Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Raptor1017

    Raptor1017 Well-Known Member


    I've been playing VF since VF2 which I played at my local arcade. Now that arcades are so rare in America, it is impossible to play your excellent VF series until console releases. I am one of many who believes VF is the best fighting game in history, and I am looking forward to a chance to play VF5R. Please bring it to console!

    Fernando, Michigan
  2. faceless

    faceless Member

    i wish i lived in japan so i coud play. that's not gonna happen, but if it were relased on 360 or PS3, i'd buy it in an instant.
  3. Eksh

    Eksh New Member

    Dear SEGA

    I'm not a VF player, but I've only heard good things about it, and seeing the loyal community, I want to try this awesome series with VF5R. I'm sure it'll be a hit, and will only bring new players to the whole VF scene. You can trust the VF community to keep this game alive and being one of the most popular FG ever

    -Elad, Israel
  4. RayBlade

    RayBlade Well-Known Member


    As a player that enjoyed the Virtua Fighter series since VF1, I would also like to play VF5:R on either Ps3 or 360 (I usually buy both versions anyway). The game is long overdue, but is better late than never! =)

    Ray Teruya Jr. Portland, OR USA
  5. vfchina

    vfchina New Member

    I like this game very much!



    I really need this game for console.
    I am looking forward to a chance to play VF5R

    Shi Tang. China
  6. The_Shunjinkogh

    The_Shunjinkogh Well-Known Member

    Dear SEGA,

    These past years in playing the Virtua Fighter series has been a wonderful game experience. I have never been so addicted to a game before and I'm still playing VF like there's no tomorrow. Seeing the VF5R videos has made me starve for it. The hype has been too much for me to handle! I can't wait for it. I hope to see another VF game in my collection Please release it. [​IMG]

    -Brian Wallace
    Texas, US
  7. dkn29

    dkn29 Member


    As a long time Sega devotee, and long time casual VF player, I would love to see VF5R released on the 360 and PS3 (I'll buy both). I've played VF1 and 2 in arcades when they were still around, had VF2 back on the Genesis, played VF3 in arcades when I could, own VF4 and Evo, and own VF5 ver b and c. Unfortunately I never got a chance to play 4 or 5 in arcades.

    After seriously getting into fighting games with SF4, I've gone back and played some VF5 and have really wanted to learn the intricacies of VF. With VF5R being out in Japanese arcades for a while, I've been holding out for a console release so I could hit it full stride. I've seen hundreds of videos of R and have been really been itching to play it.

    Please make this happen as now is the time. There is currently a fighting game resurgence, and with no VF/AM2/Sega, it just doesn't feel right.

    -Dustin Namdar
    Bellevue, WA USA
  8. CigarBoB

    CigarBoB Active Member

    I am more known for my Street Fighter play but I have a deep love for VF. I played 5 a lot on xbox live and it was the only reason i purchased an xbox at the time.

    I have been waiting for news of 5r to come out for some time now and I hope that this one small response adds to the pile.

    Good luck!
  9. 67575

    67575 New Member

    As a PS3 user, an online 5R is more than welcomed. Count me in.
  10. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    Please bring VF5R to consoles.I have been a big fan since VF2 and I would really like the play the latest iteration of VF5,especially since the U.S no longer has the arcade presence it once had and it's impossible for cabinets to be leased outside of Japan.

    I bought the original VF5 release for PS3 along with the 360 port for the incredible online experience it brought.I'll buy VF5R in a heartbeat if you decide to release it.

  11. Zero_Shift

    Zero_Shift New Member

    Dear Sega,

    Ever since starting it, the Virtua Fighter series has cemented itself as the absolute best 3D fighter out there and from the looks of it VF5R is the best installment to date. It would be a tremendous shame if this excellent game wasn't released on home consoles. Right now only a few people have the privilege to play it and I think this is a game the world deserves to enjoy. Fighters have become popular again and I think Virtua Fighter should stand above all others once more.

    Collin, Minnesota
  12. sleep8

    sleep8 New Member

    Dear Sega,

    You have pleasantly surprised me this generation of consoles. Whether it was developing the fantastic Valkyria Chronicles, giving the green light for Yakuza 3 to come to the states, or playing your part in Bayonetta as publisher, you've really made me a happy gamer. I tend to dislike fighting games as a genre, but one game I'll always remember was VF5 when it made it's PS3 debut. There was something very fun about it. It was my first VF game. I yearned to learn combos and get good with characters. Eventually I put it down in favor of other games coming out. If you bring VF5R, the ultimate refined version of VF5, over to consoles, you'll have my money, and seal the deal as my premier game company this gen.

    P.S. can't wait for Alien Versus Predator

    El Paso, TX
  13. OMNE

    OMNE Member

    Dear Sega

    We really need some refreshing in the fighting game community. Im really hoping that you can bring VF5R to console. you have a whole lot of support in the console community and it is sure not to fail. Thank you for all your efforts.

    Thank You

    Jetay Barber. Portland,Oregon. OMNE
  14. TerryMasters

    TerryMasters Member

    Dear Sega,

    I've been a huge Virtua Fighter fan since its debut, and I actually have a few of the coin op arcades in my home. I loved VF5 on both the 360 and the PS3, and I'd love to see VF5R come to the consoles as well. Here's hoping!

  15. Maury85

    Maury85 New Member

    Dear SEGA,

    Last year, I discovered Virtua Fighter 5r being played online and it made me want to play the game and study it further. The Virtua Fighter scene where i'm from is rather weak and it's hard to get good competition. If possible, could you all please release VF5r on consoles so that myself and many other players outside of Japan could get the same experience Japanese players are getting? I'm a big fan of not only getting better but i'm a sucker for customization! [​IMG]

    Peace and love
    Shaun, Texas
  16. rpgking4

    rpgking4 New Member

    Ty in Florence, SC USA

    I currently own VF5 on both the 360 and the PS3. I would love to play these games with my friends, but no one will acknowledge them because of their age. I believe that VF5R would prosper now coming out in this post-SF4 era where people want more fighters. A new release would certainly bring in new blood, old blood and help restore the series to the giant it used to be worldwide.
  17. NAP

    NAP New Member

    I have been a casual VF fan since the series began but have only recently decided to try to learn it at a more competitive level. I really hope Sega will decide to release the VF5:R on consoles so this great series can get a chance to be on the same level as Tekken and Street Fighter in the U.S.
  18. IsamuBlue

    IsamuBlue New Member

    Dear Sega,

    Please port VF5R to PS3. I'd love to play some matches online. I've been a big fan since VF2 and have been a big fan of Taka since VF3 and would like to play as him in a 5R port. You may not think it, but VF has a huge following in the US and the fans would love it if you made a console version. If you decide to do so, you got my money!

    Carlos A. Brown
  19. Forte4

    Forte4 New Member

    Dear Sega,

    I would love to have VF5R on the consoles! Virtua Fighter 5 was the first fighting game I've ever play and I loved it so much! My brother, friends, and I all had a lot of fun playing it. And if you release it on the consoles, I'm sure a lot of my friends would buy it instantly!

    Ohio, US
  20. billwood661

    billwood661 Member

    Dear Sega,

    As a longtime supporter of the VF series and an owner of nearly every available VF game on every console dating back to the Saturn, I would not only purchase VF5:R, but also pre-order and purchase a limited edition version if available.

    For U.S. gamers, Virtua Fighter should be mentioned in the same breath as Street Fighter and Tekken. With the current renaissance of the fighting game scene I'm convinced it can happen. The potential is there, it's time to get this series back in the spotlight and give it the recognition it deserves.

    Bill Wood
    Los Angeles, CA

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