KOF XIII Announced

Discussion in 'General' started by Emerald_Wolf, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Let's be real, as far as 2d fighters go, its probably gonna be the most balanced... KOF is basically the 2d version of VF in terms of depth and all of that hoorah... As of now, 1.1 is still balanced. Don't be mistaken. Just because you see K' and Raiden doesn't mean that that's all there is to the game... I mean for some VFs, all you see is Akira, Jacky, and Sarah, but its more to that game than that, right??? Even in the "most recent" ver.C, for a long time, there was nothing but Lei-Fei and Shun all over the place...

    There's a gangload of stuff that people haven't found yet regarding the other characters, and yes, they all can beat K' and Raiden... Elizabeth, Shen, Takuma, Joe, and even Chin are very strong. Yeah there's a tier list for this game, but there's a tier list in VF as well. All of the characters have something to bring to the table I think. Sure, the game could use some tweaking, but what game doesn't need tweaking here and there???

    Lemme ask you this: did YOU buy VF5 for the ps3??? If anybody bought that game for ps3, knowing that there was NO online, they can't really say much about not buying KOFXIII until they find out how good (or bad) the netcode is... The only thing that translated over from XII was the graphics, and even they got beefed up a bit. The system is 2002/2002UM but better. It's everything that any KOF fan/player would want, sans a few characters here and there... Yeah, just on netcode alone, KOF XII sucked... But so did MK9's, and people are still playing it, and holding major tournaments with it, etc. and to my knowledge, the netcode still sucks for some people... Trust me, they learned from their mistakes, especially when it came to the netcode. They're actually listening to their fans this time around... I'll ask this also: if VF5FS came out tomorrow, with no netcode, or something worse than VF5.C, would you buy it on the spot???

    It's the shit alright--- exclusive shit... [​IMG] I don't blame you for dodging XII though...

    As far as the MoTW2 goes, it seems like that is the more likely title to get reworked... As it stands, its already about 70-85% complete last I checked before they decided to stop working on it... Alot of fans are even asking about it still...
  2. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Skip to 8:26 to see Billy Kane combos... Props to KOFUnion.net!!!
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Lets be really real and say fans of games will always claim theirs is the most balanced.

    Yes I bought VF for the PS3, and I'm not playing it anymore. And as much as they might have learned from the previous installement and the online component, so have I. I'm not buying another fighter with poop online.

    I am excited for the game, and I want to buy it, but only if online works. That's of course if I can figure out why my PS3 doesn't recogize my arcade sticks directional inputs first...
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    That's true most of the time... I see that happen here, and on a few other sites... I won't call something "truly" balanced just because everyone can do the same amount of damage in one combo(Tekken 6), nor will I call something balanced because of some easy card be it a powered up mode, super half life super, or ring out (MvC3, SC4, SSF4), nor will I call something balanced when not everyone is strong enough to win a.k.a. matchups (MoTW, AH3, SSF4, KOF '01).

    I don't have a problem saying something's not balanced. KOFXIII as of now is just as balanced as VF5, though. There's some powerhouses that do some serious damage, but they're beatable, and there are some weaker characters that still pose a threat regardless of the matchup. That doesn't mean they both aren't without flaws. It's definitely more balanced than the past KOFs released, that I can guarantee. You'll actually see players win with any of the characters, and not just a handful.

    Also, please understand that I'm not biased to any one particular fighter either. I play and respect all fighting games and their respective scenes/players, beit a good or horrible game. I took a chance at playing AH3, since I dabbled with part 1, and I think its a solid game. Does it have its flaws??? Of course!!! It's far from balanced, but comparing it to say, MvC3, its no contest!!! AH3 beats it out imo... Again, that isn't to say that they both don't have flaws, but MvC3 damn sure does have a gangload of 'em imo...
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Faster than it would take for you to say Micropachycephalosaurus! Seriously i'd be all over it , same as I was with Ver B on PS3.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Quicker than ill have sex with Lily Thai!!!
  7. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member


    IRVINE, CALIFORNIA – ATLUS today announced plans to attend EVO 2011 (Las Vegas, NV) and Otakon (Baltimore, MD) with the console version of the upcoming THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII, the latest entry in the legendary fighting franchise, for PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system (PS3) and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.

