NorCal Regionals VF5FS Side Tournament Stream

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

By akai on Mar 22, 2012 at 8:14 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG]The official VF5FS side tournament at NorCal Regional will take place on March 24-25 in San Francisco, CA. Based on the Saturday Schedule / Sunday Schedule (thanks to 001 for links), VF5FS will be streamed on both days for the:

    Top 8 Matches: March 24th, 7:00PM PST - 8:30PM PST
    Top 3 Matches: March 25th, 2:30PM - 3:30 PM PST

    For more information about this event, please check the NorCal Regional 10 Website and the Previous VFDC NCR 10 News Topic. VF5FS will be streamed on Iplaywinner. We will update this topic with the latest streaming information when available.

    [​IMG] (Top 8 starts at 0:03:00)
    [​IMG] (Top 3 starts at 4:05:00)


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 22, 2012.

    1. SenseiSounds
      I drove down with him, he's Koompbala. I saw some of your matches as well, good stuff. Just joined 'cause I believe westtrade told me about the site. I was the only Goh player there. Really nice people in the tournament. I got knocked out of winners side by Koompbala, I knewww we were gonna have to fight ha ha. Then in a really close set, westtrade got me. Went down to the last round and that was my cue to leave and finally get some food after all that waiting for the people who didn't show up. @_@ Good times. Hope everybody had fun. That was my first time getting my hands on the game and god damn it's making the wait worse now.
    2. DurViener
      I hope this gets archived soon. My lame'ass internet wouldn't let me watch it live
    3. akai
      Quick results:
      And the grand prize is...invitation to prelaunch party. Congratulations!
    4. Dennis0201
    5. Dennis0201
      I talk with SEGA rep today about this issue and the answer is kind of disappointing. Well, he said they will discuss back to HQ but I have a feeling they don't really into it. Each character has 3 combo example on the list, and it's named basic combo. For instance, Akira goes with 46P>K+G P and 33P>3K+G 6P P+K, etc. I told him that EVO had way better option rather than 3 combo list , and also they should check about guide book too.

      About the tutorials, it goes from beginning to advanced, but it doesn't toward to the way I expect. The 3 advanced lessons are how to fuzzy guard after PK, how to EasyTEG, and how to quick block after evade at opponent's full circle(I don't know this until today).

      Record mode is awesome to see frame data, and the entire loading speed is very very fast. All I hope is SEGA can dig deeper about dojo, even though considering about patch.
    6. Sebo
      GGs Renzo/Dennis, Quash (who has gotten way better) and the many others during casuals.

      Got a good 14ish hours in (a 9 hour session today) for free, and well over 300 games, as well as taught a lot of basics to many prospective players. You're welcome Sega.

      I played a lot in Japan, but not this in-depth of a look. Conclusions: Taka is brain-dead easy (to the point of getting kinda boring) and Jeffry is underrated (1P+K and K+G). I think I might have to change my MS-paint avatar again.
    7. MP
      I think it's safe to say that if an abundance of new VF players appear from Norcal they will all use Wolf [​IMG]

      Good stuff, was a really enjoyable set to watch.
    8. Myke
      What is this supposed to mean?

      BTW Sebo, you're welcome. For everything.
    9. Myke
      Added top 3 stream archive link to main post. Anyone know if the top 8 matches are available?
    10. akai
      Thanks to those attending the event for sharing your experience.

      Top 8 starts at the beginning of the link, around 3 minute mark

      Myke - I will edit the first post with the link.
    11. SDS_Overfiend1
      That they were Trash and the game would've looked unappealling to the average person's eyes.
    12. Sebo
      I wouldn't say they were trash. They've never played FS before, and they never really played much VF anyway. They just need to work on their basics, get some ideas from vids, etc. The same could be said about everyone outside of Renzo/Dennis/myself. We do our homework (I'm just in the special ed class compared to those two [​IMG]).

      So what I meant by "you're welcome" (mainly to Sega) is that I got three games during the top 8 to give a good display of Taka's power and got a good response from the crowd. And his [4][P]+[K]+[G] also functions as an excellent taunt, and that also built up a lot of hype.

      Also, Myke, is it possible to change my forum handle from CGB back to "Sebo?" You don't have to if you don't want to, mainly because of the many mistakes I've made, but I would greatly enjoy that.
    13. soakrates
      Had lots of fun! Had to go fetch players for the tournament a number of times, but it was alright. Honestly, I think a lot of people just could not hear their names being called from the area where Sega had the setups running. There was so much noise in that room that anyone standing more than five feet away couldn't hear shit. That's why I grabbed the mic and yelled for my opponent when it was our turn to play. They didn't appreciate that, but hey, he did show up 10 seconds later. :p

      Anyway, big thanks to Sega for bringing this out and having a lot of setups. They were full pretty much all weekend, which was great to see.

      Can't wait!
    14. Myke
      While I haven't seen these other players, I think it's harsh to suggest they "need to work on their basics" in a game they're either brand new to, or still learning, especially in a version they don't have access to.

      It was understood that both yourself and Renzo have had arcade time on FS. Dennis, to my understanding, hasn't but his long history with VF and solid skills served him well. So it came as no surprise (to me) that you would dominate.

