Long Island VF

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cla, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Its 3:50 am........and my Akira looks like Bruce Lee. Game of Death Style!!! R.I.P Bruce...My akira is for you!
  2. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Funny you say that. I used to play Lion... Lion and Jeffry (Only cause of his name! I swear!)

    Lion's a sweet character. So is... oh god... the bald monk. Lei fei? Wei Fei? I dn't remember... And yeah, that's my exp with VF. I think that was VF3 if i'm not mistaken. I know how to do PPPK ^.^
  3. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    do you guys think it would be a good idea to get the 20gig ps3 instead of the 60 in order to save money? i can upgrade stuff in the future right?
  4. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Yes russ. If you want to take it easy on the pocket I would do it. Like you said, you can probly upgrade to a bigger HD then a 60 for less money then the actually 60gb ps3 itself. Also after watching some more japanese matches, and speaking with carlos. Seems the offensive sidestep is more used when they are on the ground. Gives you optimum positioning, i.e. wall, ring out. The timing is strict when trying to sidestep moves with it. I dont think its really there to sidestep moves at all. If you do connect with a the P or K after the offensive sidestep, it does lead to some beefy damage.
  5. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    I thought there were more differences? Like the cheaper version doesn't even have memory card slots and some other things. And I thought it was hard to upgrade.

    Me, I don't see it worth saving only $100. If you're gonna shell out $500, you might as well do the extra $100 and get it all over with now. It'll be worth it down the road. (remember, this is a system that Sony intends to have last for 10 years)

    But that's just me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif When I go back to work in April, the first things on my agenda are a bike and the $600 PS3 + US version of DR + US version of VF5.

    Random generousity of the moment: Yes, I made my Avatar myself. I'm a solid photoshopper. (check out the Avatar I made for a DOA forum from this pic) Anyways, if anyone wants me to make them an Avatar, let me know. Just give me a pic(s) and some directions.
  6. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    No wifi on 20gb ps3 too
  7. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Maybe if it was like $300 it might be worth it. But as most people will tell you, the $500 version is not worth $500, while the $600 version is worth $600.
  8. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    The PS3 is not worth it... at all ^.^
  9. Ray75

    Ray75 New Member

    Okay I join. Thanks Carlos.
  10. Patzeram1

    Patzeram1 New Member


    It's Ray. Thanks for the invite to join. I join under another name earlier (a few minutes ago) but decided to change back to patzeram.
  11. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Yes. Hey Ray its Joe (iloveu) Glad to see you on this. I cant wait till you and your daughter come to check this game out with me and carlos. Im almost positive you will enjoy what it has to offer.
  12. Patzeram1

    Patzeram1 New Member

    Joe, we're really looking forward to it. Once I get VF5 and Tekken DR I'll try to make arrangements for a Multi Tournament at Parallex in Mineola on Jericho Turnpike. I like it because it's a LAN center about two blocks from the Long Island Railroad.


    Right now I intend to have two separate sections, Tekken DR and VF5 and the winner in each section plays in a final in which they alternate VF5 and Tekken DR until we get a winner. I'm not sure how to exactly work out all the details yet.

    If we get the place and everything arranged, we may be able to use other games for free play like SC3 for example.
  13. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    You know me ray ill play whatever. I just like to play and have good friendly comp. Well maybe one day when you guys are not that busy, we could all meet up and play some VF5. Just to maybe explain some things about the game and then you two take it from there. I have it, carlos has it, its just a matter of getting together thats all.
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Ray, you don't have to make a new account to change your name. Just edit your Display Name in your profile settings. ^_~

    Anyway, welcome aboard. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Now where's John? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif

    Haha, nice avatar, Russ. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Me carlos and my other friend played today. Figured out a insane jacky wall combo. We also confirmed the use of the offensive side step on wake ups. Depending on the foot position(opend or closed) you are very able to offensive side step the wake up attack. The time is strict but it does work. Hopefully this weekend we can get a session again John Russ and whoever else.
  16. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    Jacky easily tea bags paul phoenix as white boy of the century in a fighting game..
  17. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    For me, this Sunday at Morninstar's after Vendetta.

    But remember now, I don't have a car. So I'm asking for a ride from SSMall, and then from Morninstar's back to my place afterwards.

    I have to have those ready before I jump in.
  18. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    So i need a volunteer of who would want to take me under their wing and teach me everything and anything they know about virtual fighter in less than a week ^.^
  19. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    For starters, it's called "Virtua Fighter". /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    I'd gladly learn you VF4:Evolution in a week, but for VF5, you'll have to ask someone who actually has it.
  20. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Yea i forgot that LI DR tourny at the mall this weekend. OK, ill be there anyway so i can supply a ride to morninstars for anyone who wants to play. They will have to find a ride home though. Spero actually called me about it to remind me about this shindig at the mall. I told him i wont playing in it but ill play a few casuals for sure.

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