Mirkan Fanart thread - watch for updates...

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Mirkan, Feb 8, 2002.

  1. plan17

    plan17 Active Member

    the color Jackie is amazing!
  2. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Long time no see fanart friends! Well well, when is a better time to draw than now with Evolution properly announced? I know some of you, perhaps the majority of you, don't like the new characters, but I'm sure that'll change in time. After all, it's Sega we're talking about.

    Ah well, in a burst of inspiration I made this piece! Feeling Evolved?


    And bring on VF4 Evo!
  3. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Mirkan I must say that I never get tired of your work. Cheers.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Mirkan, I love it! Keep up the great work!
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Best you've done yet. It'd make a nice avatar too I think.
  6. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    As much as I hate Brad Burns, that pic was friggin awesome! /versus/images/icons/ooo.gif
  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Have yout even used him yet? Surely Hate is a little harsh to say the least.
  8. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

  9. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Shun @ VFFA

    Hello, I hope y'all haven't forgotten there's a specific place to go look for & submit VF fan art. And someone DID draw Shun. He's @ VFFA. /versus/images/icons/ooo.gif
  10. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Shun @ VFFA

    Is "dislike" better?
  11. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Shun @ VFFA

    Yes, It makes you sound less ignorant (I'm serious).

    Pinkgirl, you have some talented artists on your site. The first artists was by far the best, especially his pictures of Jeffery and Wolf (his first Sarah picture was good but the second didn't quite match up). Cheers for the opportunity.
  12. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    Re: Shun @ VFFA

    I might be a little ignorant. Just a little.
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I like the way you've depicted Goh. Even though the style is cartoonish, with the faceless J6 henchmen behind him it adds to the mystique of the character. I know you, like myself are a one for storylines. With the inclusion of Goh it really moves the sloppy VF story along and creates loads of potential meat to the tales of some characters. Off the top of my head, both Bryants now have a physical manifestation of the organisation to unleash their rage upon.

    Also, how about Vanessa. She too has a deep past with J6. Could Goh Hinogami be the man responsible for killing her Foster Father Lewis? Apart from those main three you also have Kage and Shun who might also have an interest in Goh. Well, with regards to Kage it may be the other way round as Kage knows his mission (to destroy Dural once and for all, so as to put his Mother's memory at ease) so Goh might have been dispatched to deal with him. Shun is trying to find/rescue his missing pupil (who apparently is being held by J6) so Goh could interfere there too.

    Brad, he's a mystery to me. I don't see any connection to anyone as they haven't given us his story yet. He might have a relationship with Vanessa in some way as they both use Muay Thai but, that to me is rather shallow.

    Keep on doing what you do so well.
  14. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    wow THIS (jacky's winning pose) one looks just like the real one /versus/images/icons/ooo.gif
  15. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Yeah Adio, you have more than one good point there /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    It's beginning to sound like Goh will take quite a beating just sticking his face out in the turnament, with all that rage against J6 floating around, hehe!

    I've been thinking about what he represents too, but most of all, he's from the inside of J6, and the only ones (as far as I know) that have been there also is Vanessa and Sarah... Now Sarah was trained to be an assasin, right? Well Goh has obviously become one, so perhaps they have a connection? Maybe he's brainwashed too?

    Granted, Vanessa was very young when Lewis found her, but still, Goh could be a childhood friend. Your guess is as good as mine, but it's gonna be interesting to find out!

    Ah well, I rarely post in my fanart thread unless I have something to show, and this post is no different!
    Super deformed style is cool and all, but I wanted to do a proper CG pic aswell.

    Goh Hinogami

    I gotta be honest and say that I don't really know how his hooded shirt looks, so I just.. drew something.. The movies and pics that are around just doesn't show it in enough detail, I'm sorry. However, I promise that I'll do a new one once the artwork and better screenshots are released.


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