New Aoi Player... yoicks

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by plan17, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Re: Last night's Aoi research

    Does anyone know any other combos after b+K+G MC? looks like there's a lot of time to do something...

    Sure, if b+K+G MCs you can tap G and then land f+KK, or another b+K+G. I'm sure there are other things as well.

  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It does? Gee. Maybe I should start wearing specs to complete the image then... lol

    Do you have a green plaid skirt and white button-down shirt? And black flats?
    No? Shame.

    I often see people do this, but after their opponent staggers from the knee (they blocked low) I don't see the Aoi players doing anything much

    Dunno about VF4, but in VF3 a braindead and very reliable followup to a PPPK stagger was a throw. Aoi didn't need to dash or even have good timing. She just needed to enter a throw right away and it would stay buffered and toss the opponent when both players recovered. Try d/f+P+G afterwards and see if you have any luck in VF4.

    Finally, you mention doing a chop after you're done severing (!!!) the opponent's limbs; can we do a big pounce instead? And oh dear, here comes the question again: I know you've mentioned that "big pounces" are almost guaranteed if the opponent crumbles (kuzure down) but what about for other scenarios? Maybe I should ask, how will we know which moves take the longest time to recover from (i.e. how fast they can pick themselves up from the ground after falling) and which take moves allow us to recover the fastest so we can do a "big pounce" on them? Whether or not a big pounce can be done would depend on a combination of these two factors then...

    After a d/f+P+G ground throw, d/f+P has a decent chance at connecting but I don't think it's guaranteed. So a big pounce definitely could be avoided.
    The only times I'd really go for a pounce these days is after KD animation (crumple to the floor) or after kick-up animation (I call it leg flop animation). Anything else can probably be avoided by tech rolling. There is maybe one other situation where a pounce is likely - you float an opponent and then do aoi's K,K combo to them. The second hit should slam them to the floor and moves that knock the opponent to the floor fast generally have a better chance of landing a pounce after (you can't tech roll).
  3. a_l_e_x

    a_l_e_x Active Member

    Tried her in VF3, gave her up, think I am gonna try her again. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    What's the different between f+P, P and f+P+K, P? They looks the same but the f+P, P doesn't knock down... If there's no special attribute to it, shouldn't I always stick to f+P+K, P?

    b,f+P, P+G do not required a MC right? How's the timing like? I trie it many times but the success rate is really low. Same as Vanessa's f,f+K+G,f+P+G. Wondering can there be typo and all hit-throw required Mc after all /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    Some news on ver.C about Pai's 270 degree throw, a 'bug fix' that make it required a 4 directional command to escape. Does it means that everyone's 4-directional throws required 4-directional escape command (except Pai's, hence they call it 'bug-fix')?

    Tried her 270 degree throw, follow by ground throw and ground chop on CPU, tons of damage. But of course not guaranteed on human player right?

    Thanks whoever contribuited on this thread, especially on b+K+G and b,d/f+p stuff.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    difference between f+P, P and f+P+K, P

    think of f+P+K, P as a powerful, riskier version of f+P, P. The elbow-chop is safe, and executes much faster (so it's less likely to be stuffed). However like you said f+P+K, P knocks down of the second hit connects, and sometimes if the first hit MC's. It also tracks better.

    The f+P, P is cool because if the second P major counters, I think a throw is likely to connect. Either that or aoi is screwed. I forget which.

    Dunno about the timing on the hit throw, but a lot of talk has been made about vanessa's, and some about aoi's too. Search the board for hit, throw, and aoi ... you'll come up with some info on the timing.
    Usually for hit throws faster is better. A few may require some delay.

    As for the escape on pai's throw.. amma see if I can get a dude to experiment with that soon. Four directional escapes for all throws of this type seem like an overkill sort of fix. But it does eliminate lucky throw escapes (i.e. you enter d+P+G and end up escaping either stumbling trip or the 270 throw)

    Try pai's f+K+G in version C, knocks down and gives kickup animation for a free combo. Possible followups that might work well: D+K,K and u/f+K, K.
  5. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Both the hit throws you mentioned require a slight delay in the input. For Aoi's b,f+P, f+PG, enter the second input roughly at around the time your hear the second punch connect (or slightly thereafter). For Vanessa's, same deal, wait until around the time the kick hits.

    And to my knowledge, neither of Aoi's 270 throws guarantee and ground throw.
  6. a_l_e_x

    a_l_e_x Active Member


    For her hit throw(b,f+P, P+G), as Yamcha said, input the P+G around the time the second palm hit, and the success rate is higher. Will keep on trying.

    Don't know if this is mentioned in this forum b4(searched but can't seems to find anything), is that anything guaranteed after Aoi's auto-inashi from her YY? If no what's your best bet after the inashi(hand and leg version)? Speaking of that, how 'bout Pai's inashi? Don't really think anything's guaranteed as the opponent is usually pushed quite far...
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    If you inashi and get the opponent to swing behind you, a lot of players go for f+P+K, P ... but I have the feeling it's not guaranteed.
    A better bet is to try for an immediate back throw. It's also probably not guaranteed, but if it is.. great.

    If you get a no damage reversal vs. a crescent kick, K, K seems reliable. I dunno about inashis vs. regular high kicks.. what do those look like anyway?
  8. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    I remember seeing, after the YY inashi, something along the lines of f+PK, P(cancel) -> opponent staggered -> f+K,K. Again, how guaranteed that is, no idea.
  9. BEM

    BEM Member

    For Aoi's b,f+P, f+PG
    Is that the correct motion? I thought it was b, f+P, P+G, and it appears to be listed as that on the movelists.

    Could someone confirm the motion? I have limited sucess with this move (< 20%) and I'd like to make sure I'm inputting the correct commands.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    For Aoi's b,f+P, f+PG
    Is that the correct motion? I thought it was b, f+P, P+G, and it appears to be listed as that on the movelists.

    The motions are correct as they appear on <a target="_blank" href=>Aoi's Command List</a> and that is b,f+P (hit) P+G.
  11. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    b,f+P, P+G do not required a MC right? How's the timing like? I trie it many times but the success rate is really low. Same as Vanessa's f,f+K+G,f+P+G. Wondering can there be typo and all hit-throw required Mc after all

    I don't know about other characters, but for Sarah just a normal hit is sufficient for both of her flamingo stance hit throws. No major counter is needed. Time the P+G tap to coincide with the attack hitting. Funny, but I think I remember most of the hit throw discussion (for other characters) ending up in the Sarah combos thread... /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

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