New item pack DLC available!!!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Undrtaker, Nov 13, 2007.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    the ps3's online service is a complete may be free but as the saying goes "pay peanuts and you get a monkey service".
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    ^ Won't be the case for too long though. And then when people have the same access to the chat and messaging systms as XBL, will you still feel the same?
  3. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Chat systems are not the only advantage XBL has over PS3 online stuff. There's a lot of "invisible" things MS is doing behind the scenes that really improve gameplay, and that Sony will probably never bother developing. This particular example, unfortunately, goes mostly unused by VF5 (as disconnects don't award any points to anyone), but it's just one of many I could mention. The point however, is that there are a lot of cool features out there that you get for your money on XBL, that most people don't know about.

    (Stolen from David Sirlin's blog (a puzzle fighter remix dev)):
    Next point, Microsoft has something called an arbitration server that resolves conflicting info if each side claims it won or each side claims the other disconnected. Microsoft’s multiplayer backend is good, and as far as I know it never takes longer than 15 seconds to receive an answer from the arbitration server to update your leaderboard. It usually takes much less than that. Sony does not have these niceties, so if you’ve experienced more than a one hour wait to see your wins and losses show up, that’s not even abnormal.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    That's true. But outside of the universal rules and guidelines that MS's TCRs require, there isn't much that XBL dictates as far as quality. Everything that would be considered to be under that "invisible" bit can be done by individual companies, it would just require a lot of effort on their behalf.
  5. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Well, there are a few companies, EA is a notable one, that do create their own backend servers to support PS3 multiplayer, and provide a lot of nice features that way. The problem is, EA is monster-sized company, and companies don't need to get much smaller before they can't afford to create those kind of services. It's not a question of effort... there's just gotta be someone paying for it. On XBL we pay for it, so it's just guaranteed on every game.

    Don't underestimate the benefits of standardization either. Since all the matchmaking and everything is done by MS, if you meet someone really, really annoying on VF5, and rate them down or w/e, the backend will remember, and help you avoid matches with them in every other online game you both play.

    I'm not trying to be a big MS fanboy or w/e... but I just hear the exact same arguments on every forum everywhere whenever Sony vs. MS comes up, and yet people never mention some of this stuff, which seems like the most important bit of all.
  6. Dash

    Dash Member

    I've browsed through this topic and I've seen nothing about El Blaze's items. Could someone mind sharing? If they suck, then I'm not going to buy them.
  7. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    id buy they DLC but the items for Vanessa stink.. a fallout gas mask? pink hair? not my kinda stuff.. they only item i might use is the tatoo but its purple or something and it clashes with my red out fit [insert dry sarcasm here]

    the XBL matchmaking stinks.. it doesnt stop me from playing with people with awful reps for exactly the things i hate (racist, belligerent trash talkin 8-16 year old psychos) and even after i 'unprefer' them their games still pop up on the custom lists.. forced to leave games i see people i dont like in
  8. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Nah I feel you. Normally it is just the pro MS fanboy I deal with on this matter, I can tell you're not that. Supplying actual facts and reasons rather than "ITS JUST BETTER!". I just get defensive I guess because the future of PS's online gaming isn't as bleek as some make it out to be. Duno if it will ever top XBL per say, but with additions of HOME and what not, it should get close to being on par eventually.
  9. Goatface

    Goatface Member

    Tribal Chest Tattoo
    Blue Arm String
    Gold Lion Mask
  10. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    Great, chandeliers on her freakin' neck... I'll pass. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_down.gif
  11. KimiSan

    KimiSan Member

    Anyone know if there's going to be more of these?

    The items in this pack sound kinda lame...
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I just thought of something. IF there are more items that already exist in the game in this form (just using a key to unlock), there'd really be no sense in NOT releasing them, even if only a few hundred people DL'd it. It'd just be a waste, since it's already just sitting there in the game.
  13. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member


    I still wanna see more of this on Marketplace, or even better as a free set at some point in time.

    I dunno about you guys, but I'm loving my DLC items, they're so damn awesome.
  14. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    Can't it be free for say, top people in the Rankings? (including Command Time Attack of course) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  15. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    if the items are already on the disc im never going to pay for them.. i like the idea of dlc but im not paying for something that i already own..

    microtransactions can extend the life of a game and add replay value, annex mode in Gears of War for example.. but charging me to use something i already paid $60 for, thats just insulting.

    IF the dlc really unlocks content on the disc ill never buy it on principle.
  16. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Well if they follow suit of many other downloadable upgrades, these will eventually become "free" and you won't have to worry about that too much. So long as you're patient.
  17. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Am I an idiot or what...? I can't figure out how to download this. When I visit the marketplace website it's there but there isn't a link to click on. Help please!
  18. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    If I remember right, you go to the marketplace, select downloadable content, then select VF5. In that option there's a list for all sorts of stuff, like gamer pics and themes, but the option for the DLC of outfit options is in there too.
  19. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    You can't buy it on their website... there's a marketplace section in the dashboard on your XBOX, buy it from there.
  20. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    M$ fanboy here, missed the other half of the thread earlier..

    when i had a ps3 no one had a mic so i really appreciate m$ including one with the premium systems (no excuses ppl!).. ive bought 3 replacement mics so i dont feel bad for ANYONE withone one..

    achievements are the greatest innovation gaming in gaming other than the wii control scheme (which i fully expect m$ to ripoff/copy/license eventually).. being able to look at friends achievements and share my own is such a great idea, especially because they're standardized and equal opportunity (assuming you have XBL for the online achievements)

    honestly i could care less what sony does with their system but i hope they KEEP XBL a pay service for several reasons..

    1. its bad enough parents dont pay attention to M ratings but a free service lets any idiot with high speed connect and gears doesnt need more 8 year olds screaming racial slurs and quiting ranked..
    2. it discourages ppl from changing names constantly to avoid bad feedback.. if your a dirtbag you should live with it..
    3. its only $60.. i mean really, pay the year in advance and get over it..

    for me the XBL service is the way to go.. yes, i am an admitted Xbox fanboy.. had the original Xbox and i love my 360..

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