Kumite and Aoi... Thoughts and regrets

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by yuckysocks, Jun 10, 2002.

  1. CrYingCHoCoBo

    CrYingCHoCoBo Well-Known Member

    unfortunately, my friend has my memory card, and he's over and hour away, so it'll be a while b4 i can see this in kumite, unless i don't need a save file or outfit to see it?

    are you sure it's not just that the trim around her belt is color silver, and they made sure that each level reflects different colors based on lighting?
  2. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    i dont think so coz i've seen white, sky blue, yellow, and black, i dont think its reflection of the stage coz like in akira stage i first saw yellow, the next time i saw white, the third time it was black, and as for wether its just shows up on a character save file and wether or not different color scheme for 2nd player outfit does the same i have to check that out.
  3. Genjuro

    Genjuro New Member

    Guys, when I do [6_][K]+[G], [P] then throw [2_] or [1_][K]+[P]+[G], can the opponent escape the throw by Throw Escape or not?
  4. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    well you throw after [P] hits in the move you just said, and in playing her i havent encountered an opponent who has successfully escaped it, another note is if you're good in low blocks, every low attack you block and doesn't move you too far back is an opportunity for a low throw.
  5. Genjuro

    Genjuro New Member

    I see...!

    I do not know if I am off-topic here or not, but how many items does Aoi have? I got 39 so far. I know that I am missing Wisteria Earring, but I cannot get it. I have read JWayne-Wayne faq and he said I have to defeat Whiner 3rd Dan to get it, but I missed that guy before and my Aoi now is a High King. Any other way to get it?

    And, does she have only 40 or more?
  6. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    to tell you the truth i got mine fighting that Aoi, i really dont know any other way.
  7. Godzilla

    Godzilla Active Member

    Some time ago, someone posted URLs for scans from a magazine or reference book (sorry, I don't find it now). Correct me if I'm wrong but i think I saw them on CreeD's FTP as well. Anyway, if those pictures show all items for all characters then Aoi has 52.
  8. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    has anoyone figured out how to keep the king tut's mask?
  9. CrYingCHoCoBo

    CrYingCHoCoBo Well-Known Member

    ugh! what on earth would you want to keep that god awful thing for, it's horrid looking...and no, there's no way.

    as for can you escape the crouching throw, yes, all throws are escapeable. btw, if ur looking for other setups for low throws [3_]+[P]+[K] or [1_]+[P] (ch) work quite well if they don't recover from the stagger in time.

    as for the earrings, if all other methods of getting it fail, you can always collect 7 spheres and if you're missing an item, i'll give it to ya. personally, i like the platinum ones better.
  10. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    well if i remember correctly my friend has it on his character, he showed me in the item list of that character, as for how he got it i dont know
  11. TomDC85

    TomDC85 Well-Known Member

    It's true, I don't know how, but you can keep the tutankhamun (spelling?) head. I've seen it selectable, but I agree, it looks pants. Not even any comedy value. In reply to some earlier post that was never answered, many characters' looks change a little with win streaks. I thing Aoi belt changes, and another one is Lau's poney tail. Win around fifty and it reaches the floor. Looks funky.
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    it's crap, and yes, you can keep it. I've got one. In the arcade, it's equipable after removing for all characters.
  13. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    I've started playing Aoi seriously a few weeks ago, as I've found her to be most effective in my Vs matches. In Kumite, I'm 5th dan and advancing fairly regularly, and I didn't even know about any AI cheaps with Aoi. I actually find Aoi to be the easiest character to use in Kumite.

    The below is my newbie opinion, which the better players are more than welcome to comment and correct.

    I hardly use the YY stance, as I've found that move near worthless in Vs (or I just don't know how to use it). It's easy to predict, and is usually punished by a throw or a sweep. And even if you do get the inashi, I don't think any moves are guaranteed afterwards.

    The K+G dive, I only find useful in oki, or punishing whiffed attacks from a distance, and against Lei/Shun stances. If I do it in any other time, I'm dead meat, so I don't see how that move is cheap.

    I tend to do the below moves in Vs and Kumite alike:

    I do this a lot, and I think it guarantees follow ups like the ground throw and whatnot. And it gives you oki games, which I think Aoi is really great at. Mix in this throw with the rising elbow, and you have a sweet guessing game from crouch.

    Sweet ws like attack. The b+p+g hit throw is nice too, but you need a MC for it to work, but people do tend to give you that MC. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Force crouch, and a very fast one at that. I mix up follow ups between low throws and the f+k,k. And I think a ground throw is near guaranteed if done really fast after a f+k,k.

    This move is so good. It beats like everything. And the p+g after is nice when you get the timing right. It gets evaded a lot though. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    A nice little quick standing low kick. And it knocks down on a counter. More useful against people than Kumite.

    Nice side kick, with huge range, that doesn't look like a side kick. If it staggers a crouched opponent, I usually do the b,f+p+k, followed by a low throw or f,f+k.

    The rushes: f,f+p, f+p,p, f+p+k, etc.
    Mix them up, cancel them, etc. Nice bunch of mid hitting offensive moves. Almost Akira-esque. The f+p is a nice alternative to the above side kick at close range, and with similar crouched stagger follow ups.

    The 3dan throws
    More useful in Kumite than Vs. I have yet to see the AI escape from the 3dan throws as of yet. I don't think the AI escapes low throws, either.

    I think you'll find plenty of threads on this move. This little innocous move is sweet. Usual low throw/f+k,k follow up. Buffer from guard, or a f+p.

    p+k slaps
    For some reason, these slaps tend to interrupt like everything. I use these over the std jab. They don't go into throws as well as the std jab though.

    Sweep. For some reason, this slow move tends to catch a lot of people. Cancel every now and then. Leaves you in crouch, where you can do your nice crouched game.

    I use them mostly in oki games, as Aoi can reverse almost any rising attack. Throw the k+g dive into the mix, and the f,f+p+g throw, and you have a sweet oki game.

    the evade attack
    Not as good as say, Akira's or Shun's, but it's not bad, imho.

    Ok, this list is getting too long (Aoi has so many good moves /versus/images/icons/smile.gif . I'll just stop here. For some reason, I don't find her sabakis as effective as say Vanessa's or Lion's. So I tend to use the reversals, or try to go for a quick MC. Much of my game focuses around getting a crumple, which Aoi has plently of ways to do, and her oki game, which as aforementioned, seems really strong to me.

    Oh, and you gotta love her items.... /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  14. Godzilla

    Godzilla Active Member

    Pretty good stuff for someone who calls himself a newbie.
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Very nice stuff. The only thing I would say, which only goes for playing in VS mode rather than kumite -- is if you don't have to do a low throw on crumble, don't. A good opponent will almost always escape it. This includes:

    [4][3][P] & [4][6][P]+[K]

    I always go w/ [6][K][K] myself.
  16. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Thx guys, and thx particularly for the Aoi mini-guide. My mostly ex-SFers banging on PS2 type opponents don't really escape low throws, buts that's definitely good to know. Anyway, I can't get enough of Aoi.

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