New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Johnnn

    Johnnn Member

    Haha yeah [​IMG]
    Great community here.
  2. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    just wanted to mention again. for anyone new players wanting some tips or games. Find either Kaminaryi_oyagi or me mackfactor on xbox live and come join party. If kaminaryi yells at u and stuff, dont be discouraged...
  3. Cafeman

    Cafeman New Member

    I just joined VFDC right now, just saying hello. My XBOX Live ID is REAL CAFEMA. I've played older versions of VF and I'm trying to get up to speed on VF5, but I'm not winning much. Mostly been playing as Wolf. HellO!
  4. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    mackfactor who do you play with?
  5. KillerApple29

    KillerApple29 Member

    killerapple29 here so I just a big fan of all 3d fighters (we so need a lot more of them) I play Xiaoyu in tekken and Eliot in doa not really sure who my main in vf is i really end up bouncing back ib forth through characters its down to Aoi, Goh, Lion, and El Blaze
  6. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Hey KillerApple, welcome to VFDC! [​IMG]

    I agree with you, we definitely need more of them. As far as your main in VF, if you haven't already done it I recommend going on youtube and checking out replays for VF5 ver C. See which character's style appeals to you most, and try emulating what you see in the vids. This method is something I've used in the past and has never let me down [​IMG]

    Best of luck to you, good to have you aboard!
  7. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    Virtua Kazama
    I've been playing VF ever since 1995. Virtua Fighter Remix was my first fighting game I played ever since I first owned my Sega Saturn. VF and Tekken are my main games. I'm still looking for a main in VF right now.

    XBL Gamertag: xDEMONIC MINDZx
  8. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ICEBERG..My main is goh. been playing vf now for 9 months. But dont worry, i have good vf work ethics and i can hold my own.
    i can play (not very well.. ),
    everyone except Aoi, Brad, Wolf, Jeff/eblaze i kinda know, Sarah, pai, eileen. But kam is better with all the characters than me.. but i just play them, just so i know what their weakness are and see their flowcharts and study their frame data/punishable..etc.

    new players, just send me a msg.. and or join xbox live party me and kaminaryi_Oyaji.. Mine tag is mackfactor. I want to help with the vfdc community and bring some ppl in.. Im an ex tekken player. but ever since i started VF, i cant play tekken.. its just not as good IMO. I do warn u tho, well my experience with VF is that... VF IS BORING as fuck in the beginning and ull lose alot, because the only ppl left playing are the veterans or VF loyals. THe more u know about this game it will get much better. So if u have patience and willing to learn, u wont regret learning vf.. the only regret maybe is when ur gf starts yelling at u saying that VF is more important than her,lol. IMO theres not a game that close to VF's depth.
  9. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    If I had to choose from your list, I'd take Goh or Aoi.
  10. Raiderwarlord99

    Raiderwarlord99 New Member

    Quick question here are there any more tournaments for VF5 ver. B or are they all ver. C now?
  11. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    If there are tournaments for VF they are pretty small now. But all of them would be on version C on the Xbox 360. If the World Cyber Games has VF against next it will be on the Xbox 360.

    Not only that but the majority of people here play on the 360 as well because VF5 can be played online over the 360. And the 360 version is the later update compared to the PS3 version.
  12. Raiderwarlord99

    Raiderwarlord99 New Member

    Yea I guess that would make since. I just really hate 360 & I don;t have a 360 stick. I guess I'll just have to sit back in the dojo and wait til the next VF comes out.
  13. Tormentosa

    Tormentosa Active Member

    Just pick a comfortable sit, friend...
  14. Raiderwarlord99

    Raiderwarlord99 New Member

    Heh! Don't worry bro I did my research so I'm fully aware of how long the wait will be. Besides its better than trying to waste my time playing Tager competitively in Blazblue.
  15. Tormentosa

    Tormentosa Active Member

    I'm waiting for BlazBlue to release in Europe (next march?). this will be my main game till Vf5r or VF6 comes...
    just keep training with Tager, mate!!

    and WELCOME, by the way...
  16. Gifted_CG

    Gifted_CG New Member

    Hi I'm new to this forum and 3D fighters in general. I have owned and played VF games in the past but never at the same level as 2D fighters such as 3rd Strike.

    SF4 has become very uninteresting and I wanted to learn something new, a game that was balanced and had a lot of depth. Which is why I have picked up VF5.

    It it a big change from SF so I'm not very good but I hope to get better fast, and the biggest issue I have so far is finding games online.

    Thanks to everyone who contributes to the site, especially the wiki as I have been lurking there for a while and its helped with the transition for me.

    So hello and wish me luck!
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Your best bet if you want to find matches is to add the UK/EU punters from here.

    Also, alot of us generally hang about the shoutbox when we're online so it's also a good place to find people wanting matches.

    There are too few of us spread over a wide area to have constant games up.
  18. Gifted_CG

    Gifted_CG New Member

    Cheers, thanks for that. I had no idea about the shout box, I'll definitely use that to let people know when I'm on.

    I need to hit practice mode pretty hard before that though.
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Which character do you use anyways?
  20. Gifted_CG

    Gifted_CG New Member

    I have chosen to main Eileen, I like her speed and I feel like has some good mix up moves. Then again, saying that, I'm still in SF mode so I'm going what I think she is capable of. I don't think I understand the game well enough to read a character correctly.

    Plus I like the monkey style!

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