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North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    Hmm yeah they're pretty much what I was thinking but I'll have a proper sit down and think tonight as to what can and can't be done.

  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    Is Dan coming to this next one does anyone know? I'm ass-kickingly better than ever (after finding out I had a huuuuuuge flaw in my game and getting rid of it) so I'm eager to hand out the beatdowns.

    Just a quicky Chris...

    After Akira's b+P+K+G a yoho seems guarenteed under all circumstances as long as you buffer it at exactly the right time. If so then what's the point of the canned f+P?

    (I'd search but this "pc" is beyond shit)

  3. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    Yoho isn't guaranteed after sabaking a high P, the amount of advantage/disadvantage you have before sabaking affects what you can pull off after it.

    There is a great thread that breaks down the sabaki here
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    I set the cpu to "guard all" and "counter with P".

    Then I used P(guarded), b+P+K+G(sabaki on the cpu's P), yoho

    and it landed pretty much every time. I've used it in real fights too. I'm at work so I can't test it again at the moment but unless I'm missing something then it has been working

    edit: just read your link and apparently the yoho is guaranteed when you do the sabaki with at least 1 frame of advantage. ie it wont work if you get a move guarded that isn't adv on block. So in those situations the canned f+P should be used.

    I tend to use df+P+K+G from disadvantages though if I'm going to try a P or d+P sabaki since it beats throws as well.
  5. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    No idea as I've never really tested the high P stuff I'll try and check it out later tonight if i can get my stick to stop playing silly buggers.

    Guard all is not a good test a lot of the time though, th ebest option is always to record the computer doing the move and have them use it on you and then try to escape it yourself.

    Anyways presuming they both do hit after all I'd probably still go for [6][P] if you can do [P] [3][3][6][P][P] afterwards then it's only two points less damage but with an upside of fast recovery and the opponent being face down head towards. As well as it obviously being plain more damamge than a yoho combo when it come to heavyweights.

    If you can't do sglplm-de then the [6][P] isn't as much of a clear winner.

    All strictly imo of course.
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    I can hit it but not reliably, the timing on it seems more strict than all other "hit-throw" type timings, and I'm usually pretty good at them being a Goh player and all.

    I'm gonna work on that combo I think since it's the best damage from SDE on counter hit too.
  7. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    Yeah apparently Kage's dragon punch kick kick kick is harder.. I used to quite good at that kind of thing but now that I'm an old man the inputs aren't what they used to be.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Rules

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I must enter the BB discussion, if only because it's the first and last time I'll do so. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    Great final night. VERY surprised (but pleased) to see Jason take runner-up position, but a little disappointed with his lame behaviour during the interview. How vain must you he be to refuse to watch his own highlights - get a grip! Mind you, the guy speaks his mind, and I think in the end that's what endeared the public to him.

    Actually thought Nadia kind of deserved the win in the end (although I didn't vote for her) . She was the least pretentious of the house-mates, which is a quality I really respect in a person.

    Glad Dan didn't win, although to be honest I'd of perfered Shell to take his position of third. Thought he was quite manipulative near the end and his "staged" exit highlighted where his true intentions lay for the whole show.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member


    Yeah b+P+K+G sabaki...

    I think you'll know all you want to know from that other thread. I like to follow with [6][P] as you can get some 70 ish damage combos but you should really learn to react to what sabaki you get (ie opp will fall back differently depending on what type of move you sabaki'd). A general rule is to attempt yoho or step up and SPoD the bitch, depending on how they fall back.

    As for sgpm-de, I'm pleased to say (no bullshit) I've got it down to about 80% of the time I try to do it. Most top players will nail it every time though (Minami Akira hammers it home).

    The trick, as with some combo timings, is to use "sound" and not "react" to the hit on your opponent.

    Press [P] when Akira says Huuu after sgpm is all I'll say.

