Motion capture

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Shadowdean, Dec 4, 2000.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Rich, Jim

    Rich, I believe the article you are referring to is
    the interview of Mr Jeffry Buchanan posted on the home
    of VF page back in 95 or so. Mr Buchanan worked for
    development of VF1 and VF2 under the AM2 roof, and at
    the time of interview worked for Activision in California.
    He mentioned that there was no motion capture on VF1.
    My memory on what he said on VF2 is fuzzy, but I believe
    he said either there was no motion capture or very little.
    Without taking a stand on this issue, just sharing
    a fact as far as I know.
  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Yes, we all love VF - the properties of the moves, the gorgeous visuals and the sound all contribute to making it dopes. We are enamored with the VF experience as a whole, but thinking it flawless in every way with no need for improvements is silly. It only adds to the game if the aesthetics are improved. Over the years, in awe of the visuals as i was (from vf11-vf3), a number of times i would deliberately look for flaws - as i felt they were so close to perfect, i couldn't help it. And i always thought that they could vary the move animations more between characters, make some smoother, while keeping the properties the same - you don't have to sacrifice one aspect for the other.

    Visuals are always the icing on the cake, so further improving them makes the experience even better.

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Oh believe me, I don't believe VF3TB animation to be
    flawless. Ever look at Lion when he does a hop kick
    and starts his "I'm in the Matrix" impression? Or take
    a really close look at Jacky's foot when he does a
    roundhouse. brrr.

    That said, I wasn't debating whether the visuals needed
    updating as I think they do. The question was whether
    or not M-capturing was the way of doing it. I
    have yet to see a good example of motion capturing and
    so I'm leery of its presence in a future VF. Not
    against it, just not all "rah rah".

    As for varying similar moves, I'm for it. I can't see
    it disturbing gameplay at all. SEGA has slowly been
    doing that anyway with each incarnation. You only have
    to look at the difference in Akira's sidekick to see
    that. It's happening and will continue to happen. I
    wouldn't at all be surprised to see what Josh is hoping
    for implemented in a future game since its been ongoing
    with each version.

    So really, in answer to the initial question Shadowdean
    posed. I don't think VF needs motion captured
    animation or unique animations specific to the character.

    -"well, I would go with betty but I'd be thinking about Wilma"
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    not that any of this matters. whatever sega chooses to do is completely out of our hands...


    actually on that, i think most requests for what people would like to see in vf4 is just brain drool, however i'll bring one up, something that was actually in vf2.1 but didn't carry to vf3: opponents get staggered (no damage) when hit during backdashing. wish that had been in 3, would like to see it in the next one)

    i suppose variety is nice, but if the variety interferes with the gameplay so that you have to remember different followups, pounces, counters with each and every character with the one character that you're playing, it's going to get a little ridiculous.

    i have found yu suzuki and am2 is really wonderful in expressing his definition of the "arcade game". they've always found an excellent balance between realism/simulation and pure bullshit fun. that's what VF is, a nice mix of martial art-ISH chop socky, and pure arcade bullshit fun. i think people take the realism part way too seriously - they want the fighting system to be more realistic, or they see an animation that looks similar to what they see in real life and think it should look even more realistic. i think that's missing the point.

  5. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    O.K can we please end this thread now as I dont think they will be using motion capturing in VF-X and I could not give a damn if they used it in the past.
    P.S. is it hypocritical of me to ask to end a thread by participating in afforementioned thread.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Yeah - where in the hell did the animation go when you did his d/b->f p strike..and you got laid on your ass? That was the coolest animation I've seen in a game.
  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    no. it is not hypocritical. it is just silly - don't like it? don't follow the thread.

  8. nxw0016

    nxw0016 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Mr Bungle's point. Some of the side kicks though look the same, but they don't work the same in game play. And that is the most important "difference" then just its looking. You can have a fighting game in which each character's side kick looks different, but they all work the same, however to me this case is even worse.

    The amazing part of VF3/tb is the design of each move. Its execution time, adventage.... are just so well balanced. Just look at the high punch, you can find several diffferent types in exe recover AD time. (And I wonder why no one is saying "why high puches look all the same...")
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    so make them look and be different?
  10. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    I don't now if it's absolutly necessary........if you see some animations in FV2(their are almost all handdrawn...see interview in still look very good)....I also Hate changements of animations to the worse see Jacky's Lightning Kick from VF2 to VF3...or Lions df P+k(VF2).........what I want is ....keep the tradition and add Inovation...that was always Vf's strong point............between now and the 18.January we will finally see the first pictures....well I hope so....maybe a christmas present a la Chrismas nights....

    brumm,brumm,brumm,......i'm faster then Lightning!!!!!!!!!
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    and evolution - the series evolves.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think the animations VF3 are pretty much motion captured, from the looks of how the characters move around and balance them selves after performing some series of moves. Shuns movements are pretty unique, to animate a drunken master by hand will be very difficult as far as I can tell. I do agree that there are some moves that are hand drawn but I think 80-90% have to be motion captured
  13. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    if there is any motion capture at all in vf3 then it is hardly noticeable. meaning that 80-90% motion captured is way off (that's putting it mildly).
    yes it would have been very difficult to animate shun, but sega know what they are doing, and have proven that they are indeed more than capable of animating shun and all the other characters in a realistic, slick way.
    i think you've been mislead by the sheer finesse of the visuals.

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