Melbourne Reborn

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by AlexMD, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Renzuo

    Renzuo Member

    Yeah, I should be free on Tuesday night next week /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Btw, PM me which hotel you are staying.
  2. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    I'll be busy during the day but I'll see what I can do about getting away early /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Myke, plz pm me the details of where you're staying as well, along with a list of characters you play and how to beat them k? thx /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  3. n0ir

    n0ir Member

    Can someone PM me for fun?
    I feel like I'm missing out! hehe
  4. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    As cool as it sounds to play (and get crushed) against a top VFer, I don't think I can make it on Tuesday night. I got so much uni work to do with something to hand in and a Ps driving test in the morning to boot.

    Looks like removing the shrink wrap on my copy of VF5 will have to wait. ;p

    Have fun guys.
  5. aemaeth

    aemaeth Member

    Melbourne Aoi player here, just a shame Blue/Whitehouse took out VF4 awhile ago, was probably the only machine I ever saw.

    I'm up for coming to any Melbourne VF gatherings, hopefully during the times when I'm not getting loads of uni work/assignments.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I've just PM'ed Renzuo and Doomboy my mobile number.

    Looks like we'll be playing at Renzuo's place since my hotel is near there.

    See you all then.
  7. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    I also think it's time we had a formal tournament.

    The idea I have is this: the tournament could be held at La Trobe University in Bundoora, where the Couch Warriors hold monthly ranking battles for various console fighting games.

    If I can get in touch with the admin, Loki and he agrees, the venue is set, provided people like Renzuo can bring the equipment (I can still bring the game!). Who knows, maybe we can garner some interest from other players there as well to pick up VF5.

    What do you guys think?
  8. aemaeth

    aemaeth Member

    I'm all go for that idea. Sounds great! Hopefully it'll encourage others to give VF a try too.
  9. Renzuo

    Renzuo Member

    I PM-ed Mike and that we are going to play at my home. I will be in the City around 6pm to meet up with Mike and direct him to my place. Only 5 mins away driving from his hotel.

    For now there'll be around 5 or 6 players including myself and Mike that'll be coming to my place on Tuesday night. Lemme know if others are interested to come down and play as well.

  10. CFX

    CFX Member

    Hey I've got work and class on Tuesday night but I can be in the city about 9:30pm so if you're gonna be playing til kinda late, I'd be interested in coming by if that's ok. If for nothing else, just to check out some high level players and try to pick your brains since I'm still pretty new to VF and don't play very often.

    PM me location details and a phone number if it's cool.
  11. n0ir

    n0ir Member

    The Couch Warriors idea sounds like a great idea. I'd be interested to see how far it goes to actually getting a seating and promoting VF5 to a bunch of new players.

    BTW, Renzuo's place event will it be an unofficial tournament where you win nothing or will there be a surcharge for entering? :p j/k

    Substandard, wished you could come. But P's test is more important than seeing Renzuo pawn people I guess. Goodluck man.

    I'll be going straight to Renzuo's place from work on Tuesday I think. So maybe I can pick up a few ppl on the way. We'll see.

    Aemeth. PM Renzuo for details of the venue or how he can contact you maybe.

    LOOKING FORWARD to getting my ass whopped by a whole bunch of top VF5 players.
  12. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member


    Hey guys, I might be a bit late tomorrow as I'm not supposed to finish until 6pm, and It takes me a while to get there. Basically if I can't get off in time I'll ring Jeff and let him know.

    So are we having the traditional dinner before getting down to business? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif might give anybody running late a little extra time.
  13. aemaeth

    aemaeth Member

    Re: Tuesday

    I'd love to go but I've a handful of assignments to do that are due in this week, so disappointed that I can't make it :(.

    But definitely if theres a meeting again next time, I'll be sure to come down.

    Hope you guys enjoy the gathering though! Just a shame I wasn't able to take part and witness some top class play. Cheers for the invite anyway :).
  14. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    Re: Tuesday

    Yeah, have a good one. *cries*
  15. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    post gathering thanks

    Hey Just wanted to say thanks to all the guys that came down to play tonight (Tuesday) I had a blast.

    Thanks to Myke for coming down and schooling us all /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif nice to see you again, hopefully it wont be another 4 years till the next time. Enjoyed watching your Kage matches, very entertaining stuff.

    Big thanks to Jeff for offering up his house to the masses yet again I always forget to say thanks for that :p, your Shun and Lei were on as usual, your Jeffry is looking nice these days as well.

    Thanks to Will for getting me that coke, I really enjoyed drinking it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif see ya next week, go Lion!

