Newbies Rant Thread!! NO VETS ALLOWED - don't piss off the Noob!

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by NewB_4_Life, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more with you guys. The newbie has gone insane. And i'm deleting my poll right now! He's gone mad, i tells ya, MAD! We need to stop him!
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Shut the hell up! Akira is not a weakling,you are! That's why you want all the Newbies too help you.You are so screwed up man!I hope you get banned for LIFE! /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  3. NewB_4_Life

    NewB_4_Life Active Member

    Now see that's the kinda shit that pisses me off...Cooks, you, Kageman and Piccolo can kiss my keister. My initial thread was moved before it got any air play. I am especially disappointed with Piccolo, he should know better - if I go by the fact that it takes a while and some sticktoitivity to make 500+ posts - but I know guess you can't judge a person by number of posts.

    Having said that, let me say that, this board was designed to take posts RELATED TO VIRTUA FIGHER. Me getting a hard on for reaching 9th Dan is related, me being upset with intolerant people on this board - like y'all - is related.

    If I am incorrect in thinking that I have right to complain on this board about what I think is inappropriate behavior for anyone, seniors in particular, and protest it in a way that doesn't disrupt
    the running of this board - then the ADMINS MUST LET ME KNOW. I am not the kinda person that protests in a place where
    1) Noone else there shares my opinion or will not benefit from my protest being aired

    2) Where it is not allowed to protest in the manner that I chose to.

    And yes my mommy didn't love me enough, and no raasclaat bwoy caan bully dis, Mr. Pussyhole Cooks94. Don't talk fuckry dat yu don't know bout seen yout. You sound stupid talking bout bein a rasta and smoke weed an chill, let go of the Jamaican scene, you don't understand it - and this is a friggin International Discussion.

    Unfortunately for y'all, if every last one of you came and cussed me it would only prove how Intolerant you are of people who don't know it all. I could make little sense of what cooks94 was tryin to say, but I agree that not everybody is against me, and I have made it a point to make that clear. Frankly those who aren't will probably stay out of this discussion because they have seen this so often and know both sides of the story.

    But the likkle hurry come up one dem who think them reach now, will raise rass bout it. You think that because you are givin me advice you can spit it on me any which way you choose and I must be happy for it. Anybody and I mean ANYBODY who does that can come kissout mi batty. Being in a position of superiority and power confers responsiblity and I expect people to behave in that way. If they don't I protest the shit, that is what I will continue to do as long as it is going on.

    I made this thread as a protest, to say that this is a place where noobs can feel that it's their own place on VFDC where no uppity lord can be snotty to them - only their peers. In retrospect that was never gonna work - some would still feel bad whoever made fun of them.

    We need to include phrases like those Icons that are available here with a single click. If somone posts a ridiculous question and you can't be bothered to answer the question just don't comment - some of you are like some likkle dutty gyal that jus love cuss. You could select a phrase like "Do a search for xxxxx from the link on the main page" or "Please post this in xxxxxx section" from the options in the post screen here.

    No some of you don't want that, you prefer to be able to ostracise people who come here for HELP! Well I won't just sit by and let that happen - jerks~
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I agree with you KageMan2002 He has gone insane.I say we have to stop this now!
  5. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    My god! First you whine about some stupid combo with Pai, then you post this shit in here, and now, you're a Jamacian Pervert! I think you don't have a life! You wanna see naked women? Then go to ALL THE porno sites out there and be a pimpdaddy, like ALL THE LIKES of you: STUPID, INSANE, BASTARDS!! Whe don't you smoke a cocaine cigar so you can die!
  6. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i say ban both ip's...
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    What is a ip?I have no clue what it is!
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    This is officially a dead horse. Start a new "n00b" thread if you must, but lay off the blatantly obvious flamebait.

    BTW, if you don't want to get advice from the vets, how are you going to improve? Ponder that for a moment.
  9. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    Sorry guys... my VFDC server was down for like 2 days! Anyway, I think the admin should shut down this thread. It's stupid, senseless, and untasteful. He should shut it down before we all go insane!
  10. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    What da fuck is it with flamin vets any way , the more you play the game an the more you come on this site the more you will become recognized as a vet yourself,and without players who know the game inside out we have no one to learn from then what we have are a bunch of dumbass nOObs asking,how do i reverse a throw,wat is the highest rank,how do i go up ranks,and so on.So dont dis the people who provide the information otherwise we have nothing but constant bragging and dull conversations!!!! /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    <font color="red"> Shut up Redhead! </font color>
  12. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    why dont ye shut yer fuckin face you prick
  13. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    Anyway what the fuck did i do to offend you anyway
  14. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    Dont starts up this thread again........ just remeber Zero's a dumbass so dont pay attention to him.
  15. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    YO, COOKS! Anything happen to your computer last week?
  16. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    What a happy thread... figures considering its origins.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    cooks94 I thought we we aren't going to flame each other anymore?Oh Well.I Didn't what him offeneing anyone.cooks94 what happened anyway This is the first time I saw you post in a few weeks.
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Don't make fun of noobs.Like Kageman or Godzilla,you are offening all noobs.
  19. Godzilla

    Godzilla Active Member

    Can you please keep me out of this? Nobody made fun of me or offended me in any way. I wonder where you got that idea...
    And don't call me a newbie just because thats written under my name. I could post a flood of useless info / opinions in all those forums out there, piss off some people on the way and eventually end up with some cool title under my name - but that doesn't reflect my knowledge of the game or automatically make me a veteran of this board or anything. Think about it.
    Now let's stop this useless thread.....
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Stupid thread

    Zero999, redhead wasn't making fun of people just because they were new. He was just stating how sad this place would be if all the "vets" would stop contributing to the site (most of them have already) because of "dumbass" new people. I couldn't agree with him more.

    Note the key word here is "dumbass" newbies. Stupid, lazy and ignorant people. We have some shining examples of these kinds of people who aren't new, although one cannot deny there is a high proportion of new people who fall into this category.

    Anyway, Zero999, you may have noticed that you've been irritating a lot of people lately. This is mainly due to your spam and value-less posts. You've been warned by moderators in the past about it, so please cut it out. Your recent "Thanks" post to the Dural command list thread (a post over 5 months old) is a classic example, and just the tip of the iceberg.

    I'm locking this thread. If you feel the need to discuss this further then I'm just a PM away.

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