Long Island VF

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cla, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Cla YOU GUYS ONLY PLAY IN SELDEN? THATS PRETTY FAR TO GO for some comp. Any central places closer to hicksville?
  2. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    I'm the only who lives in Selden and the sessions don't happen here. I think everyone else lives to the west of me.

    Our current area for VF5 sessions is more in the Bay Shore area. I didn't even pay attention to what city it's in exactly (been there only once), but I know it's not too far from South Shore Mall.

    Morninstar's the one to talk to if you want to join one of the sessions.
  3. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    I honestly havent even touched vf 5 in a long time. Been playing 3s to much. If we had more sessions and more people playing, Id play it more. Cla if you can gather some more info about that tourny, that be cool. thanks.
  4. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    All the info you need comes from this post and below.<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Place: 29 Nassau Place, Hempstead 11550

    We usually run a 16 man backet, double elim for MvC2. The other two will probably be 8 man due to lesser interest. $5 to enter, but you could opt out and still enter, however you will not get any prize $ if you place top 3. All the entrance fee will go to the pot and is split 65/25/10 to the top 3 respectively. Arcade joysticks will be used, however you could use your own stick or pad of preference if you're paying to enter. If you're using one of our sticks please be gentle with them, so no mashing like crazy, no wearing rings/bracelets (scratches the buttons and plexiglass), no dirty/greasy hands, etc. Lastly, no stupid stuff in my house or I will kick you out with the quickness.</div></div><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My place is 2min away from Hofstra and is 10min away (walking) from Hempstead bus and train station.
    -Fighters: 3rd & MvC2, and possible a MvC2 team tourney if 3S ends early. 3S will run on two stations while MvC2 casuals will run on the third station. MvC2 will run on all three stations like last time.
    -Time: Casuals starts at 12noon. 3S starts at 1pm. MvC2 will start promptly after 3S (probably 3ish-4).</div></div>You should post there to introduce yourself and let them know you are coming.

    Again, that's: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?p=3680104#3680104
  5. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i just saw a tumble weed go by!
  6. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    And now I see the little skit with the tumbleweed guy on Family Guy.

    I was actually about to break the silence by bringing up X-Play's review of VF5.

    (don't mind the ad that might play first)

    If you don't know, X-Play is a TV show on channel G4. Game reviews, previews, news, and random tibits like comedy sketches. With the reviews, they are extremely brutal and it's rare for games to recieve the full 5 out of 5.

    Anyways, to the VF5 review... Good points about the game. Awesome montage of the game's horrible dialogue. They were of course slightly bummed by the lack of on-line. I won't ruin the final score.

    And you can laugh at the typo for the ESRB Rating in the text review of Evolution.

    In other random news....

    I got a hold of a video camera and went crazy.


    Vids of me swinging my sword... beat-boxing... fingertip push-ups... playing the piano... Dr. Claw as a pedophile?... one-leg squats... old footage from I was 11 or 12...

    Yeah... utter randomness.
  7. RunningNow

    RunningNow Member

    Gotcha. And you guys have TVs and Playstation 3s right? I'll be over to play this awesome game with some buddies. Good Virtual Fighting! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  8. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member


    I'm assuming you posted in the wrong thread...

    Well, anyways...

    With this DR tourney on March 25th, you all wanna get a VF5 session going that night?
  9. JC_Media

    JC_Media Well-Known Member

  10. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    ok, swinging sword...you need lessons, beat boxing...alright, fingertip push ups....not really that hard, playing the piano...need lessons, dr claw as pedophile...not particularly funny, but impression sounds alright, one leg squats...ok, those arent easy, old footage...moot
  11. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    But you watching them all anyways... Priceless. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Thanks anyway. If you happen to watch them again (well, this goes for anyone who watches them), click "More" in the video description on the right for important explanations. Like how I haven't practiced my martial arts in months. (same for the piano playing) I don't need lessons. I just need to un-rust. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif (or is it de-rust?) And also tidbits like that the song in my training vid was made by me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Anyways... I'll make decent, legitimate vids on YouTube someday... someday... >_> Most of this stuff was just random test things just to try out this kind of content creating. I'll actually try next time.... maybe. <_<

    Well, till then...

    Carlos... you wanna invade the upcoming DR tourney and set up a station for casual VF5? (or hell, a tourney if you want) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif That'll get the game much-deserved attention.

