New item pack DLC available!!!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Undrtaker, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

  2. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Do you know why Itagaki/Team Ninja sued NinjaHacker for opening up the game disk, and messing around with stuff, leading to creating custome costumes/etc. for the characters then putting it online? Because you DON'T own the content on your disk. You only own the license to play with the content. You own the disk, you own the license, you don't own the content. Only the content made available to you through the license is yours. Team Ninja goes as far as to put this at the start of every game of theirs so that there is no fuzziness. When you sell the game back to gamestop, you sell your license to them so they can resell it to someone else.
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    True, false, depends.

    I clearly own the disc.

    As to the license, I'm saying there is no such thing. I don't have the game in front of me, but I seriously doubt there's anything even approaching the kind of notice of terms in ProCd v Zeidenberg ( the famous pro-shrinkwrap licensing case). I certainly didn't manifest any consent to the terms of the kind that mmight pass specht v. netscape (famous anti-shrinkwrap licensing case).

    As to the content, depends on what you mean by "own". Sure, I can't make copies of it and sell it. But I can express the same ideas embodied in the content in new ways, make backup copies of the content, modify the content so it works on my computer, etc. I can do this regardless of what the copyright owner wants me to be able to do, regardless of any license, because those are the rights the law gives me as owner of a legitimate copy of copyrightable material. See 17 usc 117

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When you sell the game back to gamestop, you sell your license to them so they can resell it to someone else. </div></div>

    This is blatantly incorrect, because if it was actually an enforceable license ( as opposed to sale of a copy w/ incidental rights guaranteed by statute ), software makers (not to mention booksellers) would simply make the license non-transferable. The death of resale shops, libraries, etc would soon follow.

    Please stop spreading an incorrect meme that encourages consumers to bend over and take it, as meaningful rights slip away.

    (none of the above should be construed as legal advice, I don't represent you, ask an attorney in your jurisdiction before doing anything)
  4. NykkoMT

    NykkoMT Active Member

    Although I dont like the items in here, I'll buy it just so there are more DLC's in the future...

    Here's to hoping that I can get the Hairband, Shoes, Top/Bottom from Pai's VF2 costume...
  5. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    This is blatantly incorrect, because if it was actually an enforceable license ( as opposed to sale of a copy w/ incidental rights guaranteed by statute ), software makers (not to mention booksellers) would simply make the license non-transferable. The death of resale shops, libraries, etc would soon follow.

    Please stop spreading an incorrect meme that encourages consumers to bend over and take it, as meaningful rights slip away.

    (none of the above should be construed as legal advice, I don't represent you, ask an attorney in your jurisdiction before doing anything)

    Apparently you ignored the lawsuit that I brought up between Team Ninja/ninjahackers....
  6. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Apparently, you ignored the fact that your argument is faulty, regardless of the Tecmo lawsuit.

    But since you brought it up . . .

    Point the first, anyone can file suit claiming something, doesn't mean it's legally correct.

    Point the second, Tecmo was alleging that the guys behind were posting source code ( which would be a problem regardless of whether it was a sale or a license ), and were violating the DMCA ( as I already said, breaking access restrictions is illegal regardless of whether it's a sale or a license ).

    Point the third, last I heard, Tecmo settled the lawsuit, as in, no precedential effect:

    etc etc.

    If you've got some actual, y'know, factual information, please share it. Otherwise apologize for being wrong & go on about your business.

    (none of the above should be construed as legal advice, I don't represent you, ask an attorney in your jurisdiction before doing anything)
  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Actually in your example didn't they create new data from proprietary data?
  8. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Wow there's still a debate over this? ROFL.

    You know, now when I think about it, I like the idea of having everything on the disc.

    Because it's so easy to go to someone else's house, online or offline, with my character and still have the awesome custom items I got with having to download the DLC content unto their 360s.
  9. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    This guy likes to talk about things that never happend. Come back when VF9 is around and spew your "I told you so"
  10. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Agreed 100%. I have no problem paying for DLC, I only wish the new items are better..MUCH better.

    I only liked Sara and Kage new items. The remaining are just a waste.

    Oh yes, Indeed!
  11. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    I haven't downloaded the items yet but I will. I am kinda disappointed though. I was hopeing for some better stuff for my Aoi like kabuki wigs, costume switch, or the pants lol. But oh well, I'll just be patient and wait. XP
  12. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    what is your time worth?

    how long does it take for you to unlock 3 decent items for your character in quest mode? 3 items for every character?


    $3 is a bargain.

    is this still available in the marketplace...i've looked around and can't find it.
  13. manwhatarip

    manwhatarip Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    If time was such an issue why are you playing such a deep game?
  14. oreopride

    oreopride Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I find it surprising that people are so upset by this.

    I've never heard people get this upset about the system in Japan, which costs MUCH more money than this does, and is way more popular.

    Some examples:

    to use a card at all, you have to pay $5 per character right up front. That's just to get the card. Then it's $1 to play for the first time, we're already @ 10% of the cost of the 360 version for ONE play. If you loose, get out another dollar.

    once you've racked up 500 games, guess what, time to buy another card for another $5 \:D ! Can you imagine having to pay $5 of ms points just to keep playing on live once you'd played 500 matches?