    In addition to providing playables on both show floors to allow attendees hands-on time with the game, ATLUS also revealed a panel at EVO 2011 (Saturday, 7/30 @ 10:00am PDT) with one of the producers from the KOF XIII development team, presenting series fans with a rare opportunity to directly ask their most pressing questions. ATLUS has also committed to offer support to KOF XIII tournaments taking place at both EVO and Otakon, providing special prizes for participants.

    “It is imperative to us that the KOF community’s loyalty not go unappreciated,” stated Aram Jabbari, Manager of PR and Sales at ATLUS. “We believe KOF XIII is the game they’ve been waiting for, and we want to make sure that we answer as many of their questions, satisfy as much of their curiosity, and reward as much of their dedication as possible. To that end, we’re bringing the console release of THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII to EVO 2011 and Otakon to give patient fans a chance to try the game for themselves. Moreover, we’re excited to have a key member of the development team join us for an EVO 2011 panel in which we hope we can give the community every opportunity to be heard.”

    THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII is scheduled to release in October for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 systems. For more info, visit http://www.atlus.com/kofxiii.

    With a roster featuring over 30 hand-drawn fighters, a number of detailed stages bursting with life, over a half dozen play modes, a refined fighting engine built for speed and complete with new moves and supers, a vastly improved Online mode, and a host of other additions, tweaks, and enhancements, THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII represents a rebirth for one of gaming’s longest tenured franchises and one of the most popular fighting brands ever.

    About ATLUS
    Video game publisher ATLUS has established itself as one of its industry’s most consistent, celebrated companies. With proven success across a variety of genres and platforms, including enthusiast-oriented games like the Shin Megami Tensei franchise of award-winning, fan beloved roleplaying games (including the hit Persona sub-series of games and the prestigious Nocturne) and Demon’s Souls, ATLUS provides quality critically acclaimed interactive entertainment to a wide spectrum of customers.

    ATLUS has published games for every major video game console and handheld system, including the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Wii, DS, PSP (PlayStation Portable), and PC.

    ATLUS is a brand of Index Corporation and its privately held subsidiary Index Digital Media, Inc.

    For breaking news, special promotions, insider info, and more, visit http://www.atlus.com/faithful to join the ranks of the ATLUS Faithful!

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/AtlusUSA
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  8. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    KOF being properly promoted? The world is ending...
  9. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    KOF 13 is gonna be a banger baby!!! I'm playing 2002 ulm trying to learn the system and how to short hop properly. Maining Vice
  10. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Don't you think its time for them to truly get repped in a positive way??? Lack of advertising was one of the main reasons why they didn't do so hot in the states anyway... You had to have access to foreign tv in order to see a KOF95 commercial--on a Japanese channel...

    Anyway, I'm glad KOFXIII is getting the SF4 treatment in terms of exposure, without all of the dumbing down of the game itself...
  11. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that KOF is finally gettin' the attention it deserves... stil shocked tho.

    *Uses this as an excuse to say that SF4 is a sack of shit*
  12. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Indeed, KoF should be more hyped. I'm still sad they didn't use Kim's NM in the promotion materials, that stuff is one of the evilest looking moves in fg's, ever. Or Ash's throw, daaaamn. Shame Ash is a bigger faglet than even Bridget ever was, some of his moves are awesome.

