My thoughts on the current state of fighting games

Discussion in 'General' started by quash, May 17, 2015.

  1. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Most the of peeps here already know what you're trying to say way back. You're are just too stupid to accepted it and delusional to move on. People here are not even saying that they disagree with you but rather that you should go piss off if this game isn't your cup of tea. If I'd miss spoke for some people, meh.
    Mold_Monkey93 and ShinyBrentford like this.
  2. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    Calling someone stupid while making grammatical errors... lol.

    What I don't understand is where this defensive posture is coming from. I'm not saying VF sucks, I'm not even saying it's inherently flawed; I'm saying that it's good, but could be (and needs to be, if it is to continue) better.

    I know some people have at least mostly understood my point, but many of you aren't even attempting to understand it. It's like you're intentionally misunderstanding it.
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    OK, you're not stupid. How about the delusional part Tool?
  4. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    Aren't we all?

    I really did not want to cause such a commotion, nor did I expect it honestly.

    I understand that people create a certain amount of attachment to these games, and that's to be expected. But all I am doing is pointing out the obvious, that VF is currently dead and the prospects of a new game are bleak.

    I say this as someone who likes the game a lot, and would still play it regularly if any arcades still had it. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case for a few years now, and nobody really seems to want to explore this issue past the flippant dismissal of other games.

    "People play BlazBlue because they're loser otaku"

    "People play Gundam because it's Gundam"

    "People play Tekken because they suck at VF"

    I'm sure we've all heard these before.

    The thing is though, if it were really as simple as just making an easy, pretty looking game, why haven't Sega made a simpler, anime-styled VF? Surely that could steal some of the wind from ArcSys' sails?

    But the fact is that even BlazBlue, being relatively simple compared to other airdashers, is still more complex than most fighting games. Gundam is deceptively simple when you first play it, but as you play against stronger players you quickly realize that there is more to the game than meets the eye. The argument that it's popular becaue it's a licensed game doesn't hold water, either. There's been tons of licensed Gundam games that never reached a fraction of the popularity that EXVS has. And frankly, VF holds more branding power in Japan than most people probably realize. It's almost patriotic to like VF out here, lol.

    So what else could possibly explain why there's so few 3D fighters left, and why the few remaining never seem to garner the same kind of strong scenes that SF, GG, etc. all seem to?

    That is what I hoped to at least partially explain.

    It's easy to stay in your corner of the internet and be salty over other games being more popular, but it takes a little more initiative to leave your comfort zone and possibly figure out why things are.

    Even if you think I'm wrong, at least I am trying. When I look at the collective US FGC, I don't see anyone even trying anymore.

    For what it's worth, I still hold this community in a much higher regard than most. At least you guys play your game, instead of just watching it and fussing over empty hype and false personalities. The only thing I can really fault you guys with is that you are pretty damn insular, but considering what you're up against, I can't necessarily blame you.

    Anyways, I feel like I've said everything I've needed to by now. Keep playing, keep having fun.
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Stop your yapping, play me!
    quash and Lulu Lulu like this.
  6. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I've said before that VF's drop in popularity in Japan seems to be down to a combination that many VF players didn't like VF5 (FS in particular) and Sega's poor handling of the business side and not necessarily because they hit a brick wall with innovation.

    I think there's only been 3 enduring 3d fg series in the arcades there VF, SC and Tekken. I don't think SC was ever that big of an arcade game, the latest update apart from SC3's was always on console. The latest DOA came out on arcade. How well is that doing and how much are Temco getting behind the aracde release? Every opinion I've heard out of Japan and every rating for arcade popularity I've seen has had Tekken consistently dominating the top of the charts since Tekken 5. It seems to be huge in Korea too where they have some amazing fighting game players and that TV series Tekken Crash.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  7. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Something I wanted to ask about FS. This game brought back throws as the fastest form of punishment so now there are situations as there were in VF4 where you can only punish with a throw. With the new throw system and the hold throw escape option aren't these situations a whole lot less interesting? They can simply take a 2/3 chance their throw is successful because every character now has the same number of throws and no player regardless of skill can input more than 1 throw escape. The whole delayed throw mind games aren't going to work so well now that you can hold throw escape guard I would've thought.

    In VF4 the number of throw directions varied from character to character so some had an advantage in this situation. Against a player who can triple throw escape guard/evade and knows your most dangerous throw options depending on your character you might need to use other options other than simply going straight for the throw.
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  8. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    So what happens if you block an unsafe Crouching Attack ?

    Will standing throws still work ?
  9. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Jacky reminds all of you on this topic too have, "less talk and more action!"
    ToyDingo and Lulu Lulu like this.
  10. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

  11. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    As soon as I get the chance.

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