    (Back to beatboxing real quick.... This is just fucking awesome.)
  12. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i only watched a few there champ, and you do need lessons since you are no mozart or bruce lee. what kind of martial art is that anyway...made-up-do? arent i such a bitch?
    you know what...dont mind me, i am a cynical misanthrope.
  13. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    But there is nowhere to recieve lessons to become gods like that. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Anyways, yes... I am self-taught. I used to be top-notch when I had my friends to spar with back in Lousiana. (Ah, the stories to tell. But that'll be for another day.) But then I came to NJ where everyone pretends to be tough but really all are bunch of pansies and over the years (it's been 5 or 6. Possibly 7) I got rusty. And the culture of NY seemingly dictates that no over 18 takes martial arts seriously. Hell, it's actually illegal to buy most martial arts weapons in NY. (so Century Fitness says) Decortive stuff like my sword (it is not possible to sharpen. Can't complain, it was only $40.) seems to be ok.

    Similar situation for my piano playing. Self-taught and freestyle (like the living legend Nobuo Uematsu) and used to be really good, but after leaving Lousiana, I slowly lost motivation to keep it going. Such neglect has come back to kick me in the ass. But I will be getting back into it! Soon I will be Upper Tier again! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    As far as new vids on YouTube go... my craze with uploading every vid I make is over. Now I'm gonna be very selective and upload only the best. So far, only 1 new vid. Really good beatboxing with my body instead of my mouth. Don't know if there's another word for that. Beatbodying?

    And oh yeah... next time I'm at a VF5 session with you guys, I'll bring the camera and record some matches.
  14. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i could tell. i've been doing martial arts for 8 years, so i know what to look for. i think if you did learn a discipline, you could excel in it because you have the desire, and seem to be coordinated enough. the song in your video wasnt bad for the genre its in, but i personally dont give props to much music in general unless it is a well constructed piece of art(something sorely lacking on the radio)....interesting chord structure, melody, arrangement, musicianship, etc. I like to listen to people who have dedicated their lives to playing music....the pros.
    anyway, i think its a good idea to be selective with the vids...otherwise you might get some cunt like me bust'n your balls! hope your not offended
  15. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Interesting. I may be younger, but I've been practicing martial arts since I was like 9. Perhaps we shall spar someday. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    I did attend a school in Lousiana once. (don't remember the style name [Hamudo maybe?], but it was something made by the dojo master, Yong Zeeb) A twice-a-week 7 week trial where I got to my 2nd belt in 4 days and needed only 1 more day to move to the 3rd. Didn't sign on after that cause it was like $400 for half a year or some crazy shit.

    Besides the lack of money, now I'm not attending any schools because I really don't care for what's offered in America. And I really like self-taught freestyling. (surprises the hell out of opponents) If I was gonna learn some pre-existing style, it'd have to be some hardcore shit from China or Japan. Maybe down the road later on in my life, I will pick a favorite Chinese style (something powerful like Akira's style would be bad-ass) and Japanese style (something speedy like Ninjitsu), master them, and have them make sweet sweaty love and concieve a real WMD. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    By the way, for weapons... I also have nun-chukus and a 3-sectional staff. I developed good Tai-Chi Sword techniques with my wooden sword (which is now broken) although I've never got to touch an actual Tai Chi Sword.

    I alreay have cunts bustin my balls. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Someone gave the "Dr. Claw" Public Service Announcement and my training vid a 1-star rating. (I know it wasn't any of you because this was before I got the chance to give you all the links) Oh well, I don't care. I'd rather people be honest about hating it than lie about liking it. I'm not one of those uptight internet peeps who can't take critism. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif Critism especially doesn't bother me when I know I didn't try. (like the majority of the vids I recorded on camera. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif )

    I'm always being held back by lack of decent equipment, (all I have to create music is FL Studio 6. My keyboard doesn't help because it can't be plugged into newer PCs) but perhaps I can show you some of newer stuff anyway sometime. (a lot of it is on my PSP. Remind me. I actually have an FM Modulator to hack a specific radio channel with the PSP and I have a Cassete Tape headphone-jack adapter as well. Fuck the raido, my PSP will be the radio when I get a car. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif )

    For now, you can listen to my older stuff: http://ourworld.cs.com/raisuke1/ClaMusic

    As far as what you'll like from there...<ul>[*]<span style='font-size: 8pt'>Oriental Emotions[*]The beginning of Cla No Techno (Hyperactive Emotions Mix) (great example of what my piano skills used to be like)[*]Everybody Get Super-Wild-Crazy-Funky! if it wasn't so repetitive and simple. An upgrade is due cause it has potential.[*]Late Night Dancin'[*]The Marriage Of Melody And Harmony[*]You Make Me Go ^_^[*]Metal Gear Solid Theme (Piano Rearrangement)</span>[/list]This page hasn't been updated since last June... Many a song I have made since then and much has my skill in composition improved. I've even collaborated with a friend to make some really good techno. How we compliment each other's very different style is too awesome.