    *Excuse to defend SF4 for the great game that it is, starts uncalled-for off-topic flamewar.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Straight from Dreamcancel.com:

    "As EVO is a console tournament and KOFXIII is not out on console yet, THE ANSWER, Kane317 and Giby have put together a side tournament. Atlus is helping out by contributing prizes and the tournament is sponsored by snk-capcom.com, orochinagi.com and dreamcancel.com. Here are the details:

    When: Saturday June, 30 2011.
    Time: Sign up starts as soon as the venue opens until 1:OO PM, the tournament starts sharply at 2:00 PM.
    Fee: There will be a $10 registration fee which will go to the prize pot.
    Format: 2/3 matches, double elimination. Grand finals will be 3/5 matches.
    Rules: All characters are allowed, winner keeps same characters but can change the starting order.
    System: We will be using 2 Taito Type X2 boards with Jamma adaptors.
    International players: We have confirmed Kunio aka No.17 from Japan, El Rosa From Mexico. A European player is scheduled to come however details are still pending.
    Staff: Giby, Kane317 and THE ANSWER.
    Prizes: We will be splitting the pot among top 6, plus we are raising a bonus pot which at the moment is around $700. The bonus pot will also be split among top 6.
    More Prizes: If you don’t make top 6 you still have a chance to walk away with a prize, Atlus has given us the following gifts for the tournament:

    1 Mai Shiranui figure, valued at $340.

    1 sketch signed by the illustrator. (No Reference)

    3 KOF XIII Arcade posters

    We are going to raffle this prizes for those who don’t make top 6, all you gotta do is sign up for the tournament.

    This event is possible thanks to the effort from snk-capcom.com, orochinagi.com and dreamcancel.com. We would also like to thank SNKPlaymore for their support and a very special thank you to the ATLUS USA Staff for everything they are doing with KOF XIII."

    Any questions, please feel free to contact Nilcam, Giby, Kane317, or THE ANSWER at dreamcancel.com...
  14. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

  15. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    New footage... Not too much K' and "how to crush with other characters who aren't K' or Raiden"... Dope Leona combos also!!!

  16. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member


    Exclusive interview with Atlus and SNKPlaymore (from dreamcancel.com)

    1. Netcode, netcode, netcode. Will the game feature lobbies, clans, ranked matches, etc.
    “Quality online play” is our development team’s top priority, so I’m confident that we’ll meet your expectations. As for the details of the Network mode, we do have ranked matches. It will have no clan support, however; we believe that for this game it’s best for each player to go head to head with others. Whether it is a ranked match or a casual player match, this game’s online play will be a truly enjoyable experience.

    2. Will the game be rebalanced?
    Because of the new additional characters, we’re treating the console version of KOF XIII separately from the arcade version, and as such, we have rebalanced the game. While we kept the appealing qualities of each character intact, we made adjustments to them so the game is better balanced, and players will have a wider choice of characters for their teams.

    3. Will there be a tutorial mode? Challenge mode?
    There is a Tutorial mode to teach the novice players the basics of the game, and a Trial mode that challenges the players to perform crazy combos. Even if you can’t pull them off, you can watch a demonstration of each combo for your enjoyment or research. There are other modes as well, such as Time Attack and Survival, allowing the players to enjoy the game for a long time in a variety of ways.

    4. What sort of training mode options will be in the game (programmable dummies, block after first hit option, etc.)?
    Options that are common in other fighting games will be available in our Tutorial mode. You can do many things, from recreating various situations to practicing combos using the 1-hit block option. A mock battle with an AI opponent is quite useful, too.

    5. New characters/stages/content?
    So far we’ve announced two new characters (Billy Kane and Saiki before transformation). There will be more characters, so please look forward to them. We’ve added many stages to the console version. There are many other features in the game. The Story mode immerses the players deeply in the world of KOF XIII, while the Gallery mode offers many new pieces of art made for the console version. The Customize mode lets you change the color scheme of your favorite characters to your liking.

    6. Will there be a special edition? Pre-order bonuses?
    In what is the biggest pre-order bonus we’ve ever offered in our 20+ year history, folks who reserve their copies at participating retailers (while supplies last) will receive a 4-CD soundtrack compilation featuring music spanning the 15+ year history of KOF. It’s the ultimate collectible for series fans, and truly a tremendous value.

    7. Will there be English voices? Can languages be changed per character, like in SFIV?
    I regret to say that it will be Japanese voice only. We believe that will provide the players with the best KOF XIII experience.

    8. Can games be recorded for replay?
    There is, in fact, a Replay mode. You can play frame-by-frame, pause in the middle, skip the entire round, etc. It’s a perfect tool to analyze matches.

