New item pack DLC available!!!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Undrtaker, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Granted his questions were rather bate~ish, still this must be the weakest call for a ban I've seen...
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I actually like the pink light plate. . . I like shiny things
  3. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    i am DYING without my beloved panda head.
  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Myke and Ice-9 are the only ones that can ban iirc. Trust me you'd rather I not have that ability since there'd be so many temp bans to keep track of I'd forget someone.
  5. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    i like achievements.. kinda stated that earlier, currently in a gamerscore battle with my friend Fokai from Guam.. so thats 2 'nobodies'.. i play games for fun, its not like i get paid to keep my ranked win percentage up in gears or Vf5..

    its extremely frustrating to be dismissed by these elitist 'f*** achievements' ppl.. i personally think its one of the best ideas on a next gen console next to the wii remote (which ill predict again, m$ will rip off or license)..

    exactly.. if i could unlock everything a already paid 60 american dollars for by playing the game id be a happy camper.. id have a pint AND a full featured video game.. all the nickel and diming is costing me NICKELS AND DIMES!!! im rather insulted by the idea that im paying for something i already own..

    i refuse to buy anything that 'unlocks' content on my disc.. if they keep this crap up ill just rent the games and tell all the game developers to f*** off.. the only games ill actually buy from here on out will be XBLA games..

    60 bucks and they want more money, for isht i already paid for.. f*** em.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I love that comparing things to a pint makes sense no matter which country you're from. Oh the great equalizer.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    £1.75 would get you a pint here, seems pretty expensive for an half.
  8. manwhatarip

    manwhatarip Member

    60 bucks and they want more money, for isht i already paid for.. f*** em.

    Exactly. It's bullshit.
  9. NykkoMT

    NykkoMT Active Member

  10. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Give this man he's Panda hat already, SEGA. I want to see this panda hat myself. Like homeboy said in Robocop " I'll buy that for a dollar"
  11. Erick

    Erick New Member

    What items did Aoi get, in the new item pack, please?
  12. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    So I took the bait and downloaded ITEM PACK 3 this morning...

    It's two items, the Blue light plate and Natural hair color (Black, Blonde, Brown, or Silver).

    Even though I was vehemently against getting (and I still haven't gotten) Item Pack 2 because it carried the same kind of palette swapped items, I've used both items in Item Pack 3 due to them being not as edgy.
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    oh wow, sega are you freaking serious?
  14. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    well thanks for letting me know. I doubt i'll buy this one
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    some day microsoft will find a way to make you pay for content you already paid for three times, instead of just two

    I mean exponential windfall profits at the expense of consumer confidence and mindshare? American corporations think: SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!
  16. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Gotta catch 'em all!
  17. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I've been saying I want that damn blue lightplate for my foot... but this crap isn't worth it. Maybe I'll buy it, share it with all the CO guys and collect 25cents from each lol.
  18. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    Actually, that's not a bad idea. If I had a 360 I'd be all for that. Split it up among a bunch of people and it's actually worth it.
  19. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

  20. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    brown pompadour for jacky and blonde straight hair for shun. wow, that was a waste of 2 bucks. Sega, if you are listening... FUCK YOU!

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