Long Island VF

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cla, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Rawr! /me signs up.

    I've never played a VF game before, but I'm more than willing to lean. I learned Soul Calibur and Tekken pretty fast, I shouldn't have a problem with VF.

    So, who wants to teach me in the first week of March?
  2. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif But that would be the other around. See, VF is the most complex and difficult to learn. So you can say "If I can learn VF, then I can learn the others". Not so much the other way around. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Luckily, both VF4s have a very good tutorial that covers everything. Kinda like SC3's. I have no idea if there is something like this in VF5.

    I would say just play through that (go rent/buy VF4:Evolution) and we'll answer any questions you have afterwards. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  3. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    I'll think about it. I don't own a PS2... or an xbox... or a gamecube... or any PC games anymore for that matter.

    I'll do some research on VF and pick a character and see if i can learn a character without ever actually playing.


    oh, and i got the display name: "Jeff" i feel so special.
  4. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Yeah VF is very different then most fighters. Like Cla said, it is pretty hard to pick up and learn the basic mechanics. If you could, getting evo would probably be your best bet and going through the tutorial.
  5. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    there is no way to learn Virtua Fighter without playing VF.. you cant read forums and look at videos it must be felt. everything is too frame, sound, and situation specific. greatest game of all times by the way.
  6. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    session at my house tonight in VF5 there will be 2 ps3 sanwa sticks
  7. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    I will prove you all wrong! I can learn a game without every playing it.
  8. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    .........this is why i dont post on forums
  9. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Morninstar, what city do you live in anyway?

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif In that case, everything you need to know is laying around on this site. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Be warned, stuff like this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    If you still have questions after looking around, I can answer stuff about VF4 and Evolution. Only Joe & Carlos have played VF5 so far.

    I just read EGM's review of the game. They were blown away, with 3 editors giving it a 9.5, a 10, and another 9.5. The main and only complaints really were the lack of on-line features and the inability to carry your chars to another PS3.

    By the way, did you all see this? We should represent Long Island. Gather as many VFers as you can for the 18th. Why haven't John and Blood Hawk joined here yet anyway?

    And hey, here's a weekly session to think about attending every now and then. It's all the way in New York (the city) though. Jeff, maybe these guys are closer to you than us.
  10. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Nope, they are not closer to me. NYC is actually further away. I do live about 5 minutes from Sports Plus, if that puts a good perspective on my actual location.

    I'm kidding about learning VF without ever playing. It's impossible to do so and actually be good at the game. I'll give it its chance and maybe just inquire with you guys when I get back on the island on one of your weekly sessions.

    Right now, I'm attending Virginia Tech, so there would be no way for me to meet up with you guys right now. Though, during spring break I can get one week, and during summer i'll be more available. I'll get back into video game mode then.

    Here, I don't play video games. I haven't touched one since... oh god I don't know. Besides my one night of playing elobitz on Wii, i haven't played a game since Christmas break. Oh god, one full month without touching video games, it's a crisis!

    Anywho, I'll be back March 2nd/3rd for a week. I'll see what I can learn when I'm in town, and see how many of you i can roll in tekken ^.^
    You can do the same to me in VF. No hard feelings <3
  11. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    I see. Then during that week, we'll have to have as many sessions as possible. ^_~

    We actually played in DR before (yes, Sports Plus), but you might not remember. I beat you in our first match then I couldn't come close in our many matches after. You upped the ante with Steve's sidestepping, and even now I still don't how to deal with it. (I got some guesses at least >_>) Going by VF logic, spinning attack beats sidestep... but that does not seem to work in Tekken. An opponent will sidestep my spin attack (like Lili's f+3) and then later I'll sidestep and get smacked by a linear attack.

    Nevertheless, I've improved a lot and will even more before your week of freedom. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  12. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    With Steve's sidestep, it's really about distance. From my sidestep, I am at a horrible disadvantage if you are not close. Mid attacks are deadly, as well as staying low. Steve has no low attacks at all.

    It's really a patient game when you're playing against a beatdown character.

    Oh well, I'm really not that good at these games anyway. It's more of just a presence thing. I'll work on VF and see what I can do. From the looks of it, it seems like it's a better game. Though people like Spero wouldn't agree with that.
  13. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    thats cause spero can only play one game.. and wouldnt know a good fighting game if it punched him in the nose.
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Seeing as it'll be a while before the next Tekken comes out (we still like no details about it, so Namco must not have made too much yet), I'm sure he'll be tempted to at least try VF5. I mean, what else is he gonna do with his free $600 machine? He's gotta put it to use.

    Interesting. I see. I'll try to remember that. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    A Lili tip for you: Most of her attacks are punshiable. Just block one and chances are you can get a free attack in. ^_^' And even from the ones that are safe on block, I'll tend to follow up with something risky that takes more frames than I'm given.
    Overall, yes. But they both have their pros and cons, of course.

    VF has much much more to its fighting system and the char customization makes Tekken's look like a joke, (VF chars got like nearly 100 items in Evolution, and probably much more in VF5) but there are times when the fights feel more like turned-based RPGs and the overall strategy of the gameplay feels kinda rigid. Like there is only one right way to play with a specific char and everyone who uses that char is encouraged to and strives to play the same exact way.

    Tekken may be simpler and the fighting system occasionally tends to not function properly, but the fights are constantly going 90% real-time (missing 10% is cause of walls hit attempts where your attacks will magically go through your opponent) and there is more freedom in how you play with a char, even when it comes to combos. I especially like that there are tons of possible combinations for combos, whereas in VF there's pretty much only 1 right combo to do in a given situation.

    Anyways, you'll like VF. As far as chars go, Brad will feel right at home for you for Steve-style play. Basically, if Steve was an Italian kickboxer, he'd be Brad. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Oh god... I'll look into him and see what I can do.

    And by the way, I never play the NORMAL way. I always have to spice them up and pick out my own style. With Steve, i didn't utilize him to the fullest... i didn't do the normal moves that you'd find in a given situation, and that made me good and bad. It made a lot of the people who never played me before feel weird since I wasn't capitalizing on what I shouyld, or throwing out better moves than I was. But, with people that played me a lot (Spero), they can quickly find holes and show me why I suck /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I'll look into Brad. I assume he was also in evo... I'll see if I can find some vids of him.
  16. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    Brad Sucks in Evo.. everyone was really improved in VF5 it seems like there is no clear top tier character besides maybe dural.. but no one ever uses her anyway. risk vs reward in VF is alot more balanced and execution is acutally really strict.. if you have 2 frames in wich to do a move then you have 2 frames and thats it..

    p.s.. Cla spero will sit and play DR until tekken 6 comes out.. or he will just stop playing for a while.. he has absolutley no interest in learning a new fighting system,. to be honest thats probably the only reason he is any good in tekken.. he has no other game systems or ideas in his mind simply tekken.
  17. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    listen u guys seriously need to start playing VF and not talkin about tekken lol.. we had some good games last night with joe russ and john and it shows that we should only be playing more.. post up if anyone wants to play.
  18. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    thanks for having us over last night. it was great to finally see vf5 after all this time. the game is so damn sweet. its going to take me awhile to adjust.....and i need to do a bit of vf5 homework, but this game is totally worth it. joe's kage is fricken sweet! kage plays so much better in 5.

    jeff, i kinda see you playing lion for some reason
  19. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Well thanks russ. japanese match videos do the trick!!!! good games though john russ carlos. By this weekend maybe we can get some more play time in. Me and carlos spoke to ray from zaibatsu. He said he is willing to try and get some more people to play this. Hopefully we can create a nice LI scene for this game.
  20. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    game is too damn good..!!

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