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North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Yeah, Chris, some great matches, I think it ended 5-4 to me, you did a sick come back!

    I'm defo intending to stay on the Sunday, I wanna see Mye play someone other than me or Chris (as Chris said).

    Julia's a lot different juggling wise in T5, just do one elbow and MC after to start for a 'base' to start with. I'd personally save a card for deviljin, you never know if the TC won't get any more!
  2. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Have picked up Sarah and I hope to stick with her.Mainly cos I think it would be really cool playing you Shaun as we will both have picked up some good sarah tactics by then. Would be good to be copletely even-character wise.
  3. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    LOL, I'm already counting how long it'll be before you go back to Lion.

    Sarah's a great character, but she's not in the same league as Akira, Jacky, Lau or Kage imo. (Ironically I think Sarah and Lion are after them in 'tiers', but that's just my opinion, NOT fact LOL).

    Hoping to play Mye this weekend (maybe come to your's Chris?) for some practice before next week.
  4. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Yeah, in my eyes, Kage, Akira, Jacky and Lau are the definately the best characters, then I would probably say that Sarah, Pa,i Lei and Lion follow afterwards.
    Dan, I look forward to playing your Sarah, but I don't think you will be able to stick at her, you will get bored and run back to the skank of all skanks!!!!!
  5. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    I'm mainly using Kage and Jacky nowaday's. Sarah's good, but not as good as Jacky.

    Shaun and Andy, are you coming Sat or Sun?
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Hey all, 2 exams down, one to go next week. Forgot to say, Andy, when you do come, can you please bring your ps2, cables and copy of PAL evo as well please, I'll hijack denises tv again when necessary so we can have 2 set ups.

    Was a good laugh last night Ade, T5 is fun to play but I think there are definately a few broken things in it...hope they tone it down for ps2 release. And those sticks are a fucking disgrace. Anyways I'll try and get down in the day for some practice. If you're going again sometime after work, let me know and we can meet up in Jennys and go.
  7. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    I'm going to the Gym after work tonight. I agree, the stick's are awful, that's why I concentrate on Paul and Bryan as opposed to Mishimas!

    I'm getting to the TC about 11ish on Sat, cos my mum's working and I can get a lift there. It's gonna be REALLY busy, so I would advise to get their early.
  8. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Sorry guys, I really don't think we can make this meeting, Andy got fired!
    I'll post more when I know what's going on with his finances.
    concequently, I don't think he will be able to post much any more, as he doesn't have access to a P.C. any more.
  9. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Is that tumbleweed going past our thread?
  10. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Here I am and I'm still laying with Sarah, I'm as surprised as you all. She actually kicks ass and plays in a pokey way similar to Lion (when I play with her anyway)Gonnareally try to stick with her but my tactics are pretty limited. Wheres the best place to find out how to use her?Shaun-got any decent tactics?Slim-I agree,Last Broadcast does own but the ending could have been done soooo much better imho
  11. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Bloody Hell, someone else who's seen the Last Broadcast! I agree, the ending is really lazy, they could have put how he did the killings. I'm all for 'openended' ending's, but it would have been better IMHO.

    Not used Sarah in AGES now, prefer Jacky, much, much better.

    Chris, PlayAsia have got the green based RAP stick! Hopefully you'll be able to order one by Wednesday! (Slim keeps his fingers crossed).


    Actually, forgot to say Chris, how close was our Kage V Akira matches yesterday? Christ, I think it ended 10-9 or something in the end. Nuff throw escapes as well. I think Mye will be pissed off to find out that's it just gonna be us three on Sunday. I guess shit happens sometimes, though and there'll always be more chances. You've gotta be REALLY dedicated to play VF in the UK, I forget sometimes! LOL.
  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Dan, I play Sarah in a very different way to you. I like to use forced choice tactics, by using her moves that are +4 of guard that go into Flamingo Stance (P+K is a very good move, as it has excellent Sabaki properties (be careful though, it doesn't work on disadvantage) and goes into flamingo). from Flamingo I like to apply forced choice, by making to opponent decide whether to crouch-guard, stand-guard or evade, by using either [K], [3_]+[K] or [P]+[G]. when the opponent becomes wise to this, he/she will start using [2]+[P], which leaves the opponent open to [P]+[K] (low punch inashi) which can be followed with [6_]+[K]+[G], [1]+[K]+[G],[K],[8]+[K].

