Latest VF5FS Tier Lists

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 3, 2014.

By Myke on May 3, 2014 at 3:33 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Last month saw the release of a new Arcadia mook titled "Fighting Game REMIX" in which a number of fighting game titles are covered, including Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown. In this edition, the cover the latest tier list for VF5FS.


    Tier List
    As of 2014-04-18

    SS: Akira
    S: Taka, Lion, Brad
    A: Jacky, Jean, Vanessa
    B: Goh, Shun, Wolf

    (Large Gap)

    C: Sarah, Kage, Lau
    D: El Blaze, Jeffry
    E: Aoi, Pai, Lei-Fei, Eileen

    After four years is the "Final Answer" here?!
    Four years has elapsed with this game. With such a long time and so much strategy evolving, could this be the final ranking (?)

    Points about some important characters
    There is a big gap between B and C rank. We will discuss some of the major points.

    One of Akira's main points is his jumping ascending [K]. It whiffs lows, starts combos and defeats sabaki, and is a full circular that defeats evade. It is particularly powerful during sideturned with +6 where it is guaranteed on evadeCD, and at +9 on sideturned is guaranteed on evade.

    For the characters in A rank compared to S rank there is not a large difference in their fighting abilities, but it is their basic abilities that attracts high praise. Amongst these is Taka, who was getting a lot of interest at the recent BT cup. While Taka can rely on throws and [4][P][+][K][P] against most characters, the opponent must concentrate on specific combos and untechable situations, focusing on the system side to fight Taka, so it is very difficult to have tactics against him. For people unfamiliar with Taka, he is more threatening than Akira.

    Amongst A rank Jacky stands out. The reason that he has fallen in rank is that his options to overcome a guarding opponent are finite. His returns on throws are not that high, and when his high damage throws ([6]and [4]) are broken it leaves him sideturned. Choosing the right move to throw out is quite difficult, so while he may look like a simple character to play, the value in really dedicating yourself to him is difficult. Of course, against an opponent who lacks defensive skills he is S rank.

    Amongst the lower ranks, Blaze and Sarah are well suited to tournaments, each with their attacking options from stances, and are fast so even against opponents adept at defence it can be tough. They are rarely used, and so they may be even more threatening than higher ranked characters if the opponent lacks match up experience. The other character who has ranked up is Jeffrey. His weight is high so damage inflicted is low, and his [P][+][K] and [1][K][+][G] one command moves are powerful.

    Thanks to Unicorn for the tip, and noodalls for the translation!

    Edit: Homestay Akira's Tier List
    Originally posted by Myke as a reply in this thread on Nov 23, 2016:

    So here is Homestay's tier list:

    S: Akira, Jacky
    A+: Goh, Lion, Taka
    A: Brad, Jean, Vanessa
    A-: Kage, Lau, Shun
    B: Aoi, Lei, Pai, Sarah
    C: Eileen, El Blaze, Jeffry, Wolf​

    The only additional information provided was:
    1. Lion and Goh can be S rank if the player is really good.
    2. Taka is not considered S rank because while he is strong against some characters, he is still weak against others.

    It sounded unlikely that we'll get a more fleshed-out explanation of why each character is where they are. If I do, I'll post it up, but don't hold your breath. Regardless of where your particular character lies on this, or the Arcadia, tier list I'm fairly certain there's a lot more work we can do to improve our own game.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
    Tricky, SUGATA, Pai~Chun and 5 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 3, 2014.

    1. Chibitox
      Better anti wakeup than Lion ? o_O Lion has one of the very few reliable anti-mid rising with 4P+K into a pretty solid combo and 8K and 46K+G.
      She might be better at whiff punishing rising kicks but that won't happen that much against good comp imo.

      About throws Lion has 65/60 throws with ring out potential and better wall throws where Pai has 60/60 and has low throws, it's about the same imo.
      One strong point in Pai throws is that most of them don't leave her sideturned (and out of throw reach) when evaded, .
    2. Darksoul173
      Another strong aspect of Lion's throw game is that if his throw get escaped and leaves him ST, Lion can use 1P+K+G/7P+K+G and "slide" to safety
      Cozby likes this.
    3. MarlyJay
      His HCB throw leaves him stupidly safe too.pai is only doing 55 non tech able damage with the 6 direction(without walls) . Lion is getting 60 - 73.
    4. Krye
      Starting messing with Jeff a bit again, and now using his jump kick to beat evades. This works really well, and beats 2p and big abare as well. Only -5 on guard too! Of course, it only deals 25 damage, but it's a nice option to have when the rest of your circs aren't that strong.

