More about VF5 online

Discussion in 'Console' started by FallingEdge, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  2. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Yeah... the online is probably across the room...
  3. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    the reason VF5 is online for the 360 is because microsoft really pushes for online play unlike sony. sony on the other hand hasnt even released home yet. by the way wouldnt sega have to create dedicated servers to keep VF5 playing at its best? doesnt microsoft have dedicated servers for xbox live?

    if some of you are mad at sega for making VF5 online for the 360 then your mad at the wrong people. its sonys fault for not pushing online play for their new console. thats why in my opinion microsoft has a head start when it comes online play and features.

    i mean can you download 300 on sonys online website? no but you can download it on xbox live. thats why sega announced that they would also be releasing downloadable content on the 360 version of VF5. face it the 360 has a much larger online community too. thats another reason why VF5 is online for the 360 and not the PS3.

    dont get me wrong when all is said and done the PS3 might be the better console but for me i can wait till theres more games. i know its cool because its a blue ray player but thats not why i bought it. the reason i bought a 360 elite was because theres already a great library of games on the 360.

    ill wait till the price goes down and when theres more games thats when ill buy a PS3 again. also like i said right now most games that are on both cosoles are usually better on the 360. for example FEAR. i could go on but i dont want any people trying to justify their PS3 purchase getting mad at me. sorry for the long post.
  4. Marlo_Lurosci

    Marlo_Lurosci Active Member

    Maybe you do. My name's Oscar and you're right, we probabbly met. About four or five years ago I visited Adnan in NYC. He took me to a friend of his that lived off Broadway. This guy had a giant matte projector screen that he used to play VF on. I might of met you then.
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    haahha that guy was andy!
  6. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    LOL @ the dude saying PS3 games get no patches!! Resistance is known to get a new patch like every 3 months!!

    And I'm sure other games get it too, but I won't speak specifically on those since Resistance and VF5 are the only PS3 games I own.

    I, just like quite a few here, do expect at least a "Version C" patch for PS3 somewhere around the time of the X360 VF5 release.
  7. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    well you just let me know how that patch thing goes. i hope it happens but i doubt it will. its funny you own the same two games that i had for my PS3. resistance fall of man and VF5. thats great one game gets patches on the PS3. you posted what i already posted but instead your defending the PS3.

    thanks for proving my point for me. lol resistance is known to get a patch every 3 months. exactly one game. lol sorry i know im not suppose to post in here but he asked for it.
  8. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    You must like to argue or something! If you actually read my post, the only reason I did not speak on other games is because I don't own them. I could be mistaken here, but I seriously doubt that ONE PERSON not speaking about patches to games he does not own equals those games don't get patches!

    My post did not prove any supposed "point" of yours, correct. You are clearly just on some tyrade to gain more fuel for saaaaaaaad little "argument" here!
  9. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    lol once again your proving my point. the reason we both only owned VF5 and resistance fall of man is because those are the only two games worth owning. i mean what other games on the PS3 would be worth patching? to bad only one of those two games is getting a patch. its the one you mentioned that gets a patch every three months.

    theres a reason resistance gets a patch every three months because it was broken to begin with. not only that but i had played gears of war before i played resistance. i couldnt finish resistance after playing gears of war it just didnt compare. lol let it go im not even suppose to post in this topic.
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    So what you're saying is that the other PS3 games don't need patching because they were flawless when they were released?
  11. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    no actually what im saying is that sonys online community isnt big enough to warrant a patch. think about it how many people bought resistance fall of man compared to how many people bought VF5 on the PS3? how many more people would want to play resistance online instead of VF5? of course resistance has a better chance of getting a patch.

    the game was intended to have online play. so alot of times when a game gets a patch its to improve how a game plays online. since VF5 on PS3 isnt that popular outside of japan it would be pointless to make a patch for the PS3. not only that but japanese players dont care if VF5 on PS3 gets a patch because version c is already in the arcades.

    we all know sony caters to its japanese fanbase because there more loyal. like i said japanese consumers always support there own companys. this will also force people to buy a second copy of VF5. you also have to realize microsofts online community is much larger than sonys. so it would make more sense to add online play and downloadable content for the 360.

    i mean what other game besides resistance would you want a online patch for? i know VF5. i would love for it to happen but VF just isnt popular enough outside of japan. most people that own a PS3 could care less if VF5 didnt get a patch. the only ones who want VF5 to have a patch are the VF purists and thats not enough people to warrant a patch in my opinion.

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