Long Island VF

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cla, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    I think its confirmed. Carlos and I will be attending the NYClan tourny. He will be playing DR and VF5 and I will be playing 3s and VF5.
  2. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    damn, i wish that tourny wasnt so early. i've gots to woik. maybe i'll mysteriously be sick that day. there is this guy in the city who plays a sick jacky...i think his name is dimetri. this was a while back, so i dont know if he is still around.
  3. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Good luck Joe and Carlos. I really hope I can pull up the money for this one cause this is the exact tourney I've been waiting for. (well, I'd rather CvS2 than 3s)

    Well, JC said this should be a monthly thing anyway so I'll eventually have the money for one of these someday. Perhaps next month's because I'll have finally gotten my job back. I just hope he does the same 4 3D fighters again.

    Does anyone watch G4? They had a special last night: Free $tuff. They show off some cool gadgets and then you go on the website and register for a random drawing and then they give it away live. Cameras, cell phones, a Wii, a hi-quality projector, uber-expensive comics, and much more. The last prize was a PS3+VF5. Some dude named Jeremy from Wyoming won it. Grrr. That was supposed to be me.

    G4 says this special was one-time only. But I know them. They'll do it again someday. Given how big the ratings were for this first time, it probably won't be too long before they do it again.

    I've seen many UFC matches (which is supposed to represent the best of America) and while it's very impressive on it's own, it's just not that impressive compared to what goes down in China/Japan.

    I'm not gonna whine about you (or anyone) not liking techno. I just don't want your negative opinions to come from incorrect perceptions and misunderstandings. How can you say you don't like it if you truly haven't heard it? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif (like the songs I'm suggesting)

    By the way, I like jazz and fusion too. (yes, I enjoyed your tapes in the car) Really, I like all music. I don't judge by genre, but rather by individual song. Genre is essentially irrelevant to me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Probably won't be for a while. But someday... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif My current situation is kinda like Law in his T4 Story opening. I've slipped out of fighting-form a bit, but if I put my heart back into it, I can come right back and better than ever. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    your right, the negative comments are pointless. beauty is in the eye and ear of the beholder. its just that the techno ive heard in the past didnt do anything for me.
    i think that song that is featured in ghost in the shell is nice actually. i didnt listen to the other one yet.

    I like watching pride matches over ufc. there are many japanese fighters in that circuit, as well as other members of the international community. so what goes down in china/japan?

    i just got a bonus at work, and my tax return should be coming any day now, so the temptation to get a ps3 might just be to hard to resist!
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I'm impressed you know of Demetrius. He used to play with us when we had a setup at Chinatown Fair.

    Unfortunately, he's been unactive for almost 2 years. The last time I saw him was at Game Time Nation back in '05.
  6. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Man. Always a shame when a good player just drops out the whole scene. I think WW3 would start if Spero stopped playing Tekken.

    I know what you mean. I think it's a conspiracy that radio stations play bad techno to make the non-techno songs seem that much better. (Days Go By = Overrated, bad "techno") Damn radio jockeys abusing power. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif MTV seems to do it too. DJ Scribble is extremely fucking overrated. He's such a bad representation of the scene.

    Theys alls on my PSP. You will hear them someday. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    By the way, Rise is the opening song for the 2nd season of Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex. (2nd Gig is the official name of the season) You might be able to catch it on Adult Swim. (sometimes they play a Season 1 episode somtimes a Season 2 one.)

    I could tell you, but then your journey through the Tubes of Youness wouldn't be so fun. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    VF5 announcer says: Russ!!! Wins going away!

    Or rather, you would have a legion of jealous people if people actually read this thread.

    Random question: Has anyone seen the VF anime? It didn't look too special, but I am curious about it nevertheless.
  7. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i havent seen it, but i'd bet its pretty lousy just like the tekken, and sf anime.
  8. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the Tekken movie was kinda lame. (even the uncut version where you see Anna boobies [if I remember correctly]) But the first SF anime movie actually wasn't too bad. Though the Alpha movies (and probably that V series too) was bleh. To make things worse for VF, it's actually a series, not just a single movie of potential badness. I think it's like 26 eps.

    Oh well. Anyways.

    Good luck getting your PS3. I hope to get mine soon too.

    I think we should try hardcore to raise interest in VF in LI in the meantime so we'll have enough people for decent-sized sessions and tourneys.

    I mean.. all we have is like 7 people I think. Me, you, Carlos, Joe, Blood Hawk, that other guy traveling with Blood Hawk (don't think I ever got his name), and that Eileen player. Whereas the Tekken tourneys are turning up 40 people... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Oh yeah, you can add Ray and Janine to the list maybe. Don't know how much they're actually playing VF5.
  9. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    it really sucks that they didnt release an arcade version of vf. its also tough to come up with 500-600 bucks for a ps3. im not very optimistic about the community growing, but it would be nice if it does
  10. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Russ, +3536547582832637364847 for watching pride over UFC. To bad they lost fighters to crappy UFC (CRO COP). If he gets almost beat in UFC ill be suprised. Anyway. Been playing a little at home just making sure Akira is still fresh in my mind. Im Trying not to sleep in this game.
  11. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    To help get people into the game...

