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North UK VF thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by LM_Akira, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament


    Big thanks to all those who showed and made it worth while. Shame we couldn't have a proper knock out stage and all but hopefully we'll pick up interst with other players soon. Hope everyone else enjoyed it and got home safely.

    Before I say any more heres the results in all their gory detail. If anyones interested to know, we played a small league of everyone vs everyone, best of five fights (ie first to 3 wins in a fight) and one fight was best 3 of 5 rounds. Hopefully have some of the many replays we saved on here soon. Heres the matches:

    Shaun vs Nakura Jacky-Pai 3-0
    Shaun vs Darius Jacky-Lion 3-0
    Shaun vs slimadey Jeff-Sarah 0-3
    Shaun vs LM Akira Jacky-Akira 3-0
    Shaun vs Elite Jacky-Goh 2-3

    Elite vs Darius Akira-Aoi 3-0
    Elite vs Nakura Akira-Pai 3-0
    Elite vs slimadey Goh-Sarah 3-0
    Elite vs LM Akira Goh-Akira 3-0

    slimadey vs Darius Kage-Lion 2-3
    slimadey vs Nakura Kage-Pai 3-1
    slimadey vs LM Akira Sarah-Akira 3-0

    Darius vs Nakura Lion-Pai 3-0
    Darius vs LM Akira Lion-Pai 3-0

    LM Akira vs Nakura Akira-Pai 3-2


    Elite 5(1)-0
    Shaun (Elites brother btw) 3(2)-2
    slimadey 3-2(1)
    Darius 3-2(1)
    LM Akira 1-4
    Nakura 0-5

    The wins-losses in brackets refer to the finals. For the final we had second vs first placed in the league with the 2 placed person needing to win twice...however we had 3 people in second place. So, what we did was a match between the three and the person to win twice would play the top placed player:


    Darius vs Shaun Lion-Jacky 0-3
    slimadey vs Shaun Sarah-Jacky 1-3


    Elite vs Shaun Wolf-Jacky 3-2

    Final standings:

    1. Elite (Goh, Wolf, Akira)
    2. Shaun (Jacky, Jeff)
    3. sliamdey (Kage, Sarah)
    3. Darius (Lion, Aoi)
    5. LM Akira (Akira, Pai)
    6. Nakura (Pai)

    So Elite was the overall winner, nice pad skills man.

    WackyJacky was round in the morning sessions when we were all limbering up but sadly dissapeared after a few games of pro evo 3. For the record heres everyones results:

    GOH 7th Kyu 19-4
    WOLF 10th Kyu 5-3
    AKIRA 9-0??? not sure as we couldn't fit you onto the file

    JACKY 6th Kyu 25-12
    JEFF 10th Kyu 3-4

    JACKY 7th Kyu 17-20

    KAGE 6th Kyu 21-27
    SARAH 7th Kyu 18-13

    LM Akira:
    AKIRA 2nd Dan 113-127 (11-25 on the day)
    PAI 8th Dan 131-5 (0-3 on the day)

    PAI 8th Kyu 7-28 (7-24 on the day)

    LION 7th Kyu 16-13
    AOI 10th Kyu 3-5

    Some thoughts...

    Me: Never really got into the swing of things really which was a bit dissapointing. Played better in the morning session than in the tourney which was in the afternoon, kinda lost my way with Akira. TEs were poor as was any nitaku guessing games. Not one single SPoD or DLC to be pleased with but the one thing that did cheer me up was my guard break on Pai (sorry Nakura): [6][P]+[K]+[G]>[6][6][K]>[P]>[6][6][K][K] hehe thanks to DongPal for that one. Messed up some combos and knees but I though I was good when in form just too slow at reacting. Not too sure why I gave Pai a spin but I'll be training her like no ones business
    for next time.

    Nakura: Considering you don't even own a copy of evo nor played much of it for a while still put in a brave performance. Got your excellent Vs slimadey and WJ saved so hopefully get them up soon. Always close matches between us as usual.

    slimadey: God damn Sarahs too frustrating to play against!!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Enjoyed those Kage-Akira fights and got them saved (all the best ones). I'll be ready for your Sarah next time hopefully.

    Darius: [2][P]>[2][P]>[2_][K][K]>[2][P]>[2][P]>[6][6][K][K]>[2][P] etc...hehe just kinding /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. Not played a Lion player before but had some very good close matches with you in the palace. Let you know as soon as poss about the next one and I'll be ready with some SC2 as well.

    WackyJacky: Machi as usual but some nice attacking going on for a change. You sure do know how to rape a move though /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif. Nice Akira-Jacky matches.