    9. How will button configuration work?
    We’ve covered all the basics regarding button config; you can assign button functions that match your particular setup.

    10. Are there plans for a strategy guide?
    There are no plans for a strategy guide for KOF XIII.

    11. Are there plans for a KOF arcade stick?
    There are currently no plans for a KOF arcade stick, although it is something we have explored and will continue to do so.

    12. What are your plans for publicity/advertising? Are you interested in sponsoring tournaments?
    Our goal is to reach every last KOF fan, to directly connect with them in the KOF communities they’re active in. We want to be active in as many major events as we can, hence our presence at the EVO 2K and Otakon shows in July, in which we’ll offer fans an opportunity to go hands-on with an early version of the console release months before it’s out in stores.

    KOF XIII is a return to form for the franchise. We need to do our best to convey this to the fans, particularly the ones who weren’t thrilled with the previous entry in the series, and that’s really at the heart of everything we’ve done and will do.

    13. Will there be a closed beta?ATLUS: There are no plans for that at this time.

    Dream Cancel: Special thanks to Aram Jabbari for making this interview happen!

    Also, for those European players interested, Rising Star Games is gonna release it in Europe. From what I've been told, everybody's getting the game on the same day, so no need to worry about the delay and all of that jazz. Here's y'alls promo vid:

    Anyway, here's the new stuff, since SNKp and Atlus bought a newer build to EVO. The guys at DreamCancel are testing the hell outta it right now, so here's the scoop on what's new:

    * The game has been rebalanced. K’ was buffed, Elizabeth and Raiden were nerfed.
    * Raiden’s drop kicks take longer to charge and mid-screen drop kicks cannot be followed up.
    * Saiki is playable and is not a charge character.
    * Terry can do d.B,d.B,d.A,d.C to start combo.
    * Takuma still has his stun combo.
    * Takuma bug has been removed.
    * Shen does not guard crush off of a fully charged qcf+P.
    * Joe’s Neomax can be charged.

    These are Kane317's notes and thoughts based on the testing he did at EVO:

