira's good shit is hit counterable (yoho, shoulder ram, double palm, SPoD etc...) Thank god for SDE (almost broken move but I'm not complaining).

    I've started using the knee as a float tool more now since it's only throw counterable, I use it in situations where I'm only 50/50 sure it'll land (I still use yoho in those situations where you just "know" the juicy counter-hit is more than likely. Mainly for the reasons of it being a damn sight easier and no risk of the shitty version of the knee coming out (which I still get at least 25% of the time).

    btw are you sure that DE(MC), ABC works on brad? I tried it on both stances and couldn't land it.

    edit: sorry I meant SDE on normal it to ABC on brad
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    I'm pretty positive about that combo guide as I tested everything to death for about 4 weeks.

    I often use knee when I'm on the p2 side as trying to find the reverse diagonal for my left handed yoho is a cunt but I'm getting more used to it.

    Thing with knee is, once you have the feel for it, you know instantly the moment you do the move if it's coming out.

    I'll go and double check that combo against Burnsie boy.


    ah ok I'll check SDE > ABC then
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    I'm trying to tone down the obviousness of my knee attempts because at moment I have to stick my elbow about 8 feet into the air to do it properly, which not only gives it away but looks ridiculous too.

    Maybe I was just tired with the SDE combo as I'd just gotten home from a 15 hr shift, but I was pretty sure at the time that it wasn't working.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah just double checked...

    sde > ABC will work vs Brad in open for 45 (in closed use dbpm) but he can avoid damage by exact recovery (which is hard in practice for the Brad player in this circumstance as the falling/combo animation is really tight) so if you have the cpu dummy rising the combo will always miss.

    Its like you can do PIT > u or d P+K > sde > DLC vs Goh but it's possible for him to use exact recovery to avoid damage near the end.
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Ah ok then, I had it techrolling me. Good, I thought I was too shit to do it or something.

    I personally use [4][6][6][P]+[K] after a normal hit SDE since I just find it easier to react and use. I'm trying to use the 2/3 DLC thing after SDE after reading your thread though, I didn't even know that was possible but it was a nice surprise since DLC is my speciality and my hands always seem to want to use it however (in)appropriate it may be for the situation at hand. If I remember what you wrote it doesn't work on either Jeff or Jacky though which nerfs it against Shaun but will be good for gatherings no doubt.

    Shaun is trying to play Akira lately btw, he's advanced from yoho, p, crap version of knee combo to yoho, p, DLC for an extra point of damage. Still, everyone has got to start somewhere eh?
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah he posted the other day about his Akira stuff.

    If you're looking for stupid ways to use DLC, how about

    yoho > sde > DLC

    for most LW/MWs Looks ridiculous but damage is decent.

    Also, there's

    yoho > stpm > DLC

    or vs LWs (mainly Aoi and Pai I guess)

    yoho > p > shrm > DLC think it's around 78 on NH

    Oh and get this, vs some LW/MW chars you can do this

    yoho > p > shrm > LP > dbpm and it does 76 on NH instead of the usual 75. A whole fucking point of damage more!! Oneone!!! That's gotta be abusable. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    After NH sde I try to use [1]/[2_][K] to keep up the initiative of attack and not worry about too many commands.

    Yeah Akira has loads of sexy stuff that's simply not possible to use vs Jeff, Jacky, Akra and Wolf.
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Is that yoho, P, shoulder, LP, doublepalm thing guarenteed then? Who does it work on etc? That's pretty stupid since the modified doublepalm is the only hard part of that combo and the LP will let you just hit back, forward P since you'll already be crouching. Can you type up who it works on if it isn't already on here somewhere? I'll have to learn that too.(Quite a bit of new Akira stuff going into my game lately, hope it doesn't fuck up my play too much).
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah I'll go and test the bitch now!

    What else would I do at 4 in the fucking morning? /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    I'm getting paid for sitting here doing this. Weekends rule.

    I hope that combo works on "done handcuffed lightning" boy.

    *eagerly awaits*
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Haha no such luck I'm afraid, thought it worked on more than it did.

    yoho > p > shrm > LP > dbpm 76/91

    vs Aoi and Pai in o/c and Sarah in o

    You can use

    yoho > p > shrm > K+GP 77/92

    vs all the girls though (there is better damage alternatives though).
  16. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Ah well, I'm more pleased than disappointed. The LP thing seemed like it took away any need to modify the double-palm. At least if it's against the girls then for the best damage you have to be able to watch stance and/or do the knee mid-combo.

    As far as I'm concerned Akira should alienate scrubs completely. Nothing was funnier than that gimp who turned up to the big meet at your place and picked Akira - because he looked most like Ryu - against me (also playing as Akira) and proceeded to do nothing more than PK and LP for the entire fight before declaring "this game is shite" and walking off (after getting his ass handed to him of course, beating amateurs is really, really fun. Is that sad?)
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    As for stance, I started watching this since our very first few meets and it's almost like second nature now, it really does help maximise your combo damage.

    Ahh yeah that fucking prick.

    I should have just asked him who he was exactly and what he was trying to play on my ps2, with both my lei and akira files.

    Bloody ramsey, never seen the random guy in his life before and he's playing him for like death matches or something by the time I'd gotten back. Bloody loon.

    I've a feeling Akira may feel quite different in FT though, he's had quite a few changes.

    Sod this, I'm throwing in the towel and going to bed.
  18. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah home-time for me too anyways.

    If you hadn't just got all the items and stuff I'd suggest resetting all the files and making damned sure nobody uses anyone elses EVER.

  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    System File

    Haha yeah...

    I wouldn't even dream of that now, considering there are around 9 Champions on the system file.

    In future though, if people want a totally true record of win-loss (every single fight) then I'll print out a leader board in Word or something and then we can just ignore the number of fights on the system file.
  20. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: System File

    last year when we played a bit more seriously I used excel to keep pretty in depth stat tracking.

    It's a bit of a pain in the ass setting up the original file, but once that's all done you can pretty much just fire in the results after every gathering.


    The tabs at the bottom let you check everyplayers individual record against other players. This is a fairly excessive example but I'd never used excel before and just wanted to learn how it worked. I do like having individual player v player records though, I wish I could be arsed still keeping records.

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