    As for sde crumble follow ups, it CAN get you best damage (max I've got is about 73) BUT sometimes the de can miss and you get 55 and sometimes you get 66 because the follow up damage is range dependent (kinda like dbc, dbpm...)

    vs some lighter chars you can do LP > 2/3 DLC (BT) P+K for 70 I think. (I've seen Ohsu do sde(MC) > LP > sde it's crap damage but I've feeling it gives more time to Akira for oki play and pressuring a tr from the opponent.

    I hate to be a gaylord but I put up the Akira combo search stuff here:


    and that's essentially all correct for max damage in any situation vs any char. I think /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

    As for BB, I wasn't suprised Nadia won though I didn't really wnat her too. Oh and Dan was just camping it up like the drama queen he is.

    Andy: As for Dan (Rayne) he's not yet 100% sure if he can make the next meet.
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Just reading the Akira thread you linked Chris...

    can't you do sde, dblplm after his [4][3][P]+[G] throw, same as after his catch to reverse bodycheck?
    it isn't on the list that's all, maybe I'm using a duff "combo"....
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah, you can sometimes get away with RBC > sde > dbpm but it's certainly not guaranteed, the only thing guaranteed after RBC is side kick ([3][K]) and dbpm.

    You can try to forward CD in and use [2_][6][P][P] or depending on your opponent you could even try a rush in and yoho but sde isn't a guaranteed follow up.

    When your opp has their back to you, the general combo of sde > dbpm works well (like in back staggers, PIT > u/d P+K...) as does sgpm-de but after RBC it can be easily blocked.

    For a rather amusing discussion of sde after RBC, check this link:

  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Nice one, cheers. I hardly use that throw anyway I tend to stick with [3][P]+[G] if I'm gonna use that direction.
  13. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Have you got Onimusha 3 yet Chris? What's it like? Bugger all to do here and I need a new game...
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    No, I haven't actually got it yet. I really want to but I can't justify spending another £35 of my overdraft on a game atm. I've heard lot's of good things about it though, so I will be getting it some time. I stilll have around a million games to try and finish already.

    Toca Race driver 2 looks amazing but it's not out yet on ps2. Oh and you can ride push bikes in GTA: SA /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


    Yeah no worries. RBC is only really that useful if you're playing someone who doesn't know how to guard sde after RBC (just tap [6][6] away from Akira as Myke pointed out) or if you've mastered mdbpms from both sides as you need to execute the dbpm without any crouching animation at all.
  15. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah I can do the dblplm from both sides but surely that'll still be less damage than [3][P]+[G], guarenteed light down attack wont it?
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Actually no (though I thought so too at first)...

    [3][P]+[G] > light down attack is 52

    [4][3][P]+[G] > [2_][4][6][P] is 58 (with sidekick you get 54)
  17. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Nice, I'll have to start using that throw instead then. Especially if even sidekick gets you more dmg if you try for the backstagger.

    Playing Akira alot lately, haven't played Kage or Goh for a while but that usually switches around every few weeks.
  18. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Scuse me being bloody pedantic as usual but sidekick is 52 (28 + 24) it sticks in my mind because it's the same as [3][P]+[G] [3][P]. It's still the better option as it's guaranteed and you have a chance at a backstagger for no additional risk.

    [3][P]+[G] is nice if you wan't to do positioning shenanigans but that's about it. Other than that [4][3][P]+[G] all the way. It's actually Akira's best throw when it come's to guaranteed damage.
  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Yeah my bad faded.

    I'd turned off the ps2 as I was typing and I'd tested the dbpm but not the sidekick so the number put was more or less unfounded.

    If you recall the few matches I had after the UMSD tourney in feb, I was totally abusing the flow...

    LP > RBC > dbpm

    Of course you can mix it up by rushing and throwing again/ guard breaking etc after RBC just to put your opp on edge.
  20. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: sgpm-de

    Wont they just dash away though and render all that useless? And if they don't then surely the SDE is better as the dash is the only way to avoid that, making it a NICE chunk of guarenteed damage. Whereas dash-in and throw wont hurt them as much if it works and puts you in a world of trouble if they predict it and throw our Mr Slowbutdeadlyfloatstarter.

    Just my thoughts.

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