    Gabu, fast improving will be a force in the future for sure

    Luke, didn't get to play you, maybe next time eh?

    Substandard, Aemeath hope to see you guys in the future!
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: post gathering thanks

    I had a great time tonight guys. The mind games were always exciting and made for some really entertaining and some intense matches /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Doomboy, I really liked your Goh and I'm impressed at your fuzzying. That SPoD battle we had was hilarious! I think I have to stop trying to fuzzy when my throw whiffs your fuzzy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Oh, your Aoi's pretty good too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Jeff, you're improved so much since I last saw you back in the Evo days. I already hated Shun before I even played against a human controlled one, but you've just made all my worst nightmares come true! Your Lei also impressed me, but I think it was your Shun that left me a permanent scar! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Will, we had some fun games, and your Lion was pretty good. I liked your use of "the finger" in that one round /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Thanks for the lift back to the hotel too!

    Gab, your pad powers had me mesmorised. I don't know what it was, but maybe it was my subconcious wanting to get hit by a pad player just to see what you were capable of doing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Luke, like Gab, it was nice to see another Tekken convert! I think you did much better tonight than you gave yourself credit for. I hope you can get some good practice in the meantime.

    The Pai player (gahh, I forgot his name!?), you had a really effective playing style and gave me a good challenge. I think that last game we played was pretty intense!

    Overall, you guys have a nice little scene developing and I hope you keep at it and it continues to grow. I also hope that I can come back and visit sooner rather than later!

    Take it easy guys, and thanks again for coming out tonight, and thanks again to Jeff for hosting us!
  17. CFX

    CFX Member

    Re: post gathering thanks

    Thanks for hosting the gathering Jeff and thanks for having me over. It was good to see some high level VF players or just some players other than Gabito. I didn't get to play everyone (only played Mike coz he was dominating and played Will only once I think) but I think I got some valuable experience.

    Jeff, Mike, Will, Gab, Alex, other guys, nice meeting you or seeing you again. Hope to do it again some time. Jeff, I'll see what I can do about learning to play stick, thanks for the lend. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  18. aemaeth

    aemaeth Member

    Re: post gathering thanks

    Oh man, so jealous of you all! Haha, sounds like you all had an awesome time.

    I just remembered and forgot to tell you guys to record some matches, just to witness some play. But oh well, maybe next time eh?

    I hope this tournament is able to run, that way we can have some regular gatherings.
  19. n0ir

    n0ir Member

    Re: post gathering thanks

    Yeah.. I'm glad you all had a great time, because I didn't.. due to some people's super uber stupidly precise control stick pushing/tapping/G-cancel (yes, it's you Mike). Haha. j/k :p

    Thanks Jeff for having us all there. As always your Shun is a big headache. Boy, it was refreshing to see your Shun meet its match. Always fun playing against you.

    Thanks Mike for beating Jeff's Shun. hehe. It was very interesting to see a Kage player and use it so well. I counted I think I had about 4 one-pixel-shoe-whiffs-face situations. DAMN! Hopefully sooner than later we can all get another get together going on.

    Thanks Gab for teaching us how a Pad is supposed to be played. Improving fast and solidly. Hope we can play together more often. And I really need to learn how to play the Pad just to intimidate Mike, because he seems to want to get hit by someone using a Pad.

    Thanks Alex for drinking that coke, did you feel dizzy afterwards? I had a little powder slipped into your drink. Was supposed to be Mike's but you asked for the coke! :p Fun playing you as always.

    Thanks Luke for the fun games. Keep up the Stick training. Looking forward to future plays.

    Who was that Pai player again? oh yea Andrew. Thanks for playing Dota upstairs :p and showing us your Pai.

    Substandard, Aemeth.. There will be more get togethers. Stay in touch.
  20. KayRant

    KayRant Member

    Re: post gathering thanks

    Bugger... looks like im the last to post, ah well better late than never:

    Thanks Jeff for hosting once again, Gei-Fei and Shoon annoying like always but im really hating Jeffry... i so got to work on throw breaks.

    Alex... Aoi might be weakened but with the ease you were beating me it dont matter, very solid. Use Goh more against me, eh?

    Will - didn't get to play with you much but would like to more. Your Lion was much more solid than last time IMO. I'll give you some pointers with pad next time lol.

    Luke - next time get there earlier so i got enough to make a post about :p

    And of course to Mike, thats the most solid play ive seen first hand. Im truly amazed at the throw breaking and fuzzying on defence while at the same time having an offensive game thats so dominating. Simply awesome.

    Since after SBOQ theres nothing happening tekken-wise i'll be able to focus completely on VF for a while and hopefully give you guys a bit more a challenge.

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