Mistaken Rumor (Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July)

Discussion in 'General' started by KiwE, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Too me this is stupid!! Why would you put out a revamp of the game with two new characters. Why didn't they just wait and put the new characters out on the console. As for characters there is no way that Jeffery needs improvements to his throw game. I feel that Aoi may not be able to much damage but you must also look at the balance of her parries and counters. She has the most so it make since that she doesn't have power. If she did that would be crazy. She can counter and take off mad damage. No way!! Jeffery falls into that same category. He can give out mad damage but he is counterable. Balance!! If you gave him more pokes or made him faster than he is a totally different character all together. You have to take the good with the bad when it comes to characters. Brad has really no quick low but he is fast in other ways. Too me another version is stupid unless it's a update to the console version.
  2. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    When I think about it, there is no way Sega would release VF5 Evo in the western world within 12 months of the Japanese arcade release.

    Honestly, if Sega even put transferable player profiles in the 360 VF5 then I reckon be thankful. That would at least be Sega showing it's listening to the western audience's wishes. If they give us our initial PS3 wishlist and we complain it's not Evo, I don't see why they'd be inclined to bother listening to us in future.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I find the purported July release date to be highly unlikely given that Version C will come out only in May. I think this is a mis-report.
  4. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Their road plan does not show July. It shows summer. This part is indisputable: http://am-net.xtr.jp/game/profile.cgi?_v=1144909689

    So my guess is that it might come in August. Late August at that. FURTHER speculation is that this will also be the version to hit the 360. Keep in mind that the 360's version will not be coming out in Japan. It is only for the US/Europe. Because of this, it shouldn't effect sales at the arcade in Japan at all. Also, VF5 sold with quite lackluster sales on the PS3 thus far. I can see SEGA looking for a revamp to both get 360 owners to buy, and give PS3 owners a reason to rebuy this version on the 360.
  5. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I'm with Ice on this one. Even more, I won't believe any of this until I see any original Sega/Am2 movies and/or screens from Evo version....

    Even if it comes out, remeber that we would probably have to wait about half a year to a year from the Japanese release of something like Evo ver.B/C (depending on how good ver.A would be).

    I am an optimist, but you can flush your hopes in a toilet, and start training in VF5 ver.B for PS3 for now.
  6. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    At this point, it isn't a matter of what ice "thinks". It is official on their website to be coming out in "summer". It says it is planned for July on the am-net/#80 page, but just says summer for their roadplan here: http://am-net.xtr.jp/game/profile.cgi?_v=1144909689

    It makes no sense to view it as "misinformation", when it is up in two different places. I say to focus on the planned date of summer over the July date. But this probably just means that Version C is just additional costumes/bug fixes. These will most likely be transferrable to Evolution. SEGA needs to get people in Japan excited about VF again, and a Version C wont do it. I think Evolution will be there with new balancing, game tweaks, and characters in order to counter Tekken 6 which is coming 2007. This looks official.
  7. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Thing is though, because the graphics engine for the coin op is based on the PS3, and if they create all the parts of the game required for a home version if the 360 is EVO, then they must release a PS3 version at some point because all the work has been pretty much done so you might as well make money.

    One good thing for the future home versions, is that now they have a decent graphics engine, most of the work can be concentrated on all the other features that seemed to be lacking in 5. Same with VF4 Evo I guess.
  8. Aka