      But all I'm saying is that I'd prefer to see a different and more welcoming attitude toward those new and learning the game. Saying things like (and I'm paraphrasing) "it's better you didn't see them" reflects very poorly on our community, and this is what compels me to post. I can't imagine what that person would think or feel if they read that either.

      Personally, I wouldn't have had any issue seeing the new players try their hand at the game. Not everyone can be an instant ambassador for FS before it's released, and to think otherwise is ridiculous. In my opinion, if the intent was to have the best possible showcase, then SEGA could have arranged for some top players to participate and show off the game in all its glory.

      Also, seeing new players try their hand at the game and have fun (even if they're not necessarily that good) can have a positive effect on other/similar players, and lowers the barrier to entry. Compare this to seeing two experts go toe-to-toe -- do you think that'll entice a new player to enter the tournament at NCR?

      Oh, I think I understood the "you're welcome" statements. You feel that you're owed some gratitude? That's how it's coming across, and if I have to be honest, it has an air of arrogance to it.

      You were given a unique opportunity to play FS for free, for around 14 hours, and instead of being gracious for the opportunity, you instead feel that you're owed some thanks? A lot of people would have killed to have the opportunity you did, and maybe something is lost in the translation, but it just comes out the wrong way when reading it off a screen.

      Rant over. For now.
    15. Sebo
      I didn't mean it to be harsh at all. It's an honest assessment, and they didn't take offense to it, I gave most of them pointers.

      As long as we're making assumptions, isn't that a little disparaging towards Renzo? He actually only played FS for one day in Japan. This tournament being his 3rd time playing the game, much-less Jean. Renzo is an excellent player (at any game he tries in).

      If you wanted to see a welcoming attitude, you should have came. I did my best teaching everything I knew about every character I knew, to as many players who asked. If I came off as otherwise... I'm sorry.

      But as for the "you're better off not see it," um... the Sarah I played in the pools is someone who I have played a long long time ago at the Danville Tournament. His entire gameplay is 2P and WS 6KK. Then and during the weekend.

      Maybe my comment was mean spirited, but is that something that should be on the stream? I mean, sure that would be fun for that player, but I can tell you, the amount of shit talk coming from the crowd during the Vanessa mirror match was enough. And yes, you would have to have been there.

      LOL, being presumptive again. If you want to read it like that, cool, I'm a total ass.

      If you actually know me, you'd read that and laugh hilariously at how unlike me it is to ever even think that. We could go into it in further detail, but why? It'll turn into to a wall of self-deprecating mumbling of a very depressed individual. So instead I play the opposite card of what I am. But you know what? I'm "Sebo" again, I'll represent who I am: no one owes me shit. I am very grateful for the opportunity provided to us.

      Har har, you're not laughing at my dicky character, but that's okay. My audience is the people in NorCal, and they know who I am. I'm the guy who will sit down and talk you through all of the problems you're experiencing. I will tell you what you need to do to get better. I will give you anti-me advice (throw, lots of 2P). I'm actually a very nice guy, and I'm going to stop pretending otherwise.

      I love you Myke.
    16. Myke
      Sebo, for those who weren't there, like me, there's obviously a lot of things we missed. So when you make unqualified statements such as the above, we can only take them at face value. I was just being honest in letting you know how those statements were received (by me), and all I'm asking you (and everyone in our community) is to consider being more welcoming to new players. From what you've described though, sounds like you're well on track.

    17. RadicalReactor
      Perhaps this is better suited for a PM, but as one of the VA in the streamed mirror match, I must ask: there was shit talk? what was said? did I 1P too much? :cool:

      Again, I'm not trying to instigate things. I really don't care about egos (s/he did this or that) - I'm more interested in knowing what the crowd's response actually was, and maybe even learn why. I was completely unaware of it.
    18. Renzo
      Can we all be friends
    19. Sebo
      Kinda nailed it, in-addition to dropped combos. I think it was more of an issue of being a follow-up act to Renzo and Dennis' games, which I can understand how they were more appealing for the masses of seated spectators. Though, the Lazy Stance (DS 1/9K+G) catch throw got some nice attention.

      I will say though, use less [1][P]. It's a bad and dangerous crutch to lean on (against a player who knows how weak that move is). Same for Zerochan, Katsudon, and every other Vanessa I've ever played. [1][P] is a cute gimmick to be lows and highs, but in a game with mids that lead to half-life combos (especially since you're giving them a free MC), the move should be relegated to "use only once in a while" status.

    20. erdraug
      I feel like i'm playing devil's advocate here (since i've been supporting what Sebo is saying for 5 years now) but:

      VF5FS Vanessa lost her DS [4][3][P][+][K] low punch sabaki and DS [8][K] right angle toe kick AND DS [1][K][+][G] leg bomber. If the Vanessa player is confident their opponent will low punch DS [1][P] defensive elbow seems like the only tool left at their disposal. Unless i'm forgetting something else that was added in VF5FS. Maybe [9][G] jump? Maybe they changed intruder hook to beat low punches? Maybe the new switch shoulder beats punches like other shoulder rams do? Dunno.

      Also bear in mind that, due to changes in the system, DS [1][P] defensive elbow will no longer throw clash, thus also beating throws.

      So maybe increased usage of DS [1][P] defensive elbow in this version is justified. Just saying.

      I still don't like the risk/reward ratio of the move.

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