myke! big thumbs up for the news section!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Sudden_Death, Oct 25, 2000.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Site and forum updates

    before you start work on these, i'll give my two cents. imo, the only ones worth spending time on is User controlled style sheets, and Time offset.

    I didn't mean to give the impression that I would be spending time on each individual item. What's happening is that I'll be upgrading the forum in one hit, and the upgrade will include all of the features I mentioned.

    The reason I don't like polls is that they're so easily abused. Preventing multiple votes is a hassle when almost everyone is on a dynamic IP. Although, this particular implementation will allow for restriction to registered users only (which, should prevent multiple votes). Anyway, if we need to collectively "vote" on something, I would prefer we discuss it. Knowing the reasons why people want or don't want MB2 on date X is more important than a simple yes or no.

    i know it takes quality time between you and your kang-pae nyun's.

    heh ;)


    In regard to site content, I personally would prefer a reorganisation of structure which would better accomodate new content, as well as the next game in the series! Apart from having abstract names, I don't think War and Astro City are flexible enough to accomodate all the things which this site should have, which have been pointed out by various people lately.

    But having said that, I really think we need to get Jeff back into the picture before we go crazy with all our weird and wonderful ideas. Ideally, it'd be nice to get everything in shape and running smoothly before the next VF hits us.
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Site and forum updates

    Hey guys, just dropping a WASSSUUUUUP out of nowhere! You guys are absolutely right--this place is community run. If you guys want to change the reorganization of the site (or even its design) then I'm all for it. As for taking care of the finances of the's not quite as cheap as $8.50 a month (I wish!!) but I've purchased enough resources in terms of bandwidth and space that it should be able to accomodate us for quite a while.

    If this place disappears, it won't be due to financial reasons. As long as the community and interest is there, VFDC will stay.

  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Site and forum updates

    Hey Jeff! Glad to hear you're still around (yeah, I know I know, I of all people should know first hand that you're around /images/icons/tongue.gif).

    Anyways, thanks for letting us know. Yes, it's not cheap to run a site like this... Heck, how much space is already used up? The site hasn't been slugging much at all afaik so I figure that makes it even more expensive. Etc...

    Anyways, great to hear from you again!

  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Site and forum updates

    told you!



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