    Aka Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Hi everyone, it's sad :(. I don't have VF 5 yet, nor a PS 3. Is it better to wait for VF 5 Evolution? They forget some things on purpose in VF 5 with a less good training mode and quest mode than in VF 4 Evolution... I hope that both the XBox 360 and the PS 3 will support VF 5 Evolution...
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Whether or not "VF5: Evolution" is released this summer, I don't think "am-net.xtr.jp" is an official website for AM-2 or even related to Sega.
  10. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    If am-net is not affiliated with am2, why are they reporting on all SEGA arcade games and giving official PR news/road plans for SEGA games?
  11. agentz

    agentz New Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Could they not upgrade the PS3 version via downloadable content?
  12. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I won't believe any of this until I see pictures of the game, or new characters, or an old familiar character.
  13. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Hmmm, I can't read Japanese, but on the website there are talks about "Square Enix Party," Guitar Freaks," Dance Dance Revolution, etc (games/events not related to Sega). Its a gaming website, so maybe they want to give out news on Sega games?
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Can't believe we made it almost to page 2 without negativity or talk about Taka lol. Anyways imo there's 1) No way in hell the 360 version will be the evo version like someone suggested. If anything I'd say there's a bigger chance of Evo hitting PS3 then 360 period which makes me happy cause, well, I have a PS3 2) The earlier this hits arcades the better cause we're looking at a 6-12months delay until it hits console.

    I think it's great timing to put this out as a preemptive strike on tekken. Right now Namco is having a boardmeeting where a gamedesigner with an animedrop on his forhead is trying to explain that there's no reason to panic cause VF5:Evo hasn't copied itemmoves yet. VF5 looks to have superior graphics of T6 and now a more balanced version with 2 new chars will be out of the door before even Tekken puts out it's (broken) initial version. Just the idea of tweeking the clash / bounce system etc makes me happy. The idea of two new characters also since blaze is a great addition to the series in flashvalue etc. Please don't give me more string/stance based characters though - bring in 2 hardhitters and keep the loli on hold >:)

    I can't believe some people get mad cause the japanese will be playing another version for a while ;O
    Who cares? VF5 is great but it needs tweaking and the sooner that gets done the better in my book. Hell I'd pay 100 dollars just to get a recordfunction in my current trainingmode ;O)
  15. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    couldnt they just update the game through downloadable content....?

    I thought The release of the ps3 and 360 were the end of these xpansion packs?

    Geez man sega needs to do some research on the usa market
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    am-net is not affiliated with Sega at all. Even on the front page, you can see news for beatmania and arcana hearts, both of those titles not affiliated with Sega.

    This news (or speculation) about VF5:Evo comes from the summer release list of an arcade machine distributor in Japan. You can check out their page here

    The x360 version will not be VF5:Evo.

    We can only speculate at this point because the release schedule is always subject to change. In any case, VF5:evo for summer release is expected and has been predicted by many people based on past history.

    Here is something to keep in mind though: It's not logical for arcade distributors to list version updates for VF5 because updates for VF5 are not distributed through distributors. They are automatically downloaded for VF.net enabled machines.

    So take this speculation however as you will, but we won't be seeing VF5:evo for home this year, and it is very likely that VF5:evo will be released this year in the arcade based on what happened with VF4.
  17. powerincarnate

    powerincarnate Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    Ok, I'll agree that Jeffery doesn't need to have his thows increase in damage, but I guess I was more disgusted with that back throw which is useless. It's purpose is essentially the same as /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif[+]/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif so why have another replacement type throw. The fact that you could decide which direction you want to throw them is fully useless except for edge of ring situations. And even then, I've seen some rare cases of Jeffery thowing them out and then slipping himself out of the ring and he ended up losing the round because of that. I'll admit,my views may be due to having a pretty damn good Wolf player that I go up against, but that's what I'm seeing right now.

    What Jeffery really needs is even more Striking moves and or higher damage for the strikes, if they remain as risky as they are now. Something akin to Wolf Damage. Because, some of wolf's strikes?? ie.. Couter hit double knees, or double should charges, or moves after the stagger stomach crumple or any crumple, or Worse, Moves that flatten you on the wall (including the KS throw) are simply Staggering). Even if you exclude the wall comboes after the KS, Wolf's strikes alone are far worse, or at least, far more threatening than Jeff's strikes.

