NorCal Regionals VF5FS Side Tournament Stream

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

By akai on Mar 22, 2012 at 8:14 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG]The official VF5FS side tournament at NorCal Regional will take place on March 24-25 in San Francisco, CA. Based on the Saturday Schedule / Sunday Schedule (thanks to 001 for links), VF5FS will be streamed on both days for the:

    Top 8 Matches: March 24th, 7:00PM PST - 8:30PM PST
    Top 3 Matches: March 25th, 2:30PM - 3:30 PM PST

    For more information about this event, please check the NorCal Regional 10 Website and the Previous VFDC NCR 10 News Topic. VF5FS will be streamed on Iplaywinner. We will update this topic with the latest streaming information when available.

    [​IMG] (Top 8 starts at 0:03:00)
    [​IMG] (Top 3 starts at 4:05:00)


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

    1. Koompbala
      Good games to all especially sebo it was lots of fun. Also good games to my losses 001 and Akuma. I don't think sebo said anything wrong in this thread. I personally didn't know anything about frame data til VF5. So what I'm getting at I'm still new to the series and all. When I finally found the VF5 booth first thing I did is take a glimpse at who was playing.

      Then I see this Taka abusing the fact this one guy does not tech roll at all. So I think to myself like an idiot oh I should be able to put a fight against this guy cause I know how to tech. Yeah that didn't happen I got one win after so many losses. Anyway what I'm saying is tech rolling is in every fighter if you don't tech you don't know basics period.
    2. Dennis0201
      It's cruel but we all know VF was the last game crowds expected to see on stage/big screen. Before my first match with 001, he was joking that people would take pees or make phone call outside then wait for next fighting game [​IMG] But, I could feel crowds reaction became stronger when I was standing beside of them, especially when Sebo and ZeroChen did some crazy setups and maximum throws, they got hype! [​IMG] I didn't hear anything bad but I noticed people started to stare at that fucking big screen even when they stood on other booths.

      I was sitting there the 2nd day and waiting for our call. There were only half people compared with day 1. Our stage performance was cut in the middle of KOF top3, and it turned out we actually made crowds more crazy hype than KOF! It was the real feedback if you were there, and at some point people really change their attitudes since day 1.

      I don't think it's perfect but I believe it's a good start, and we can expect more people would like to see next VF stream at PAX. If it is possible, our community should keep this atmosphere on fire! For anyone who is going to PAX next week, it's time to show people what VF is!

      btw, we need someone professional commentator. [​IMG]
    3. westtrade
    4. Dennis0201
      thanks for the uploads westtrade! It's awesome to show people how the menu looks like. Btw, only 1.9G?? Are you sure??
    5. westtrade
      The Sega Rep, Logged into the xbox Dev console and showed me the current size of the game. He did not want me to take a picture or record that menu , so I did not. Now keep in mind that there are a few things that were not in the current build we were playing on, but at most, the game size should end up around 2.2 gigs.
    6. LostCloud
      Holy ****! [​IMG] At 0:33 in the "Virtua Fighter 5 FS Norcal - GAMEPLAY MODES" video! [​IMG]

      Custom music from past VF games for stages! AWESOME! Man, I am SO happy! That is one of my most wanted features! Thank you so much for the video, westtrade! [​IMG]

      Thank you, Sega for putting that amazing feature in the game! [​IMG]
    7. 60Hz
      I was in the crowd for the final, it was electric. That last battle, talk about a come back, with the double throw breaks... great stuff... can't wait for this release!
    8. akai
      Thanks for sharing the vids Westtrade! I will update the FAQ with the info!
    9. erdraug
      BTW i loved the vanessa mirrors.


      PS: BTW zerochan my wife said you were looking great. Well, she used the words "brighter" and "healthier" to be exact, dunno how she can tell from a video [​IMG]
    10. 60Hz
      one thing i noticed was that this was the only game in the tourny where you didn't have to go into the game to try out your button config, they have a test set-up right off the character select... all the other games (that i saw) had this awkwardness where people had to hop into the game and confirm their configs... then hop out and restart... ewww... AM2 FTW!
    11. Sebo
      She might have lost her LP Sabaki, but in her Lazy Stance [P]+[K] works the same way, and leads to free [3][P]+[K]. Not sure if it is just LP.

      A great tool against LP is [G]. If you guess they're going to attack after you block it, use [6][K] or [3][K]+[G] or whatever. If they won't attack after a 2P, throw.

      Yes, it sounds boring, but that's what most characters have to do to deal with 2P since forever.

      But like I've said countless times before, use [1][P] all you like against those who have no idea what it is. But take extreme caution against people who have done their homework. I remember winning many matches against Ryan (in Foster City), my homie KTallguy, Katsudon, Zerochan, a few random Vanessa players in Japan, Radical Reactor (during Southtown), several random Vanessa players during NCR, specifically because of [1][P] abuse. And I expect to land more crazy mids against misguided Vanessa in the future.

      In regards to throw clash (something no longer existent), if you think someone is going to throw you, with certainty, why would you do [1][P] instead of something like... I dunno, [3][P]+[K]/[3][K]+[G]/etc?

      --this probably belongs in a Vanessa thread or something--

      Thanks for posting those!
    12. RadicalReactor
      I like that my 1P stream spam helped lead to some talk about Vanessa strategy. Very helpful! :cool:

      erdraug: loving that haters gonna hate image. I'll drop those elbows all day every day!! XD
    13. 001
    14. Kamais_Ookin
      Dennis looks like a badass, you don't fuck with that man in VF.. [​IMG]
    15. GodEater
      wow. iso 6400!!

      nice pics.
    16. Dennis0201
      What? Am I? haha~

      001, thanks for the post.
    17. Shag
      Dennis is on the left with the half-smile. 001 is to the right looking grim.
    18. Kamais_Ookin

      Scratch that then! Dennis looks really handsome, I wouldn't be shy going out with him in public for a coffee and chat. [​IMG]
    19. Dennis0201
    20. Kruza
      Nice. Someone took the time to do the editing job required to split the Top 8 matches into separate YouTube videos. Thanks sharing 'em Dennis.


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