Namco still up for Tekken vs. VF

Discussion in 'General' started by boxydancer, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Have you tried Garou on xbla? the game is awesome!
  2. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's a great game. I've only played it offline so far (only have a PS3) but I did enter a small tournament and met some good players and we may even have a Garou league in the arcade.
  3. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    One thing I find amazing is that I can use grant and not even bother with complex combos, I was looking for a fighting game not combo heavy and grant can be used effectively without many comobs.

    Still practicing others as well, but so far grant is my man.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Cause ignorant people talking shit with no good reason gets old pretty fast?
  5. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    This thread is getting pointless now. Time for a lock?
  6. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    no i think it can reach new lows, lets keep going!
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    what about this:

    it really depends on who is making the game,

    if sega makes it (never going to happen lol) its going to be like the SVC game on the NGPC,

    if namco makes it, then its going to be like CVS1, maybe they will patch it a few times until they get a somewhat balanced game.
  8. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Look around VFDC and/or other sites, such as Arcadia. If you're any level of serious in VF, you would be fully aware of what the tiers are (clue: one of the top characters was twice the man he used to be...).

    I respect the love for VF mate...

    ...however, you know in all seriousness what I meant when I used the word "failure" (sales) - the continued existence of a competition-based game depends entirely on the support of fans, both casual and hardcore alike. Without one or the other, both the game and eventually, sales, suffer. When a game starts burning a hole in a limited pocket, the game is shelved.

    VF5 reminds me of the Capcom game Okami. Easily one of the best platformers ever. There is no dispute. Tekken fans know that VF is a great game. No dispute either. Okami also didn't sell well enough for Capcom to continue pushing the franchise.

    ...but unlike Okami, which is basically a story that you play through, fighting almost completely depend on competition. No comp = game dies. In the same way a new TV show is a failure when nobody watches, a sport or a game or an event is a failure when nobody attends. In video games, a game is a failure when nobody buys (even if the game is "good").

    VF5's weak sales underlined one simple truth: Sega is out of touch with the current market. You know something was completely amiss when Japan, VF's traditional stronghold, suddenly picked up Tekken instead, and Street Fighter is losing to BlazBlue.

    If you were to draw parallels, you could compare VF, Tekken, and SC with German automobiles. VF could be considered the Mercedes Benz of FG's, SC would be BMW, and Tekken would be Audi. Ten years ago, saying that Tekken would create a game as balanced as VF, as polished as VF, and stomp VF in Japanese Arcades would be the equivalent of you saying that Audi would match Mercdes' build quality and outsell them in Germany, Mercedes' traditional selling ground. People, especially die-hard MB fans, would laugh at your face slap you upside the head for making such a stupid remark.

    However, fast forward to today: Tekken has taken over VF's number 1 3D FG position, and Audi has outsold MB for the last 2 years running. Tekken's success lies in the fact that the boys behind it did their best. While Sega was busy suing fans for selling vids of VF competitions; Harada, Tekken's producer, was busy holding tournaments across Asia/Australia (and personally attending them as well). Now they're even bringing BR to EVO'09.

    Sega? They're too busy with Daisy Fuentes' pilates to care about us.

    In any business in any industry, dropping from number 1 to number 2 isn't a good sign. But to drop to a point that your own parent company no longer intends to support you? In any other business in any other industry, they define that with one word: failure. And whatever it is you did/sold/made was exactly that: a failure.
  9. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    that shows how much you know.
  10. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    He can do some massive combos especially in the corner.

    You mentioned NGBC and that along with Garou and VF5 are the only fighters I've tried to get into in the last 2 years that I really liked. None of them have many players though especially poor old NGBC [​IMG]. T6BR will have the players but will I like it as much as I liked TTT (my favourite in the series)?
  11. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    This might help answer your question:

    Would you trust the opinion of some of the old top-level TTT/DR players, such as MDJ, Insanelee, etc.?

    If you do, then know that they're big on T6BR.

