Looking for players in Scotland.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Faded, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF


    Let's try this instead.
  2. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    I should mention that there is no VF at mine on wednesday. Sorry, I have a funeral to go to this week.

    Everything should be fine for the week after though
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Faded, thanks for the back up against ade, he really does my nut in and i kinda went into hyperdrive!

    im not too sure what statue it was (neither was Ryan), i think it said wellington on it, but im not sure, it was near a big hotel if thats any help.

    depending on money situations, we might be able to make it up next month if thats ok with you, just give us plenty of notice so we can get the uber cheap "book seven years in advance and get cheapo tickets" deal. hopefully Steven can host again, it was super cool in your place. im gonna show the replay of me whooping Faded to my next door neighbour (even though she has no idea about the game, i just wanna brag /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif)

    depending on you guys, im hoping to be able to come up more regularly, coz i think that playing you guys ups my game play and gives me more experience than just playing andy over and over. i hope that you guys get something good out of our sessions.

    Steven, as a first tactic i want you to try (shoud you be interested in my advice) is:

    when your opponent lands a quick safe move on you (for example [P] or [2_]+[P]) try and use either a [P] or a [2_]+[P] of your own or use [G] or [2_]+[G]. mix up these four as it will prevent people from always being able to use tactics such as punch/throw, or getting constant counter hits on you. for example:

    your opponent lands a [2_]+[P], you should use [G] (incase the go for another low punch or a 14 frame or less mid level move ( like the double palm, or everyones elbow class move) and mix that up with a [2_]+[P] of your own, (which will beat the classic punch/throw tactic, as well as stuffing any move that is more than 14 frames (apart from special moves that have evading properties, like Akiras [2_],[6]+[P]+[K] ( his shoulder ram), which stuffs low punch from a certain distance. (ask Ryan or Chris (LM_Akira) about these moves, they both know more than me on that subject).
    you can also try evading if you think a huge float start is coming out (like the Yoho), this way you will be able to use a huge move to punish (the move you can do depends on the move you have evaded, as it is all about how long a recovery period that move has (again ask Ryan or Chris for details)

    you just have to recognise that there isnt one specific "correct" move for every situation, there is always two or three different things you can do, you just have to anticipate what the opponent can do, some times it works some times it doesnt, thats what seperates good players from really good players, the ability to anticipate what comes next. (really good players, or players who have player each other for a long time can almost guess every persons next move (like me and andy, we will show you a few of our fights the next time we come up if you want, coz the matches are so much different from a proper match, most of the time we do things that any other player would see as a mistake, because we are both so used to seeing the obvious from each other)...........
    any questions, just ask dude, im always happy to help.
  4. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Well you're always welcome to stay overnight here. No idea if stephen will be able to host a session anytime soon. Maybe Graeme would be able to ...?

    My advice to stephen. Play vf as much as you play topspin /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Can’t really confirm another gathering at my place yet I’m afraid. Allot depends on what the gf is up to. But I’ll let you guys know as soon as possible so cheap trains can be booked, etc. Rest assured I’ll be hosting another one soon.

    Thanks for the advice, btw, I’ve noted most of your post. But as Faded said I think allot comes down to just playing more and particularly getting regular human play. My save file in Evo only has something like 500 quest matches in total spread between Lion and Aoi. I’m also not able to make the regular Wednesday gatherings at stroppas, which limits my progression too.

    If you can believe it I was actually allot better at VF3 than Evo, and I put that down to the simple fact that I used to play regularly with an old friend who later moved to California. I got an email from him a few months back saying he still plays VF.

    There’s also this philosophical side of me that doesn’t care much how good I am in relative terms against others, because my enjoyment of VF comes more from the moment. I’m also not a percentage player and sometimes loose concentration completely after winning a round in a satisfying way. If I go on to loose 2-1 it doesn’t bother me much becasue of that one round of glory /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  6. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    I can't really offer up any dates for hosting a session here. I can say that I'll probably be able to put someone up on my sofa, but that's it for now. If something does become possible then I'll let you know.