    We should invade the DR Stony sessions! I know I'd bring my PS3 and a TV and just start playing VF5 right next to everyone.

    Also, once Castle Golf re-opens... I want to set-up daily sessions and weekly tourneys in the arcade. (well, the sessions will have to generate money for the place so it would be treated like an arcade machine. I think I'll do 25¢/a token per play.) It would be nice if someone else would bring another PS3 to the tourneys (and sessions when possible) for DR. (More info on this idea here)

    Basically, having VF where there is DR is what I think is the key to raising interest in LI.

    Russ, if you want an extra side job for some extra cash, I think my uncle may still be in need of a delivery person. Call the pizzeria at 631-207-2131 if you're ever interested. Or come visit it at:

    <a href="http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=1018+Waverly+Avenue+Holtsville,+NY+11742&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=40.814946,-73.044877&spn=0.025301,0.053988&om=1&iwloc=addr" target="_blank">Bino's Pizzeria
    1018 Waverly Avenue (Unit 20)
    Holtsville, NY 11742</a>
  12. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Ok everyone, here's the current plan.

    <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=castle+golf&sll=40.86707,-73.058275&sspn=0.00632,0.009978&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=40.861862,-73.078909&spn=0.050567,0.079994&om=1&iwloc=A" target="_blank">Castle Golf
    1878 Middle Country Rd
    Centereach, NY 11720</a>
    (631) 471-1267

    Open from 10 or 11AM till 10PM or midnight. (depending on how active things get. Lack of activity between 9 and 10PM results in early closing.)

    This is where I work. (well, when they re-open in April. Hopefully sooner since the weather's all nice) Anyways, I want to set up daily sessions and weekly tourneys for various games in the arcade.<ul>[*]Arcade machines: Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Capcom Vs SNK 2, Tekken 4, Killer Instinct, and misc old SF games on one of those all-on-one machines. Because these are arcade machines, you can play sessions whenever. I will do weekly tourneys in which ever ones will have a good turn out. Generate buzz and get back to me on which ones you all would be interested in.[*]On PS3: Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken: Dark Resurrection. I don't have a PS3 yet, so I will have to borrow someone else's till then. When I do I have one, it will be definite daily sessions and weekly tourneys for both games. For sessions when there is only 1 PS3 available, I will alternate between VF5 and DR upon request.[*]On 360: Dead Or Alive 4. I don't have 360 either. When I do get one, it will be definite daily sessions. Weekly tourneys will depend on if there's enough interest.[*]On PS2/Xbox: Anything. Soul Calibur 2 & 3, the MvC2 and CvS2 for those who prefer pad over stick, 3rd Strike, Alpha Anthology, the Mortal Kombats, whatever pepole want to bring. (even PS1 games) Session will be non-planned, just whatever games people feel like playing at any moment. Weekly tourneys will come down to whatever generates enough interest. I will gladly do MvC2 and CvS2 on PS2 and Arcade or PS2-only if people prefer that.[*]Misc: Whatever system and games someone wants to bring, (Dreamcast? Saturn? GameCube?) go for it.[/list]I currently have only 1 TV to bring, and the PS3 will get priority on it for sessions. If I can't get a hold of other TVs, then I'll have to alternate the other systems onto the one TV when no one is playing the PS3. For tourneys, if I can't get a TV for other systems, then tourneys on the other systems will have to be scheduled to take place after the PS3 tourneys.

    By the way, the sessions would have to generate money for the place so the consoles would be treated like an arcade machine. I think 25¢/a token per play will do. Winner may stay on for no cost.

    For all sessions/tourneys, people who bring a system or TV will of course recieve a cut of the profit for the games played on that particular piece of equipment.

    Of course, this is all very ambitious and still in the early drawing board stages, but it is something to think about nevertheless. Feel free to suggest and comment away to make this actually work. How often do you all think you'd come to these sessions and tourneys?

    Keep in touch with the other Long Island people to see what's happening regarding this idea:<ul>[*]Long Island thread on Zaibatsu[*]Long Island thread on SRK[/list]Both links go straight to my post about this idea.
  13. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i just got my tax return, so i will be getting a ps3 this week, as well as vf5. then i can finally practice!! woo-hoo.
    yeah, dont fall asleep at this game joe. i see you winning that nyc tourny.
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    W00t. Invade Stony Brook DR every chance you get. And start up some tourneys in LI.

    Feel free to set up sessions/tourneys in Castle Golf if my idea goes through.
  15. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Yes russ. Go get vf5 asap. Thank you very much for the support too. I will do my best not just for me or the money, but LI and VF in general.
  16. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    For those who liked the soundtrack for VF5, this may be of interest.
  17. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    pssh spero is a gimmick that can break throws.. thats it
  18. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member


    ive been sleeping... extends hand to get slapped...
  19. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it is a very interesting point that while Spero is god-like with throw escapes in Tekken, he wouldn't do so well with them in VF. Especially not when a Zero-Frame Throw occurs.

    Randomness of the day:

    Awesome Sarah pic /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
    Awesome vids
  20. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

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