    Anyways... yeah... this is one long-ass post. I should just push Submit now.

    I feel obliged to make up for it...


    I may be a loser in America, but hot Japanese chicks like that would all over a foriegner like me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Especially cause Japanese chicks seem to dig guys with long hair... >_>

    Anyways... yes... VF5! Umm... ETEG! Fuzzy Guard! Offensive Move! Bounce! Crumple!
  16. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

  17. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm, do i go to the mall to watch tekken dr. Or go to the city and play 3s and VF5.............25 beans is kinda rough though...
  18. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    no, youve been practicing your made up cla-do...what ever the hell that is. i have been practicing real stuff, ju jitsu, shorin ryu, and arnis (Filipino stick and knife).

    3 belts in 5 days? that is a bullshit school. no legit martial art school would advance any student that quickly. croc 'o shit academy .

    what?, youre telling me there isnt various forms of wu-shu, kung fu, ninjutsu, ju jitsu, aikido, etc in the states ??? dude, you are out to lunch buddy. stick with your free styling then. CLA-DO for the win!

    honestly, i cant really stand techno music. its repetitive, and lacks chordal, and melodic variety. its simplistic, and that bores me. why do you claim that you mix all these different styles, when i dont hear them at all? jazz? classical? ...come on cla, thats just being ridiculous. thats not whats going on in your tunes at all. you make me go smile was the only tune i thought that had any potential

    over all, you would really benifit from a REALITY CHECK!

    just call your music techno, alot of people are into that...and thats fine. say youve been messing around with creating your own fighting style...thats a creative venture...but dont say youve been practicing martial arts.
  19. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Joe, if you're going to Evo, then go to the Manhattan tourney for practice.

    By the way... catch the random shoutout to you and Carlos. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif (why doesn't this forum have an actual laughing icon?)

    This battle again. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif I always get into rivalries with people who practice the "real stuff". I'm more than prepared. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif I've sparred bigger "official" practioners. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    This was one of my sparring partners in Lousiana. We were pretty even. My biggest problem was his rushing beatdowns. He basically did something like Ganryu's Open Palm Combo (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2etc) but it was his fists and it was faster. That was a bitch. All you could do is block and hope your arms wouldn't die before he tired out.

    Anyways... We will spar someday. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif And I will surprise you. And you will surprise me. I think it's destiny. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Yes, it was a pretty weak school and style. All the more reason I didn't stay.

    Hey, it'll have a cooler name than that. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    But yeah... I mean that I'm not crazy about the Americanized versions. They're not junk, but they still don't compare to what's going down in the country of origin. If I'm gonna spend the time and money on it, I'd rather be learned in the stronger original version.

    Ah, you are just mislead to what techno is about. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Let me show you examples that are non-repetive and demostrate the true potential of the very chordal and melodic variety you seek that also perfectly exemplify it as being the ultimate music form. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Well... I suppose I can't give the links... But these are two songs to seek out:

    Inner Universe by Yoko Kanno, Origa, & Benedict Delmaestro (one of the most beautiful songs you will ever hear)
    Rise by Yoko Kanno and Origa (fucking amazing chorus)

    You can actually hear Inner Universe through this YouTube vid of mine. For Rise, you'll have to dig it up on your own or contact me outside this forum. I suppose you can e-mail me at raisukefukaga@yahoo.com.

    Oh, one awesome link I can give...


    That and the rest of the songs* are freely available on OCRemix. So no legal issues.

    *Download them all if you like the old-school SF songs. These are some of the most beautiful remixes ever.
  20. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    you are a silly goose!
    real>made up
    there are no more hidden japanese secrets really. globalization has made it so americans go to japan and study, and japanese come to america to teach. sure, there are many schools in america that are bubble gum watered down stuff...like tiger shulmans, but there are many schools that have direct links to japan, like the ones i've trained in. what makes you think you know the deal about american martial arts anyway?
    anyway, what ever....you like techno, i like jazz and jazz fusion, you say tomato and i say....we dont see eye to eye, so fuck it. this is boring
    sparring huh? alright, whenever.

    ive got to finish writing this damn paper for school right now

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