    Also, make use of the Dragon Cannon ([3][3]+[K]), it is 16 frames to execute and deals alot of damage (not even stance specific (check training mode for combos)). she has a full circular low sweep which is excellent for beatinf out evades (you will know how to use it, you play Lion for Christ's sake!).
    Her elbow ([6]+[P]) works in the same way as Jacky's. when is lands on MC or on a crouch hit, then [K] is guarenteed as a follow up, and if it lands on normal hit, mC or is guarded, then the opponent still has to guess between you doing the follow-up anyway, or using a throw or taking defensive measures. (Beware, the [K] follow-up is special Mid level, so the opponent is most likely to crouch-guard, and a normal crouch hit with the [K] follow-up still leaves Sarah on a disadvantage.
    Make plenty of use of her [6][1]+[P]+[G] throw, as it is a decent amount of damage, and due to it's obscure direction, will rarely be escaped. (if you find the opponent is escaping this throw, then they will more than likely be making a concious effort to do so, and this make throw their timing off making them whiff a throw, which means you can launch a Dragon Cannon into their face! If they manage to escape this throw and still guard afterwards, then start mixing up your throw directions up between [6] and[1] (and an occasional Dragon Cannon). this forces your opponent to use DTEG with an obscure throw direction, which is very hard to do. You will only find higher tier players being able to do this everytime. (beware, if the opponent can EDTEG, then your Dragon Cannon will be evaded. in this situation, use the Catch Throw, or use a delayed Dragon Cannon. you can also try using the full circular low sweep, but this moves is heavily counterable on guard, so don't become predictable with it).

    This is all I can think of, but if I think of anything else, I will add it. If you have any questions, just ask.
    Also, Ade might have a few tips, though I think I covered most of the basics...........

    On a side note, Chris, whats the deal with this stick? it looks really cool, but will it work?

  13. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    I lead where other's follow. LOL. Shaun, it's like you've read my mind and copied all my Sarah tactics. LOL. Your defo on the right track with her it seems. I'm using a lot more Jacky though TBH, he's so much better (and much easier to use).

    I take it you and Andy can't make it this weekend? Maybe another time?

    For sticks, get a SC2 stick or RAP IMO.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Sorry man, can't make it this time, but keep me posted and I will try for the next one.
  15. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Shame you both can't make it. Hope you can make it sometime in Feb. I've actually been playing Tekken 5 much more than VF ATM anyway. Although when Trocadero get FT, thing's will change.

    Are you REALLY using Sarah more than Jacky?
  16. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    It's nice to see our thread slowly die a painful death!

    Can't wait for Sunday, need some VF play, it feel's like it's been ages since the last meet! (Even though it will be just me, Chris and Mye, it's better than nothing!
  17. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    Our thread isn't dead, I mean, all that really goes on here is you and I arguing, Chris and Steev talking about various XBox games and Random Hajile making an ass of himself onece in a while.
    As for Sarah, yes I am playing her more than Jacky, as she is the only character I am playing at the moment. I like playing her much more than J+J, but I don't think I will ever be as good with her as I was with Jacky (I have gone 'brown' with Jacky!).
    I still think Kage is much too good, the TFT is unjustifiably over-powered (not to mention ring-outs from THE CENTRE of the ring!!!!!!!).
    +5 on guard move that combos into 70+ points of damage AND HOPS OVER LOW MOVES AND CRUSHES FROM GROUND MOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    argh, the cock lord pisses me off. I think I might start an 'Anti-Kage' campaign.....
  18. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    I don't think you'd be the first person on this web-site to start an 'Anti-Kage' campaign. IMO Kage's greatest strength is also his weakpoint. People are so aware of TFT that people ALWAYS escape it first, not to mention people picking walled level's to avoid ring outs.

    Sarah is good while she last's, but she will get boring after a few months (I still like using her though, just think Jacky is better at the end of the day).
  19. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    At a higher level of play, people always escape the characters best throw, as this is the most effective way of escaping damage. When choosing to throw escape, you don't know what your opponent is going to do, so you are obviously going to escape the most effective throw, followed by ramdom throws after that.
    when playing against Jacky, you should always escape [4], as this is his best throw. it's just common sense.

    btw. I don't think that Sarah is boring is any way, I find the Flamingo stance to be really interesting...
  20. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: 29th-30th January

    OK, Sarah isn't 'all out boring'. It's just I've been using for 2 1/2 to 3 years, and there is SO much more to learn with Kage than Sarah. I think this is mainly due to Sarah being a primarily striking attack character (I mean, look at her frame data, it's all ++++++ LOL) and Kage has much more in term's of depth with Okizeme, Jumanji, Top throw 'game' , half circular attack's etc etc.

    I still think Sarah is worth using and I'm probably still slightly better with her than Jacky, but for some strange reason I remember foot stance specific stuff more with Jacky than Sarah, which is strange considering I've spent A LOT more time with her than Jacky.

    Chris: How did your exam go?

    I met Will in the TC last night, started a card on Ghost Squad (it's SO hard that you won't believe it!). Top game though. Again, loads of head's on T5, still no Devil Jin! ??

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