LA: VF4 Evo w/ cards at AI ?!?!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by akiralove, Nov 18, 2002.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    can anyone redirect us to the official VFnet thread. Im not sure how this works. Is credit built into the card also. Im just at a loss. I hope things clear up tonight.

    well heres the more official link for VFnet PC
    Seems like you have to download some weird Dream passport thing. Can anyone Translate?
  2. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    The vfnet card has nothing to do with paying to play the game. Think of the card as a storage device (which is all it essentially is). You pay for the device ($5) and you can use it in the VF4 machines. However, in order to use the VF4 machines, you gotta pay 75c. Sorta the same with ps2 memory cards. You don't have to have one, but then if you don't, you won't be able to do the extra cool stuff (like saving your game).

    To answer a separate question, you should be able to access the stuff using the for PC. Now to use that, it costs Y300 (~$2.50) per month. But, if AI never connects their machines to, then it's not even worth bothering changing your character because the machine downloads the data from the server once you put the card in. The only way to change your character would be to send it to someone in Japan and have them use it on a machine connected to then send the card back to you.

    Anyway, it's 5pm and I think I'll be on my way to AI in a little bit.
  3. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Good showing tonight.... Spotlite, Me(Brisal),vf4akira,Phoenix and his friends that i didnt see play. Also a couple of other players played a couple, but it didnt last to long. Also the owner was paying attention to the turn out and he seemed impressed by how much the machine has made in the last couple of days. We definetly had the biggest crowd of the night. Supposedly its been there since last Thursday. He said its been dead, but he likes the turn out now and he was quite suprised that David comes all the way from San Diego to play.

    Anyways.... Thursday seems to be the next meet at AI... I then purpose Saturday as the next so that we can get a huge crowd on one of there busier days. We have to show AI that they need to keep it...also David was thinking of a tournament. If we decide to have a tournament I recommend it to be after the Holidays...ok thats all see you guys later in the week. - Brian
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thursday the 21st

    This Thursday night sounds great for some EVO action.

    Catherine and I will be there.

    By the way... did they fix the sound on the right side cabinet? Well, by fixing, I mean turning it on.
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    Heres the breakdown. This is all the info I gathered from the arcade.

    Apparently The machine is not owned by AI. It actually belongs to someone else. Im guessing this is the rig Shou-sama ordered. AI is holding the rig for two weeks to give it a test run to see if they want to buy their own VF evo rig. So depending on how much sales Evo brings in the coming two weeks depends if we have a permanent Evo Machine at AI or not.

    A note about the VfNet, it seems like AI has the HK rig setup where it only keeps track of stats. Spotlite had a card he used in japan where it contained all his costume items and it still showed up on the machine. So if we could somehow register our cards etc etc. . . Or we can convince AI somehow to hook up the Machine to VFnet, or we pay whatever monthly fee there is. Or whatever we can.

    But first of all lets have a good showing, pump those tokens in and keep evo at AI permanantly !! I dont want another SVGL incident.
  6. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    I dont think I can make Thurs cuz of class but Ill probably be up there on Sat afternoon/night with vf4akira.
  7. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    what the!? I was just checking to see if there was gonna be a meet on the 5th, and I find this awesome thread!

    I'll be there, possibly with an arcade-mad Swede. I still have a large sack of AI tokens from the last time I played there with bryan and brian =] I think that was like eight months ago or something...

    What time is AI open till - I can't find it on their site? Or - more importantly - what time are vfdc folk gonna be there till?

    Hey Brian I got my USB card exchanged np, and now it works perfectly =] service with a smile!

  8. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    AI usually closes around 2am from my experience. Some times earlier depending on the traffic of people.

    I think brisal should call the time. 9:30 was good last time.
  9. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    ok 9:30 -2:00am is good... AI is a 40 minute drive for me :meh:

  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    On Thursday we will meet at 8pmish, and on saturday I don't get off till 9:30pm so I'll meet up after that
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    8 pm it is, man this is gonna drain my wallet real quick. But if evo stays at AI for the next couple months its worth the investment.
  12. wesleyzm

    wesleyzm Well-Known Member

    i jus checked where AI is^^
    and im going right now with my homie.
    wow so excited!!!
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    well be sure to come tommorow as well, we need to make a good showing in front of the owners.
  14. wesleyzm

    wesleyzm Well-Known Member

    i cant go tomorrow. i have class till 9:30, so by the time i got home it's like 10:30. and it's too late cuz it takes 40mins to be there....

    gathering weekend pliz!!!

    btw AI was pretty kewl place. i got 3 cards. i got brad by mistake, so i gave one to my homie. and now i have lion and lei's one^^. i was there between 1 to 4. i met only 2 ppl(chinese). they looked newb like me^^. it was so fun today^^
  15. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    ya we're definately gonna have a big meet on saturday to make a good showing when theres a lot more people playing. Hope to see you then.
  16. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Can someone pleeeeese ask if they could move the machines so that they are back to back????

    I say move them out in front of Initial D, where the table is, and set it up there. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  17. andy

    andy Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    Joey and I will be there as well on Saturday. What time are people showing up?

  18. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    9pm? saturday?...well at least I won't be able to get there till after 9:30....See you guys and gal tonight
  19. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    Hopefully well be there by 530 on Sat.
  20. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Thursday the 21st

    Man i really want to buy a new vfnet card and start a new character. Probably Goh, Jeffry, or maybe even brad. No one seems to like brad =P. For $5 a card and being unsure of whether VF evo will still be there in 2 weeks is not worth the risk right now =P.

    Pretty good showing tonight. Machine probably got a good $40+ from us. Finally got to play a fellow leifei Character. Still need to adapt to goh's hit throw combos, but im getting the block off the techroll sweep now.

    Big meet this weekend, hopefully a good showing too. Earn some VF4 respect among AI. And most of all convince the owners to keep the machine.

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