Michigan Competition Represent!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Yurial, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. EAGLE13

    EAGLE13 Active Member

    yeah use that technique sometimes but one of my friends is a dirty jef player and if youre reflexes are off youre to get booted in the face and then comes the nitaku tactics
  2. EAGLE13

    EAGLE13 Active Member

    so how did get youre crew to respond to what u wanted them implement
  3. EAGLE13

    EAGLE13 Active Member

    when they play each other betweeen 2 of them its all about the forced choice but neither can defend against once its started now theyre all pretty good at reverse naitaku so i even pass up throw opportunities because i dont want to get use to getting them per regular
  4. DeathPunch

    DeathPunch Active Member

    example= in vf4 I learned how to side step crouchdash then boxstep when they saw I was doing this they want to as well. by the time they learned I was implementing it. theirs apoint where everybody kinda go's their own direction . if yer ahead roll with it cuz they'll see yer shiny new shoe's and want some to.
  5. Raptor1017

    Raptor1017 Well-Known Member

    So I'm kinda resurrecting an old thread but...Where abouts are you all gathering?
  6. doaxshinobi

    doaxshinobi Member

    I hold my gatherings at my place in Clinton Township, MI with a few guys and another guy I know invited us to his place in Brighton, but I havent talked to him in a while. All I know is im having my next one saturday, June 30th.
  7. GMcfosho

    GMcfosho Member

    yeeeeea michigan.
  8. ShardZ

    ShardZ New Member

    very good chances of there being monthly VF5 (on 360) tourneys starting next month in st. clair shores, post up if you're interested!
    also.. GT = Shardzy for anyone else on XBL. I'll be the one WEARING A MONOCLE. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
  9. BLDave

    BLDave New Member

    oh no its shiz-ardsy.
    BLDave here. up in the Bay City/Saginaw area.
    lets start the ball rolling on the tourney scene and whatnot, i at least expect to see the monthly at crows.

    Gamertag : BLDave for those who want some fun times on the interwebs

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