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LA: VF4 Evo w/ cards at AI ?!?!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by akiralove, Nov 18, 2002.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    Nice night of EVO playing... would've been better if people hadn't fucking EGGED MY CAR while we were in AI.

    Catherine and I come out to find two eggs smashed all over my hood and rear window. Fortunately some couple saw it happen, waited around, and told me it was a misunderstanding.... some security guard who plays Initial D at AI and happens to drive a blue WRX exactly like ours apparently "offended many people" recently. We we're unfortunate enough to be parked where he parks, as well. Egg sticks like fucking superglue.


    General note to anyone: If you're pissed at someone, don't take it out on their car (or make a mistake and hit someone else's car). That's just cowardly bullshit in my opinion. Have the nerve to speak to them directly.
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    sorry to hear what happened to your car.

    As of the moment a new thought came to my mind. Since the current VfNet rig is connected to the local ingame arcade server. If AI does ever decide to get a permanent evo machine, Will our stats be erased? Or can we convince AI to temporily connect to VFnet so we can upload our info.

    Highly doubtful, lazy AI management =/
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    I believe our stats are on the card. It doesn't have much to do with the machine the card is plugged in to. That's why Spotlite can use his Akira card from Japan and display his items and colors. I don't know what you mean by local ingame arcade server.

    I don't think the A.I. management is lazy. The fact that they've used valuable floor space to install the best EVO setup in the United States is quite commendable - especially when the known Southern California hardcore fan base consists of less than 20 people. To top it all off, they're actually thinking of buying their own setup. I don't know how hard it would be to connect that machine to VFnet or how much it would cost. I imagine it's too expensive to justify, which doesn't have much to do with being lazy.

    By the way, thanks for speaking up about my car in your post. The couple that waiting there when Catherine and I walked up were quite apologetic - the gentleman was most concerned that I didn't go off thinking this was an "Asian" thing. Kind of funny to me. I see people as people no matter where they come from. At this point I'm glad it was eggs and not key marks (shudder).
  4. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    heh, reminds me my Saab got egged over Halloween... I'm still finding yellow crap in various nooks and crannies :meh:

    I made it to AI quite late last night, and everyone has left like five minutes ago! Thanks for the directions Phoenix, I was a little lost (damn mapquest... grumble). Like a reversal of a couple of weeks ago, huh? I should have got you to order me a pizza =]

    Anyway, I brought Amy and three workmates with me. They've all been hesitant to play VF because they don't know it and don't want to embark on the learning curve. But since Evo is new, they were prepared to come and play. Cross your fingers for a new Lau and a new Pai on the LA scene...

    I bought a card but didn't end up using it. I really just wanted to look at it anyway. This was my first time with Evo, so I played Pai first (ever since VF1 I've always played Pai first). First thing I noticed was that they've *finally* fixed the shoulder joints, so that Pai actually looks human when she does her win poses. She's got some cool new stuff - a new sabaki kick that leaves her back turned, right? Jimmy (one of the new guys) was totally abusing that.

    Then onto Jeffry, who has ended up being my main VF4 character. I like the changes to him.... mainly the animation tweaks to moves the like [K][K][P].

    Basically I was totally impressed with Evo. It's my favourite game, with additional polish and balance, some annoying graphical glitches fixed (e.g., the shoulders). Oh and two new characters, one of whom (Goh) looks really weird to me. I played the CPU Goh first, and it looked like he alone was lit with a blue light. Weird effect.

    Anyway, we contributed many tokens to the AI Evo machines last night. At the moment I'm planning to go out every Thursday (except next week, which is Thanksgiving and I'll be away). I *might* make it on Saturday, have to see.

    Great stuff.

  5. wesleyzm

    wesleyzm Well-Known Member

    saturday gathering?

    when u guys having gathering on saturday?
    i'll be AI around 8-9pm with my homie.
    hoply i meet some pplz there!!!
    pliz be nice to newcomerz /versus/images/icons/grin.gif dont get excellent in a row pliz^^

  6. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    No prob Wes...I'll save my excellents for Plague /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    you guys can play against my friend sean, he hasnt dedicated to any character yet so you'll get some equal competition there. Im also looking to start a new character so we can do that for good competition fun.