    -Neomax in HD costs 2 stocks but 3 stocks outside of HD.
    -Liz’s midscreen, 1 stock no drive 511 damage combo now deals 391
    -Shen’s gotten a slight damage decrease, I couldn’t quite figure out where but Kunio’s 799 (1 stock HD combo) now does 777
    -Duo Lon’s Ex f.AC now has more hit stun (or better recovery for DL) so that he can do s.C or s.D (before it was a near 1 frame that allowed only for d.A, and if you’re close enough you can link that to s.C).
    -Duo Lon’s NM has finally been normalized and now does 448 instead of his silly 400 he used to do. (Most characters are 450-500 in the arcade version).
    -Maxima’s air vapor cannon now holds him in place for both version and then after he’s done he either goes forward or drops down (I forget), but not backwards.
    -Maxima’s damage has been decreased slightly.
    -Goro’s dp+K, [DC] hcf P seems to only work in the corner now (WHY?). His NM has been buffed to 571, yup!
    -Kyo’s hcb+K is no longer safe, is also does not build much drive or meter if it connects. It seems only useful for combos from now on.
    -Kyo has his air Ex Orochinagi
    -All characters that we tested all had aerial Ex DMs like Mai.
    -Kyo can do d.B, d.A, df.D [1hit], qcf+K midscreen now.
    -Overall, hit hitboxes have been adjusted and it’s harder to cross characters up now. It was noticable as we couldn’t get K”s j.B or j.D to crossup.
    -K”s hop no longer goes over a standing opponent.
    -K”s second shell (qcf+P.f+B) now juggles opponent higher and when preceded by an Ex qcf+P, allows the second shell to hit twice, and hence combo into his qcf x2+P DM like in the RS trailer.
    -Shen’s fully charged qcf+P now only removes 50% of the guard gauge.
    -Mai has been buffed overall. Her air.d+B has faster recovery making it kinda safe, her air.qcb+P is also safer.
    -Mai’s air DM now falls “natually” as she travels across the screen a la ’95 Mai’s hidden air DM.
    -Mai’s air Ex DM also MaxCancels into NM.
    -Mai’s Ex Ryuenbu has startup invincibility.
    -Mai’s A Ryuenbu has a larger vertical hitbox acting like an anti air (assumingly it’s like her beta version).
    -Terry has a d.A, d.C link which helps his hit confirmation a lot. Gave us an instant Fatal Fury “feel” to it.
    -Takuma’s stun combo juggles are much harder to perform and the timing is real tight.
    -Joe’s NM comes out FAST. Can pretty much punish air attacks on reaction.
    -Joe’s NM when MC’d, will wait for the opponent to drop from the Screw Upper, automatically releasing it for you. It’s a damaging MC.
    -Joe’s Ex DM travels across the screen now.
    -Joe’s D Tiger Knee now has startup invincibility somewhat similar to XII but not as extreme. B version is faster but has no invincibility.
    -Liz’s Ex DM now does no pushback on blocked opponents
    -Liz’s Ex counter only allows followups with specials, not normals.
    -Liz still can do the reset DM midscreen still (personally tested).
    -Beni’s Ex Raijinken now holds the opponent in position allowing you to follow up. I believe CMD.Duc did (corner), Ex Raijinken (qcf+AC), A Raijinken, dp+K. Overall CDM.Duc says he’s been buffed.
    -Ash’s Ex qcb+P now juggles even grounded opponents.
    -Ryo’s dp+A seems faster, his parries are faster, and his Ex hcb+K seems faster.
    -Andy’s d.D is slower now and no longer as abusable, it still can hit anti-air but seems to trade more now.
    -Andy’s Zaneiken is safe on block now, but he’s also pushed back really far himself.
    -Andy’s Ex hcf+K, d.D is harder to connect now mid screen.
    -Raiden’s dropkicks have finally has its charge time increased. Despite initials reports, 1.1 did not change his charge time from 1.0. Personally, I must have charged ove 20+ seconds and I could not get level 3 to come out. If you land the DK midscreen, the opponent will fly away really far not allowing a follow up. His double DK shenanigans still work in the corner.
    -King and Hwa Jai’s slide both cancel now by themselves.
    -King’s NM has been fixed, it now goes further and when MC’d does full damage.
    -Mature’s qcb+K has better recovery
    -Ralf’s Vulcan Punch now knocks the opponent away after two hits.
    -Clark, sadly, seems unchanged.
    -Leona’s HD combos have been nerfed slightly.
    -Kula’s corner juggles seem harder to connect..
    -Saiki is very strong from what I saw from No.17 and Oscar messing around with him. He feels very mid-boss in terms of damage but I may change my mind later, naturally, Oscar has decided to pick him up and drop Liz =)

    Once again, I apologize if I misreport something or I have left something out. There were simply far too many changes to record them all let alone let my overstimulated mind process.

    The wait was all worth it guys, my hats off to SNKP. The game feels like a HUGE improvement over a near perfect XIII 1.1. Speaking of labels, I dubbed the console version XIII.5 and Aram from Atlus seems to agree with me.

    Last but not least, this:

    I apologize for such a ridiculously long post, but trust me, our cried are definitely getting heard and being responded to.
  17. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Really impressed with the enourmous effort their putting into the console version. A little while back it seemed like all doom and gloom at SNK and we'd be lucky to get any kind of port so this is an amazing turnaround.

    I can see the parallels with VF5FS - all quite for a long time, lose all hope and then BANG [​IMG]
  18. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    I gotta preorder this shit now.
  19. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

    At first I wasn't excited for this game at all. even when they first announced it for the arcades. But after seeing what they are doing for the console port and the amount of contents in it, I got hyped.

    I just hope they wont over do it with the dlc. It's a one thing to charge for costume as dlc (although I find it to ridiculous coz games like tekken and VF have plenty of costumes) but it's another when you charge for characters which they should be in the game in the first place.

    Anyone got to try PSNs KOF95 online? KOF95 is one of my favorite KOFs and would like to get it only if the online code is good enough.
  20. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    Just pre-orderd it today

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