    Shaun: Nice Jacky man not seen one as aggressive as that before. The league matches I had against you were pretty shocking on my behalf but I least I threw in some reversals hehe. Oh yeah nice Jeff too, nice one on beating Ades Sarah.

    Elite: Respect dude nice pad skills. Strong Goh, Wolf and Akira (nice DLCs btw). With any luck I'll give yu more of a challenge next time.

    Well. I'll let everyone know when the next meet is as soon as I have a free weekend (probably in a few weeks time). I'm off to watch some replays now and study hard at some frame data.

    Till the next time peeps take it easy /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

  2. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Good stuff guys, if you can try and keep this gathering in a 1-2 weeks basis with this amount of players, it won't take to much time before you are going to develop some serious skills.
    You still have to practice though. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    Good stuff organizing all this LM-Akira, I’m looking forward to the media! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Yes thats exactly what I wnat to do, time permitting that is. Holding a meet every few weeks will certainly give players a better understanding of the game and how to play it. Like I say HOPEFULLY me and Nakura can sort out some replays soon, I'll have to get in touch with him about it.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Had fun guys, I'm definitely up for making it a regular thing. Bit disappointed with me messing up combos etc etc but I guess it's to be expected since I'd only been playing that config for 2 days. Should be better next time so watch out /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

    Shaun says he's up for coming again too, but he wants slimadey's Sarah to be banned /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Just kidding.

    Oh and Chris, we hardly seemed to play against each other. Look forward to fighting you more next time.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Yeah I'm up for the banning of Ades Sarah /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif. Too fast, too pressuring and too hard to guess throw escapes! btw does Shaun want a better ringname than just Leeds JA/JE? It was all I could think of putting down...actually I've been sorting out all the replays and that and he did manage to beat Ades Sarah 3-1 in the semis with Jeff.

    Yep I only got a few matches against you. Think it was about 3 in the morning then the 3 in the league part. Think I'd lost my way by then anyway, with messing up combos, stances and moves etc.

    I'll try and make the next one mid to late november on a saturday again to give everyone a chance to practice, then hopefully another before christmas. After christmas and we all get used to playing each other would could throw some money down and make it interesting.

    Never got to use my Goh and Aoi either. I was determined to get better with Akira and I've no idea why I used Pai as I hadn't picked her up in weeks. Think Nakuras started to use Brad too so that should be fun. I think some mirror match ups next time would be cool too (Ade also uses Akira)...hehe no one else uses Sarah /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.
  6. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Thanks for saying my Sarah should be banned, I didn't realise I could use well, but you have to remember I lost in the end! /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif. I've been working on my Sarah a lot, trying to use some of the moves that seem useless (wait and see! cue maniac laugh ha,ha,ha!!!!!)
    . I have also been mastering Kage's knee based tft juggles (on both 1p and 2p side), so 70 juggles will be coming up ( /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif).

    Oh, and there are quite a few Sarah player's in London for some mirror matches for some time next year if we ever travel down there!

    As a teaser, here's a Pai only Sarah juggle (Closed), on CH, [3][3]+[K], [3][P],[K] [P][P][P][K] (86)

    Chamone Mo'fo!
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Mirror matches with your Kage and Akira will be fine for now, just need some more strats with my play for both of them. Hmmmm that Sarah stuff sounds worrying, better get plenty of sabaki-reversals in, when your in that damned flamingo stance!
  8. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Hehe, Sabaki's eh? Throw abuse WILL happen!! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif Just joking!! Better go the boss is coming back from lunch! (The internet ban is STILL on, but I like taking risk's!).
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    God damn her throws are too awkward to guess...unless its the old gatling gun kick ...bish, bash, bish, bash, bish...etc GO BACK HOME! Sheesh that internet ban sounds bad.
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    I'm looking forward to an Akira mirror match with you, and Shaun says he's gonna start playing as Sarah so Ade will have some competition too.

    I'm liking the money idea, although it might feel like stealing after I beat you all day. (Just messing)

    Shaun's ring names at home are "Jet" for his Jacky and "Warlord" for his Jeffry.

    Will I be using the default Akira again next time since he's in demand? I'm not too bothered but it'd be nice to keep score with him next time since I don't remember losing at all.

    I'm picking Shun every now and again too just for a bit of variety, not exactly great with him but it's good for a laugh. I'll probably use my Kage as well since I didn't get chance last time, a mirror match against Ade should be cool.
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Yeah that Akira match sounds fun. For the record I played Sarah loads in vf4 ver c and have been getting back into her recently , so hopefully I'll give Ade a run for his money. My other characters include Aoi and Lei (both for a while) and Goh but I can play as Pai, Kage, Vanessa and Brad...well a little. Yeah I'm afraid you'll be "Default Akira" but I'll scribble down your win-loss stuff. Ade didn't even use Akira last time nor Lau and Ramsey didn't use Lau either did he, can't recall? Anyway been coming up with some stuff with Akira and Sarah recently, hopefully next time will be closer.
  12. Steptoe_Akira

    Steptoe_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    adrian: did u manage to get my dvd back for me? thanks!
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Off topic I know ut anyone got this months FHM? I went to school with Jenny Ellison, the girl on the front (actually sat next to her for 2 years). Can't believe shes getting into pop music after her brookside stint. Ah well...