    Seriously mate, quit it. We both know you're just bored and trolling, and personally, you being a VF fan and not knowing the tiers is... well... it means you shouldn't even be making false sweeping statements such as "VF has no tiers!"

    It does. In fact, it always has.
  12. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Actually, the more appropriate way to word it -

    In the gaming business, a game is a failure when nobody buys it.

    Since everything is about semantics (and just to be anal), I guess VF5 is not a failure since some people actually bought the game. :p

    I have to admit, every time I read your post, it sounds like the same old sales pitch made by vendors at work.
  13. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    This thread is proof that people should do more actual fighting (ingame of course) and less talking.

    If people spent as much time practicing, playing and improving as they do coming up with the latest revolutionary way to make all the casuals in the world start playing VF this community would be 10x what it is today.

    Ditto for the DOA players writing shitty guides.

    If high number of players and strong competition is what you're after, go play Starcraft 2. Nobody plays fighting games in the western world. (see what I did there?)
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I would if I could. I cant really improve without competition.. It always comes back to this.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">VF5's weak sales underlined one simple truth: Sega is out of touch with the current market.</div></div>
    Sega is out of touch with the world.
  15. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Panda, I dont know what elase I can say to you man, Im talking apples and you talking oranges man,

    Imagine this site was called and the people here were all crazy about tennis and all we talked about was tennnis. Of course there might be people who likes other sports, but when they are here, they talk about tennis, the great players of tenis and the great matches of tennis.


    I know football can be intense and fun, and there might be a lot of thinking involved. BUT MAN I like tennis better!

    So far you have not said anything about what makes Tekken6 a great game, you have not given me one clue, one example of a great match, one gameplay detail that shows me what makes TK6 the game of choice over VF5. People talk about competition and sales figures, but never about gameplay mechanics.

    Gameplay mechanics are what I love about this game man!

    I dont go around other sites spamming crap like the trolls here, I read the remarks on neogaf and shoryuken about how we are elitist and such on this website, BUT FUCK MAN, this is vfdc right? can I at least expect to find relevant discussion about my favourite game? If you dont want to talk about VF anymore man, its not VF that failed you, maybe its just time you move on and let us talk about this old niche game?

    OK let me make one final exaple to see if you finally get it, because you are so far up your marketing arse you dont have many hopes to ever see the light:

    Who cares about the market? I care about the gameplay quality of the game im playing. It would be akin to fuck a fat lady only because there's MORE of her, since skinny ladies are so light:

    1 FAT LADY = 2+ skinny ones

    this is your logic. QUALITY instead of quantity!
    fuck that shit off. Tekken has got 400K characters and lots of competition, but it plays like shit in my book. enough of your talk about how big those fat ladies are, im not gonna fuck them.

  16. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I think everyone's lost the plot by now, but let me go along with your train of thought:

    1) This is and we love tennis man, what a great game.
    2) Everyone else says "yeah man, it's a great game."
    3) Then a tennis fan goes: "yeah, that's why tennis is the greatest game in the world! Not like other solo sports like Bowling, Pool, Judo, etc."
    4) Turns out there are people on who love Judo just as much as tennis, and they pipe up: "hold it man, Judo doesn't suck. Do you even play Judo?"
    5) Tennis fan goes "yeah, I tried a few times - it sucks man, I don't understand the points, and it's all about size man: you can't win if you're small and shit. It's not balanced!"
    6) Judo fan: That's not true. It's not about size. And if it sucks so much, then why do more people watch and compete in Judo than Tennis?
    7) It sucks because I think it sucks.
    8) Similar argument ensues.

    Does it make sense now?

    The lesson here is simple: Mind your own space. 90-99% of the people on VFDC have no clue on how to play Tekken competitively, so instead of acting like a bunch of jealous and bitter kids whining about why their favorite cartoon program has been canned in favor of something else, grow up, and do something positive about it: like trying to actually get Sega to release the game.