    Jeff, may only need minor changes, but I can't accept the AOI argument. The fact that she has counters, reversals doesn't exactly make her great. On paper, you could reverse and counter every move in the game with her, but that isn't the point, it isn't logical in real life, due to the fast pace of the game, and the unpredictability of Human apponents. Especially when a reverse results in 30 points of damage, but being too late or too soon on that reverse, or guessing wrong could mean 70-100 points of damage off. It quickly result in the reverses being not worth the trouble relying on them other than on a few occasions. Like I said, the first mistake was the 12 frame Jab.

    The vast majority of the interior guys and girls could pretty much stay the same, tweak some moves here, add and delete there. I woudln't even call for a weakening of pai or Shun, to me, the difference between the top and the mids is far less than between the Mid and AOI.

    Vanessa (the person I use), probably will get yet another fairly significant change to her style. Actually, I will be more tweaking and a few additions but I feel as if, Sega Still hasn't completely been content with the two fighting styles. Or maybe that's me. I just feel as if there is just something missing with each stance. One is far to linear, the other is slow and not geared for pressure attacks (hence the name). In fact, the only thing I want is simply a more decent juggle move ( i hated VF4's, the big Knee is WAY to risky). I would also want a few more ways to integrate that russian hook. I would really like the intruder hook to have evasive properties again, and lastly, some decent strikes after a stomach crumple instead of trying to time a punch that will float the person so the string can work. After all, Low Throws are essentially Useless following a crumple against any decent opponent. In exchange for these, I'll take more lag after FF K, or less moves that goes into a takedown in offensive mode. OR, simply dropping that defensive jab to 11 frames and doing a few tweaks here and there.

    One last thing, someone stated that sega gave us what we asked for in VF5 and someting akin to we shouldn't be demanding all these changes. But did we get everything in the VF5. After all, We assumed the training mode wouldn't be WORSE than in previous games so that didnt' work out. Everyone Wished for Online and we didnt' get that. Everyone wanted transportable characters since VF4 Evo and we thought Sega would have learned their lesson if they wouldn't give us Online and they didn't. More Casuals have long wanted a more cinematic ending/storyline or at least give us something and it didn't happen. No one thought that Conqueror would result in nothing new, which is a step down from EVO. Not only that, it looks like Sega was planning to add things and then scraped it, with the Green Energy bar half way filed with the Conqueror rank. Everyone envied Japanese VFTV system and would have loved to have a way to upload to the PS network some matches and that didnt' happen. And quite frankly, we got little in the way of new stages, instead we got updated old ones and some 5 or 6 new stages. I'm not even sure if Wolf or El Blaze have a stage of their own, I think they share that arena stage. AT this point, With BLU-RAY, and the prommise that Sony gave us for paying 600 bucks for that player, a Bare Bones game is the very last thing that should be coming out.

    Ok that was a long post, ended up being much more negative than I wanted it to be, but I got sidetracked by some WWE and lost a bit of the pacing that I wanted.
  18. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    It's use is the opposite of 1p+g. It's not a position change, it throws them forward/left/right. It's also the best wall throw in the game because you don't have to be perpendicular to the wall to use it.
  19. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    haha if sales on consoles in Japan are anything to go by I would say PS3 would probbably get this port and maybe only ps3 No one wants a 360 in Japan. Its only logical AM2/Sega would release it in Japan for PS3 and maybe not even release it here in the states. Lucky for PS3 owners no region protection so it can still be imported. I wont say I would not like it to come to 360 its just unlikly Sega would do that. I still await screens of the 360 ver of VF5 but nothing is in stoned and what do I know

    VF5 EVO .. I hope its an update on PSN
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Breaking news?? VF5: Evo in July

    I think it'll be funny when vf5 evo comes home with portable profiles, improved training mode, etc. and people will still complain about it not being like the arcade because it doesn't come with a cabinet or some crap like that.

    Make use of the wish list thread if you have complaints. In fact, there are links to Sega employee emails and feedback pages for both Sega of America and Sega of Japan.

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