    Want to use the nifty vf.terminal? Get out some money.

    To use the service on a cell phone or PC (that is, if you want to buy items in the shop, make a team, save your replays, engage in quests etc) you'll have to pay a monthly fee, which I think ranges from like $3-10/month. Every time you log in, check the various pages, customize your character etc, you're charged fees on top of that for packets of info.

    For example, I once played the "Battle Arena" mini game on to get a certain item for Akira. By the time I got the item, I'd spent about $40 in data fees.

    $3 for 54 items, or $40 for one item, which sounds more appealing?

    Since came out, I've never heard anyone be offended by the fact that they have to pay money to enjoy all this extra content, because it is already in the game. Compared to what they have to pay in Japan, the 360 version + Live is a bargain.</div></div>

    For years I've always told people "It's useless to argue on the internet since nobody ever changes their opinion based on a single forum posting."

    You, sir, are one of the few exceptions to the rule. I came on here ready to say "Rabble rabble!" However, as an avid ex-Tekken 5 player I totally understand the BS that comes with building up a character. And charges for individual items? I can't knock it since that gives Virtua Fighter some form of profitability.

    Anyway, my point was that I read your post and immediately went onto Xbox Live and downloaded the "unlocking" pack. $3 for 54 items? I have 400 matches online so far.

    400 X .50 = $200 at the arcade as opposed to the $50 for Xbox live.

    If you ask me DL packs are going to be a necessity for the gaming future since companies don't make money selling arcade cabinets anymore. Free online game-play has a nice sound to it but you have to understand that companies have to turn some kind of dollar so they can keep putting out a great product. "But great games and products get played by people and always sell big!"

    Any Phantom Dust players here? Anyone remember Beyond Good and Evil or Ico? Anyone here ever heard of Looking Glass Studios? Yea, exactly. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    That's the thing people often forget, you can't ask for the publishers to support you if you don't support them first.
  16. oreopride

    oreopride Member

    So, essentially, your argument is that we shouldn't argue unless we say we like being cheated?

    It seems like a lot of people complaining don't understand how the American arcade scene works. VF, in America, has not been able to justify that at an arcade since VF3. That's why we saw all those VF3 machines next to all those Tekken Tag machines. And which was easier to pick up?

    There is no US arcade market(anymore). I know a lot of you guys in key cities (NYC, Orlando, LA, etc) say "We have arcades popping up all around." But the average city doesn't get enough players to justify an arcade.

    Everything from Xbox Live to to Gamespy is taking a huge chunk of the arcade market here. I live in Pensacola, a city with a population of 56k people. We do not have a single arcade here. About 15 years ago, when I was 8, I lived in Warner Robins, GA which had a population of around 20k people. We had *two* competing arcades that were defunct last time I visited.

    People like arcade gaming more than onling gaming? Tell that to the millions of WoW players or the people on Call of Duty 4 right now. Your average, casual gamer has a much easier time balancing a 30 hour work week, 15 credit hour classes, and a gf with an online game than driving an hour to play in person. Trust me on this. Don't forget all those "game nights" at Comic Stores, Game Stores, and whatnot that let you play fighting games all night for $10.

    You say that games are better at an arcade and can justify the cost, but that is a subjective statemnet (just like mine about how home gaming rules). The only difference is I can show that arcades are doing poorly and online gaming is increasing. If morals are the way we want things to be then economics are the way things are. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Home consoles are also *EXTREMELY CONVENIENTLY* priced. If you suck at an arcade game, and stayed from 11AM - 3PM like I did on VF5 yesterday, at an ideal .50 per game, you'd go through $15 easily. We should feel so lucky that arcade machines have held out so long since it's much cheaper to just rent a game and beat it. Remember when you had the choice between playing Turtles in Time on the arcade machine or renting it for home? Your parents only gave you $2 to play...but with a rental you had all the time in the world.

    But the point is they *do* get the money out of the players in Japan, one way or another. Right now, in America, you can create and itemize 30 different characters. And how much do we have to pay? $0. You want some more items? The only thing it costs you is time. In Japan it costs them time and money.

    Delivery of means aside, $3 really is nothing for 54 items that can be used on an online game. You want to see VF6 here? Because I remember how I couldn't wait for Tobal No. 2. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  17. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness I play as all the characters, otherwise this would seem like a waste of MS points seeing as I will never touch many of these items (especially the coloured hair gubbins). But overall, I'm very happy with this DL content and hope there's more to come.

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif Especially Brad's new beard!
  18. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Well I like to play the game online but I hate to pay for the online mode. And paying for those pictures & items is an absolute rip-off. I won't support it! Damn M$ and I hope VF5 evo will be on PS3 again with online support without paying a monthly rip-off.
  19. CapnKill

    CapnKill Active Member

    I think XBLive comes out to about 2 cents a day... or 11 cents a day.. or something.
  20. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    It's less than a buck a week, I think it's totally worth it for Live

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