    How much would it cost to book out a hall or something for a night?
  7. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    probably more than the zero pence i have available to me.

    Anyways hopefully something will turn up schedule wise.
  8. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    I should probably mention that graeme very nearly creamed me at evo yesterday. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    I need to start practicing again.
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Another big thanks to Faded for your comments on the North UK thread.

    about the next meeting, money shouldny be a problem, we can always bring extra with us, so you dont need to worry, just need a place to gather a two places to crash.

    i was wondering, i know you guys dont like playing for money, but maybe we could still have a tournament or a league, like we do in manchester, say that the winner gets a whole bottle of achmed cola......to him self!
  10. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    mmm, achmed cola. It's very sweet. Other popular prizes could be a whole pack of jaffa's and if I win (don't worry, I realise this is unlikely) then I want a special prize of a packet of scampi fries. If we get stuck for funny stories maybe me and Ryan could tell you about our little adventure on tuesday. It'll sound all wrong though.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    I'd be up for something like that. For next time if we each put a fiver towards a cash pool we could buy something worthwile, like a SCII stick for the winner.

    Would prefer any tournament thing to happen at the end of the session though, as I perfer to play fairly chilled-out for the most part.
  12. MrDark

    MrDark Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Sounds great and I'm sure it'll make me play better. Anyone been following those E3 stuff? Watch out for the battle of the DS vs the PSP. Got Ninja Gaiden today as well but haven't played much of it. The first level reminds me a lot of Onimusha with the smooth fighting involved although you have to block more in Gaiden.
  13. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    E3 kinda sucks so far man. What happened to sega's big announcement? Where is shenmue 3?

    Ah well, I'll pick up Ninja Gaiden tomorrow I think, though I started playing orta again.
  14. LiMeng

    LiMeng Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    PSP looks sweet /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    I guess Sega's "Big anouncement" is just a new Phantasy Star game, or their publishing Matrix Online. Still no news on console version of FT /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  15. MrDark

    MrDark Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    WTF! is that a Gran Turismo special edition already?! The PSP looks smart but its all about the DS tbh! Be able to play Animal Crossing online /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  16. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    If we see a home port of FT I will be very surprised.

    Regardinga tourny or league or whatever, that's cool by me. Though I'm not keen on introducing money into the equasion.

    edit: saying that if the majority of you decide that's what you want to do then sweet zombie jesus don't let me stop you. I'll happily referee* proceedings.

    *= Fix it so i win without playing a game.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Yea, I was hoping I could remove my sig after E3 in the knowledge that Shenmue III was in the pipe....ah well, there's always Matrix Online to look forward too /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif This E3 was definately the poorest showing from Sega in a long time.

    PSP looks OK, albeit bulky, but not sure I'm interested in getting another handheld to be honest. I only ever playmy GBA while on holiday and seeing as that's only once or twice a year I'm not sure I could justify it.

    And Faded, I'm willing to wager a small bet that FT will be announced for PS2 (keep the faith man), but that won't happen till after FT actually launches in arcades.
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    me and andy dont mind money/prizes/jokes foe winners and looooooooooooooosers. its all fun. anyone know when the next meeting will be?

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    As it happens I can confirm the next gathering at my place:

    Next big Edinburgh VF gathering confirmed Saturday 3rd July at maximum's

    I know it's over 6 weeks away but this confirmation should hopefefully give folk plenty of time to arrange time off work and sort out cheap train tickets.

    I'm thinking of throwing the invite open to a few more interested parties with a view to getting three set-ups running (there's also a couple of folk from my work who will probably make this next meet).

    I'll be able to get an extra telly from work but any help with securing an third set-up would be very much appreciated from the local guys.
  20. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    you fucking genius stephen.

    I'm off that saturday /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    I'll chip in with whatever you need provided I get assistance for transit.

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