    I dont think AI will make it back to back traditionol vs cabinet style, I really dont see anywhere they can put it to do that, oh well atleast we have an evo machine.

    Since the cabinets we're playing on arent AI's anyways, Maybe we can convince AI to get Evo version B that comes out december 10th.

    See you guys tommorow. Btw Next time theres a PS2 meet, im not paying for food. I paid $10 for 2 slices of pizza O_O !!
  8. wesleyzm

    wesleyzm Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    wat is u guys vf card rank?
    i have only 8th(not dan^^) lion cuz i played only one day... hoply tomorrow i can make my rank up(hoply^^)
  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    hmm i played more today, For some reason the stats didnt write on my card playing single player. I guess its not supposed to. Too bad because i got to dural on one credit. And evo dural is really wacked out. It did a 65% juggle on me carried me half the screen and just eventually pushed me out.

    Learning Goh is pretty hard especially without a moves list. But its all in good fun. Looks like there were some other people playing today about 2 outher people were pumping in heavy money. Hope to meet you guys this saturday.
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    ...I'll save my excellents for Plague

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That will be most unnecessary. I may have some for you, though /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.

    Catherine and I will see you all there tonight.
  11. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    there's a Goh command list right here on this site, and the Goh thread in the Junky's section has a lot of good info.

  12. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    I know, but it was a spur of the moment thing yesterday. Just decided to try goh just to get a sampler. Only figured out how to do the low swinging punch. Found the knee extremely useful. And a couple of throws. Pretty fun character and insanely powerful per hit. If the machine stays at AI within a couple of week, ill invest a card in him.

    So 9:30 tonight is it?
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    Nice games tonight.

    Andy and Joey ran up impressive win streaks.
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    GREAT GATHERING GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lots of great action. Damn Joey had the longest win streak. He had 34 consecutive with Lau. Damn I had had him 2-0 with Wolf and he came back. My low point of the night. I only won one game from this new guy, but even though I lost a lot i had a great time. Thanks again guys...Im thinking Wed. 11/27 for the next meet. Let me know whats up
  15. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    Great games tonight, Joeys Lau always somehow managed to sneak in the last laugh no matter how close we got to beating him. Really impressed how many characters andy adapted in evo with their new moves.

    Great showing too. What really impressed me was the 6 or so people who played with us that wasnt part of our group. We never even got their names. Hopefully that impressed the owners enough to keep evo in socal.

    Oh and whens our next non evo - PS2 meet. One of my friends who was there with me, the guy with the hat is really interested in playing VF4. Unfortuneately he has no VF experience at all, but is a seasoned tekken player. He also has no PS2 to learn the game from. I think another PS2 meet would be a great introduction for him to play the game, he's really interested in wolf. Plus this can somewhat delay my financial drain that evo is causing me. Already spent close to $30 this week alone, that could buy me a new game /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
  16. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    Im not going to speak for everyone, but I believe Version C is old news now.
  17. wesleyzm

    wesleyzm Well-Known Member

    Re: saturday gathering?

    nice meeting you all!!!
    yeah... i didnt get all ur namez...
    i was the guy with lion and sometimes lei
    i have been tekken scene quite a long time(more than 5 years..), but playing ang getting into VF scene is hella fun to me. i mainly play at home(tekken tho.. sometimes vf..). but from tonight i feel to practice VF a lot!!! so hoply next time we gather, expect better comp from me^^



    p.s : me and my friend(we r korean) still have problem to speak english well.. so it;s hard to get into you guys^^, but i'll try to talk more next time^^
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Mission accomplished

    I hadn't mentioned this before, but I think we all accomplished Brisal73's mission of an impressive showing on Saturday night. I'm hoping they looked in the token collection bins of the EVO machine and thought "shit, we need two of these setups!"

    Here's hoping for EVO version B /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.

    Wednesday sounds good for another EVO night.
  19. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Mission accomplished

    according to frequent mirc chatting, apparently since our cabinet is the GDrom setup, all AI has to do is mail sega and they should get a Version B gdrom disc for free. We should mention it to them once december 10th passes.
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    VerC PS2

    My take on PS2 versionC...

    I still play it. I still like it. It's free. I get to use my controller. If people want to get together at someone's house, I'll do my best to be there.

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