New to VFDC? Introduce yourself here.

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    cool beans, another Eileen player in the EU. add me if you like dude.
  2. MaD_ViLLaiN22

    MaD_ViLLaiN22 New Member

    Whats good all, My GT: is MaD ViLLaiN22 im very new to the game, and brand new to the forums here, i havent bought the game just yet, but i rented it over the weekend, and pretty much got my ass handed to me. Im originaly a Tekken player of which ive won a few tournaments when i lived in colorado(live in sothern cali now). anywho the transition into VF5 is really hard, its more button smashing than im used to, and especialy in the online fights theres way too many cheap lil button smashers and cheap people that just use the same moves over and over egh!!anywayz im a GOH player, i was a Kazuya player in tekken. So there styles are kinda similar in the sence you gotta be very patient. my trouble though is adapting to some of the game mechanics and trying to use the bulky 360 controler! with the crappy analog D-Pad, i cant use the joystick. well hope to get to know you guys alot better here, seems like a great community in here.
  3. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    I actually registered about a month ago, but for some reason my accounts been deleted...?

    Anyways, I'm a bay area VF player. Been playing VF since VF2, but started playing seriously since VF4. The only way I play VF5 as of now is at a friends house on his PS3, but I hope to get a 360 sometime soon so I can start challenging people from here and other communities.
  4. hawpi

    hawpi Member

    Got my friend to finally give VF5 a try. Plz bombard his live account (DrWubbles) with characters for beginners. This was a long time in the making. I dont know how many times I've told him that if you like being competitive get this game. It finally sunk in. Bombard bombard bombard.
  5. Blue

    Blue New Member

    Hello! not much to say about myself really, i like 2d fighters (SF3, CAP vs SNK, guilty gear) and DoA but have grown tired of silly combos. then i found VF5! im really enjoying Vanessa and Lau
    but still have a long way to go before i can say i have a character! anyways i hope i can learn all i can from this forum and
    online too!
  6. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site
  7. Kurochevsky

    Kurochevsky Member

    Hi. I am a French Beginner.
    My english is bad and my skill too, so don't be too harsh with me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    You are a decent goh player but don't feel so low here alot of the people here aren't exactly tournament quality either but they do know how to play so if you need any help just ask and they will help you. Based on the vid you showed you might surprise the people here, you have good moves just keep practicing.
  9. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    What it do? Not really new, but fresh to the competitive side of VF. Don't have a next gen system yet, so I went back out and bought 4 Evo again. Currently trying some things with Jeffry. Damn this game is harder than I remember. But i played this before I started really learning Tekken so that could be it. Rough transition. But I started on VF as my first 3D fighter and I intend on finishing with it. Also seeing as how I play GGAC competitively as well, I'm not intimidated by highly technical fighting games . Well..... good luck to me. ;-)
  10. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    GGAC is one of the more technical 2D games around and has been for many years I play the game too and I am learning of it each day. At least you aren't overcome by the complexity of the basics like alot of beginners. It is also good that you play Evo first it teaches you how to play VF4 and VF5 later because the basics of those 2 games are identical for the most part. All beginners should play Evo for a while before they play VF5 because of the great training mode it has.
  11. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Yea man thanks for the advice. Since I've been playing GGAC these past few months, I can't even go back to 3s. It really is a truly marvelous 2D fighter. And rewarding. I mostly play higher level competition. I hope to get that same thrill from VF.

    Like you said, I read that VF4 Evo has the best tutorial/training mode. I told this to my guy and he wants to get both 4 Evo AND VF5 for ps3 but would rather have online. He said he'll go ahead and drop $30 for VF5 since that's kinda inexpensive for a ps3 game but wants to grab VF5 R as well, so long as it has online(and it better).
  12. C0rbul0

    C0rbul0 New Member

    Hello all,

    I've recently started playing VF5, and since the community seems decent here i thought id drop a hello message.

    A bit about me, Im new to the virtua fighter series, but have been playing 1v1 fighters for some time, namely the street fighter and soul calibur series. Recently purchased a 360 to play the 4th version of said titles, and decided to pick up VF5 and Doa4 with it.

    Can't say i like the Doa4 system, and having looked at the community (full of 'e-famous' ego's) i gave up on that fairly quickly. So im settled on playing this, should get out of the newb stage nice and quickly and hopefully put up a fight against some of you online with my vanessa.

    Look forward to - playing with/learning from/getting schooled by/you get the idea - you all in the near future.

    Expected number of "too long didnt read" replies - many

    Cheers, C0rbul0

    /Didn't even look for an introduction thread, sorry mods
  13. shadthefuture

    shadthefuture Active Member

    sup peoples,......
    ummm..... what do i say
    well, ive been lurkin in the forum for a week and a half, and decided to join finally,
    ive gotten my ass handed to me by a few players on here, which in turn has made me dedicated to getting better
    oh and i play as pai, and aoi, but i havent played online with aoi yet
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You chose the right game /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Your GT looks familiar too....
  15. Howdy ya'll dropping by to say hi in typical new guy fashion.

    Been playing since VF4 Evo, played that game and feel in love with the series. VF strikes me as one of the best video games ever made, it certainly blows other 3d fighters out of the water.

    But I digress, hopefully lurking around this place with ya'll will help me improve at this game and create great matches for everybody.
  16. StrayDogStrut

    StrayDogStrut Member

    Hi! I apologize for lamming you. Since you raped me so harshly in player matches, I was at a complete loss with how to approach you, so I just wound up spamming stunners. Go me!
  17. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Look me up then I play a decent pai myself and love to beat up on Straydogstrut I would like to see just how good you are. Look me up my GT shows every time I post
  18. Achille

    Achille Member

    I've been a VF player for years and always came to this wonderful site back in the day to get input about VF. I didn't buy PS2 to get VF4. I just recently got an XBOX 360 and got VF5 a great game, I thought I was good, beating the computer even on the harder level. Played a few games online and lose almost everytime, lol. I guess I need to practice more but playing the computer don't help you, lol.
  19. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Yes humans are much tougher
  20. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The unpredictability of humans make them far harder than any computer because they fight in conventional and predictable ways.

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