New item pack DLC available!!!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Undrtaker, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    the forced update solution seems like the best one.
  2. SkatanMilla

    SkatanMilla Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    I'm guessing we'll see 2 more item packs like this, because 3 is the magic number.
  3. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Are we complaining about $3??????

    It's like Dre said: the DLC is purely cosmetic. So if you can't spring for $3 (or just don't like your character's items), don't get it and don't bitch! Problem solved.

    I like my Eileen's blue pigtails and "goth bracelet"; $3 well spent for me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    I had a dream about this item pack last night. I kid you not. It was very involved and Akira's face makeup was awesome!
  5. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    I bought the pack because I wanted more DLC, but Jeffry's items are horrid!

    I won't buy it next time if they continue to slight the black man.

    **shakes head**
  6. Druec

    Druec New Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    I just don't agree with paying for something twice (even if it is only a small sum of money) - this to me is just the start of things to come from the gaming industry, I really hope it doesn't take off.
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    I find it surprising that people are so upset by this.

    I've never heard people get this upset about the system in Japan, which costs MUCH more money than this does, and is way more popular.

    Some examples:

    to use a card at all, you have to pay $5 per character right up front. That's just to get the card. Then it's $1 to play for the first time, we're already @ 10% of the cost of the 360 version for ONE play. If you loose, get out another dollar.

    once you've racked up 500 games, guess what, time to buy another card for another $5 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ! Can you imagine having to pay $5 of ms points just to keep playing on live once you'd played 500 matches?

    Want to use the nifty vf.terminal? Get out some money.

    To use the service on a cell phone or PC (that is, if you want to buy items in the shop, make a team, save your replays, engage in quests etc) you'll have to pay a monthly fee, which I think ranges from like $3-10/month. Every time you log in, check the various pages, customize your character etc, you're charged fees on top of that for packets of info.

    For example, I once played the "Battle Arena" mini game on to get a certain item for Akira. By the time I got the item, I'd spent about $40 in data fees.

    $3 for 54 items, or $40 for one item, which sounds more appealing?

    Since came out, I've never heard anyone be offended by the fact that they have to pay money to enjoy all this extra content, because it is already in the game. Compared to what they have to pay in Japan, the 360 version + Live is a bargain.
  8. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Bryan, I agree with you 100%. Not to mention how much money you'd actually be spending playing the game in japan at a place like club sega akiba or nishispo. It seems to me that its mostly the noobs on vfdc that are complaining about this issue while the veterans are simply happy they can play their favorite game online for $60. There's really no point in sounding like grandpa to the kids and rambling on about what we had to do to find 'decent' comp back in the day, but going through that numerous times with this series really made me extremely appreciative of what we have now. Online isnt perfect but its better than only being able to play against one other person once a week or once a month.
    It's really a shame that people feel that $60 for xbox vf5 (not including the extra item pack) was such a rip.
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Maybe this is an advantage JP players have too, they spend more money for less content, it's just not fair at all!

    Damn the Japanese button!
  10. manwhatarip

    manwhatarip Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Seems some people are a bit slow. It's not about the money. It's the fact we paid for the disc and everything on it. But now to use certain stuff on the disc we already paid in full for, we need to pay a second time. And when more DLC comes out, a third, forth, fifth and so on
  11. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Whats the difference if sega already made the content and put it on the disc unlockable or sega already made the content and feeds it to you through the internet? 'Means of delivery' is the answer. Yes, all the content has ALREADY been created in the arcade and probably for the home as well but it seems that if its 'already' on the disc or already been created, you demand to have it included in the price. Who's to say what you paid for? Before tuesday you didnt even know what was on the disc. Were you upset before then?

    Also, the people that don't agree with your point of view aren't necessarily slow, they just have a different point of view and don't agree with you.
  12. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Will all the fags who keep posting about the "it was on the disc that we payed for and blah blah blah" just stfu and wait for some dude with a gameshark/cheat code so they can get the shit for free.

    If you don't like it, then tell Sega by:

    #1 Not buying it
    #2 Using illegal means to unlock the crap

    At the very least you will make sure in the future Sega doesn't put crap on the disc unless it is available without DLC keys. In which case you won't have this false sense of being ripped off.

    Let's look at it this way.

    Say playing VF for an hour is an opportunity cost of $12 that you could have earned elsewhere or $12 worth of entertainment with something else.

    Most people even with the ballon trick will only unlock about 5-10 items per hour (cause of money and sphere matches). Which means overall it could take you 5-10 hours worth of game time to unlock these 51 items across the board with all these characters.

    For 5-10 hours of time spent playing fucking Quest mode I could have made $120+ at my job, spent some quality time with my family, had a fantastic day out with a gf, or hung out with my old friends.

    Maybe some of you guys are so fucking sensitive to the idea of wasting a measly $3 but for me, I'd like to thank them for saving me the trouble of spending more time in Quest mode that I could easily spend on something far more desirable.
  13. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    plus, they gave you 50000 free gold in the very beginning, that you didn't have to earn. consider the cost of the DLC a trade off for clothes/items you didn't have to earn like you would have in any other version of the game . . .
  14. RayBlade

    RayBlade Well-Known Member

  15. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    very true. also true that people that have a differing viewpoint aren't necessarily "fags"

    nothing on the entire internet makes any viewpoint seem entirely irrelevant as quickly as throwing around "fag" as an insult.

    i mean, yeah, in 5th grade, it was tops! but by the age that you can earn a paycheck, you really should have discovered MUCH better insults than that.
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    It seems like some people are a little slow, cause the contents are on the disc but you haven't paid for it. Just like you don't own the game nor the code on the disc, but only a license to use what the vendor wants you to have access to.

    Just like Xbox Live capability is built into the xbox, but you still need to pay $50 regularly for it.

    I mean, the 360 version pretty much confirms the fact that you'll have to pay for contents. Why complain when you know you support it willingly?
  17. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    UPDATE: On page 8 (i think) when i posted about being able to copy the DOWNLOAD CONTENT data onto someone elses hard drive it wasn't accurate. I copied the data onto my cousins harddrive and he didnt have it at first, but then we played with our character data and he had won some item battles and THEN he had it. It was only for the character that he played though. SO only Sarah had the download content data and the other characters didnt. Anyone wanna speculate?
  18. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Dan just actually brought up an amazing point nobody considered... we got the items and didn't have to play to randomly unlock them.
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    The big picture's too hard
  20. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: Not happy with the DLC

    Software companies might like to think that, but this is still untrue, at least in the US. I don't recall agreeing to any license, and I certainly own the copy. Legitimate ownership of the copy is what gives me the right to duplicate the software into the xbox360's ram (i.e. play the game), not a copyright license from sega.

    This may seem like a minor thing, but it's very important - it's why I can sell the game back to gamestop, etc. rather than living in a world where IP owners have absolute control.

    Of course, if there are access controls preventing use of the DL content, it's illegal to break those access controls, but that's a whole nother story.

    (none of the above should be construed as legal advice, I don't represent you, ask an attorney in your jurisdiction before doing anything)

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