New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Welcome. Glad you found us. If you've gone gold, add me. I'll be on later today for some VF.
  2. QuickClaw

    QuickClaw Member

    Ah that's too bad for me as I don't have an Xbox. I had no idea VF5 could even go online let alone on Xbox. Sucks. Offline where I am is pretty non-existent too. At least I have Quest Mode I guess. I can at least pretend.
  3. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Hello, I'm Blossy1000 and I'm pretty new to VF. I bought the game almost a year ago, without having any experience with VF or fighting games in general really. I just thought it seemed like a fascinating kind of game for some reason. I didn't play it that much at first, and only offline against the CPU, until a couple of months ago when I started taking it a bit more seriously and trying to learn the game properly. The offline scene where I live is pretty non-existent, so Xbox live is all I've got to play against human opponents. I've played (and for the most part gotten my ass kicked by) some of you guys already, and I'm still trying to learn. Some of you have given me helpful criticism as well, much appreciated!
  4. spyder0080

    spyder0080 Active Member

    What's up guys and gals,

    Longtime lurker, here but finally decided to create an account. I started playing VF with VF 2 on Saturn. I never got 3 (even though it came out for Dreamcast), but I do remember playing it in the arcades a bit. The closest thing was probably Fighter's Megamix. I didn't play another VF until VF 4 Evo, which I loved. I just got an Xbox 360 in December, so I just started playing VF 5. My main character is Akira, but I like to play as Jacky sometimes. Unfortunately, I'm not really too good because I never really had competition. I also play with a pad (SF pad) so I can't really do some complex moves. Hopefully playing online can help my game.

    My XBox Live username is also spyder0080, so feel free to add me if you like.
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Blossy1000 and Spyder0080.
    Hope to see you guys online.
  6. VEGA

    VEGA Member

    So far, I'm intrigued by this site.
    Well organized, informative. Definitely everything I need to know about the VF series.

    So I'm glad to be a part of this community.
  7. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Hello there,
    I'm new to 3D fighters and picked up VF5 a month ago, finding it in my cousin's old games collections that were going to waste. Unfortunately, I have the PS3 version. Meaning that I have no competition other than my uncle who used to play VF back in the days (VF2 mostly I think...)

    I'm a Goh mainer and really hope that VF: FS Ver.A comes out on consoles. Until then, I hope that I'll enjoy these forums. Game's awesome.
  8. VEGA

    VEGA Member

    Since nobody else here is going to welcome either of us.
    I'll welcome you.
    Welcome to VFDC T_Kang.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Welcome to both of you.

    Would have done it sooner but I haven't been online in a while [​IMG]

    Hope you enjoy your time here.
  10. VEGA

    VEGA Member

    Thank you.
    I can see that other users haven't been online as well.
  11. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Thanks guys. But is the VF community really that dead [​IMG]?
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Not dead. Sleepy maybe. Dreaming of FS.
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Sleepy is a good way to put it.

    There are a fair few VF heads but we've been fucked about so much recently that half of us barely bother signing in anymore.

    I've just moved out and have no internet connection so I'm barely on [​IMG]
  14. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Well has this ever happened [​IMG]? Because sleepy communities often die. It's a matter of whether SEGA releases their next VF titles overseas on consoles or not I guess... Wish I had picked it up earlier.

    I'll never be able to get good at it ugh.
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah, VFDC has it's moments of nothing.

    The VF scene has been near death for ages. Most of us are used to it. However, if you have just come from a more popular title it will seem completely dead.

    There are people who play out there but for a new player it can be very daunting. Not only to find the time to play them, but to keep up with someone who's been playing for years.

    It's an uphill battle.
  16. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    That makes sense. I'm from the BlazBlue Community. But is there any VF players in Montreal City? I'd be willing to fight that uphill battle but I have no sparring partners to begin with :x...
  17. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm Ihiago and I'm here to meet people with common interests, in this case...VF [​IMG] I'm not exactly new to the series, but I never mastered any character(I tought that Akira could be good for staters >.<).
    Now I'm practising with Aoi who isn't the best choice for "starters like me", but the philosofy and way of Aiki-jujutsu is GREAT! XD
  18. primejustice

    primejustice New Member

    hello i just picked up the game today and i am happy to see so many peeps still play the game
  19. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Since not many people are active lately, I'll be the first to welcome you both! I'm a new guy over here also, haven't made use of these forums a whole lot though.

    Enjoy your stay, guys!
  20. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I had a post ready hours ago to welcome them but my internet has been tripping lately and it didn't post. [​IMG]

    Welcome to VFDC biquiba and primejustice. [​IMG]

    I also like to welcome T_Kang and VEGA to the boards. Many people start an account and make one post and are never heard from again. You two have have been active this past week and I'm glad to see it. [​IMG]

    I'm hoping you two will stay around for the coming months ahead when I think VFDC shall be thriving again. Usually when a new console port comes out. [​IMG]

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