    By the way Andy I put your name down on the Wolf file and sorted out Shauns ringnames. I also unlocked Dural for some crazy versus mode shenanigans. I'll try get players files a few more items and that to make them look interesting.
  14. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Iron Mike: I've seen him, but he keeps forgetting the dvd! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif I'll get it back soon.

    Chris, could you do tactics for my kage, if not, I'll do it on the next meet. Can't wait to do some cracy TFT combo's.

  15. Steptoe_Akira

    Steptoe_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    [ QUOTE ]
    slimadey said:

    Iron Mike: I've seen him, but he keeps forgetting the dvd! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif I'll get it back soon.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    if he doesnt give it to you next time then just put his head throught the t4 cabinet.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Off topic I know ut anyone got this months FHM? I went to school with Jenny Ellison, the girl on the front (actually sat next to her for 2 years). Can't believe shes getting into pop music after her brookside stint. Ah well....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was in fhm when i won the t4 national, although they didn't put me on the front cover /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif mabye if i wore a bikin?
  16. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    The Dural thing sounds like it'll be good for a laugh, anyone any good with her or will it just be mash-and-hope? Shaun beats me with Dural sometimes which is a pain, he's not bad with her /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    Got anyone else lined up for the next meet? The more the merrier I say, also, will everyone that came last time be there?

    I might have a bash on your stick before we play for serious if you don't mind, looks handy for yoho combos (the last double palm can be a bitch on a pad.)
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Ade: I've partly done all of kages stuff...still haven't mastered combos 5 and 7 I think but mainly cos I haven't actually been trying all that hard.

    Mike: Well if you have an ample chest and a good figure can't understand why they didn't put you on the front hehe just kidding. Its actually weird buying it just to see what she says in it...she lives like 10 mins awayt from my place in liverpool (her house was in a drive-by incident over the summer) and my dad sees her round the shops quite often.

    Andy: I'd imagine I can get everyone back from last time...for the record me, you, Ade, Darius, Shaun, Steev and Ramsey (hopefully he could stay a while longer). I'll try and get in touch with Dan as I remember him saying he had a mate up for it. No prob about the stick but i does take some getting used too after playing on a pad (I played pad for like 8 months). The button config won't be a problem though if you're used to the set up ...only difference is the Hori buttons are super sensitive.

    I'll stick my neck out an say the "provisional" date is 22nd of november for the next one though this could well change.
  18. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    On the 22nd I should be in Liverpool for the National Pro Evo Soccer League /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Where is Bold Street Chris - a place called StarGate?

  19. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament

    Shit Bold street??? Thats like the place I live in when I go to town. Its at the very centre of town...it goes down to a place called lord street and then you carry on and end up in ..... Matthew Street! Basically you ca't miss anything on bold street as its not massive and its all closed off (ie generally no traffic). Its down the road from the bombed out cathedral and parrallel to...errm duke street I think. Parking may be a pain unless you know the secret alleyways me and my dad do.

    Is anyone else up for this date? I could always put it back a week to let everyone come as theres no point having like only 3 peeps coming. I tried contacting Dan but no word yet...he uses Lion...must fight urge for ....must not rip Lion ......sorry but


    Hehe. Actually to clear everything up heres who everyone has on the sytem file:

    Me:(here we go) Akira, Goh, Aoi, Sarah, Pai, Kage,Lei, Vanessa and Brad...some I'm willing to give up if we have more players getting involved.

    Steev: Pai, Brad

    Andy: Akira, Goh and Wolf

    Shaun: Jacky and Jeff

    Ramsey: Jacky(who else?), Lau and Shun

    Ade: Sarah, Kage, Akira, Lau and Jeff

    Darius: Lion and Aoi

    If anyone wants another character adding let me know. Oh and Dural would be banned for any tournament play I'm afraid /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.
  20. mrman

    mrman Member

    Re: Sat 25th Oct: First Manchester Tournament


    any of you guys thinking of attending and playing the likes of ryan hart etc. theres also pro evo3 probably so i thought you guys could interested in that and vf of course.

    i want and wish i could go but it's unlikely since they dont have ggx2. i cant find the time to go even to manchester let alone london. Maybe in easter i can make to the proper Absolution (unless it gets pushed back again lol) tourny.

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