      If you play a reserved game and pick your points, I can see how he might be considered D now. I never really used the jump moves before, since blaze and lau's suck (too slow to use them the way jeff can).
    5. kingo
      Krye... nobody care about Jeff :D.
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    6. G_A
      Just based on the Pre Tribe Cup, 325 players :

      32 ja
      31 ka
      30 ak
      25 sa
      23 wo
      21 sh
      18 la
      18 ta
      16 ao
      15 li
      14 el
      14 go
      14 va
      13 pa
      11 le
      9 ei
      7 br
      7 je
      7 jn

      I don't remember seeing a dominating Vanessa player either, even if on the paper her offensive style has tons of qualities.
      Maybe just coincidence, but it's intriguing.
      IcKY99 likes this.
    7. Tricky
      well brad and jean manage to get top rankings regardless of a low entry number of players.
    8. SlowCast
      I use Aoi ONLY because she's cute and can be customized like so. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother with this abomination
      Tricky likes this.
    9. YOMI
      Taka is cute and can be customized as so, good thing he's atleast a good character.
    10. SlowCast
      It's good that you have that kind of mind set for characters like Taka. I don't have that, unfortunately
    11. Optimus_Cack
      how could anyone not like playing a character that doesn't have to follow half the rules of VF?
    12. NGKrush
      My friend just came back from japan and was playing vf5fs there. According to the Japanese players he talked to Kage is seen as one of the highest tiers and Taka one of the lowest. Eileen and Pai, also because of their 11 frame jabs are quite higher rated nowadays, el blaze is also, even though he is light weight, seen as very strong because of his high mixup potential with very high damage. Is there some way we can gather some more information about the more recent, more relevant, tier lists? Are there still some connections with Japanese players here?

      As a Taka player I never understood the tierlist posted here in 2014. Although taka has some good damage and strong basics, I always felt that his risk was too high on his mixups, the unique strings vs taka and his low defensive options forcing him to "accept" certain mixup situations because he can't force himself out of them like characters with evasive properties can. Because of this tierlist I thought that I was just wrong/playing badly, but with more and more experience I don't feel my opinion has changed. I would be interesting to see if the newer tierlist would indeed have a more realistic ranking.
      IcKY99, jimi Claymore and Ellis like this.
    13. 40i4
      If El Blaze is such high-tier char. whera is he on videos crushing enemies? I'm still looking forward for videos where good el blaze is playing.. . Maybe i saw 2 or 3 videos where good el blaze is playing.
      IcKY99 likes this.
    14. Myke
      Mind if we ask whereabouts in Japan your friend was playing, and who he spoke to? Were they random VF players? Famous players?

      I concur with @40i4 in that videos coming out of Japan don't really reflect these findings. Although tiers have little to do with popularity (especially in VF), one might expect that if there have been some revelations/discoveries about certain players or matchups since this tier list was published, we'd be seeing this manifest in real play.
      IcKY99 likes this.
    15. Myke
      Just a quick update, but I asked @kamaage what he thought of NGKrush's report, via his friend, that the tier list had essentially flipped:

      He then went on and essentially agreed with the 2014 Arcadia list:

      I then put in a special request on behalf of VFDC for an update to the 2014 list, or at least an explanation as to what puts each character at their particular ranking. I asked if he could contact Yanaga, the original author of the Arcadia article, for the update but kamaage suggested he could ask Homestay or Joseph instead.

      No promises were made, but if I do receive anything I'll be sure to post it up!
    16. Tricky
      I for one would like to see Eileen move up in the ranks. I believe she is heavily undervalued and her weakness overblown.
    17. Myke
      So here is Homestay's tier list:

      S: Akira, Jacky
      A+: Goh, Lion, Taka
      A: Brad, Jean, Vanessa
      A-: Kage, Lau, Shun
      B: Aoi, Lei, Pai, Sarah
      C: Eileen, El Blaze, Jeffry, Wolf​

      The only additional information provided was:
      1. Lion and Goh can be S rank if the player is really good.
      2. Taka is not considered S rank because while he is strong against some characters, he is still weak against others.

      It sounded unlikely that we'll get a more fleshed-out explanation of why each character is where they are. If I do, I'll post it up, but don't hold your breath. Regardless of where your particular character lies on this, or the Arcadia, tier list I'm fairly certain there's a lot more work we can do to improve our own game.
      BlackGeneral, Tricky, -nero- and 8 others like this.
      waaaaaaaat, Wolf is bottom tier :eek:
      yeeeeeah, so true
    20. NGKrush
      Hey thanks for following up on this Myke!
      I am not sure who my friend talked to, he is Chinese and my Chinese language is too limited to get more information from our talks, just some small bits here and there. Getting a new tierlist is very interesting to see, Homestay's list does have a few shifts up and down compared to the Arcadia list, but that could also be personal preference.

      I do agree, I have a lot of issues playing vs Wolf, Aoi en Sarah and I would think they would be ranked so much higher, so that says more about my game than anything else. Gives me confidence to keep on improving!
      Tricky, Myke and oneida like this.

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