    And as for a video:

    Tekken 6 BR Finals at Devastation (Naps vs MDJ) - starts at 48:30. Before that is the SC4 Finals.

    As I said on another thread: if you can't appreciate that, then just accept that Tekken isn't for you, and stop bashing something that you're not good at.
  17. DrDogg

    DrDogg Well-Known Member

    Tekken 6 is out. Just not out on console. I've been playing the game all year and the rest of the world has been playing it for over 18 months. ^_^

    As for sales figures... the SF series (including SF4, but not the PC version) has sold 27 million copies. The Tekken series (not including Tekken 6) has sold 33 million copies.

    Street Fighter = 27 million w/ SF4 (
    Tekken = 33 million w/o Tekken 6 ( - just before the About Namco section)

    Seriously? I'd love to play you in VF, but I don't play online because every online fighting game sucks, whether it's VF, Tekken, SF, or whatever. However, if you'd like to show up to a tournament I'd be glad to play you at VF5. I'll be at Evo, we can play there.

    I know you'd love to be able to troll me and have me troll back, but the simple fact is that I'm not trolling at all. I'm a fan of Tekken and VF, so the Tekken vs. VF game interests me. That's the only reason I'm posting in this thread. I normally keep my posts limited to the tournament forum on here.

    I know you missed my earlier post... or at least didn't read it properly, so I'll quote it here with the important parts bolded:

    The first bolded point states why I prefer Tekken to VF. The competitive scene is larger.

    The second bolded point clearly states that I think VF is a great game.

    I don't think anything else needs to be said... -_-

    I play Tekken and VF at competitive levels. I enjoy both games. In fact, I don't recall saying anything negative about VF other than the dying competitive scene, which is nothing more than fact. ^_^
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    3) Then a tennis fan goes: "yeah, that's why tennis is the greatest game in the world! Not like other solo sports like Bowling, Pool, Judo, etc."

    No man, you got it all wrong there. We are the minority! I know I am in the minority, that the game I like is not the most popular. That's OK with me, I am not the most competitive player in the world and I don't need thousands of new players around me.

    What annoys me is people coming to this site just to spam rubbish about what tekken's got and VF doesen't. It's like this:

    3) Then a tennis fan goes: "yeah, that's why tennis is the greatest game in the world!

    4) no man tennis doesen't have cheerleaders, its boring to see the same 2 guys all the time, you need something else on to make it more interesting, maybe a panda and a tiger and a small dragon and a bear and bowling. that's how you make a good tennis games!

    5) tennis fan: ........
  19. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    This is silly. I'm in an argument with you when my main beef is with people spreading BS troll stuff about another game, because they are living in the past. You're in an argument with me over my stating that VF was a failure, but I was talking about the business and parent company support end.

    Where exactly are we going with this?

    P.S. The "improvements" you mentioned was on-topic in a different thread IIRC. I think it started along the "VF needs a story" comments, followed by "No it doesn't", "Yes it does, it needs more fluff", "No, VF doesn't need that kind of fancy fluff like Bears and Kangaroos and crappy simplified techniques to appeal to the masses like that other game has..."

    I never used the word "elitist" before, but looking back, I don't think the comments on SRK were far off. A lot of the VF fans on VFDC exhibit a great amount of narrow-mindedness and elitist behavior, and clinging to tired and outdated statements. They bash every game except VF. Actually, they bash every game that doesn't have a block button, except if it's made by Sega, or has some Sega connection (like BB or GG).

    (Don't bring up Mortal Kombat. That game is the equivalent of the special olympics.)

    If you don't like a game, that's fine. But calling it crap because you don't get it, and especially when you're no good at it, is literally the equivalent of somebody bashing VF because it's "slow, boring, dull, and doesn't have super moves or fireballs."

    Sound familiar?
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Problem with this is that you can apply it to anyone, anywhere, who has given negative comments about a fighting game. Just when does one "understand" game or not? You can argue about it without end.

    I make it a point myself for trying out the games I comment on but I dont think it helps much..

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