Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Sega_Uranus

    Sega_Uranus New Member

    Dear SEGA,

    I am 22 and have been a huge fan of the company ever since before I can remember. I have no doubt in my mind that more than half of the money I have ever received has gone towards many of your great properties.

    I first started out with Virtua Fighter on the 32X - Perhaps not the best way to get into the series, but today the franchise is my favorite of all time, and to be honest, I am not even that good at it! I just love every release of the series to death, and am saddened to see it is nowhere as big as it was in the SEGA Saturn days.

    As much as I may love the arcade, most of my life has been outside of them. I have only ever even seen at most ten in my entire life, and it is very upsetting that I cannot get a chance to enjoy many of your products, not just Virtua Fighter.

    I am not demanding a release of Virtua Fighter 5R, I can understand it all comes down to business reasons, so no hard feelings either way.

    The only major HD console I own at the moment is the Xbox 360 with no future plans to purchase a PlayStation 3, so if you consider bringing VF5R or any Virtua Fighter release in the near future, please consider you have many fans on both consoles! I would even love a Virtua Fighter on Wii!

    I wish everyone at SEGA continued success and best wishes

    Cory from New York, North America.
  2. Megadautilus

    Megadautilus New Member

    Matthew DeFelice
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I've been playing Virtua Fighter since 1993. The consoles I buy are based on the answer to one question:

    "Which console is the next installment of VF going to be on?"

    I've competed and spent hard earned money traveling to participate in tournaments and meet other players who enjoyed this game (which also included a trip to Japan to play alongside and meet high level players). If I had a choice I'd do it all again - no question.

    I will continue to play for as long as a new VF is on store shelves. Thank you.

    Andrew Gil / Dallas, TX
  4. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member


    I have been playing since VF5. I went to Japan to play fighting games in the famous arcades and got hooked by VF5. I bought VF5 when it came out on PS3 and imported to VSHG sticks. I started hosting gatherings for VF5. I then bought VF5 for the xbox 360. I continue to host gatherings with many popular fighting games and I believe that VF5R definitely has an audience.

    People are constantly watching videos and talking about this game. There is a STRONG resurgence in the interest of fighting games in America and Europe right now. Please take advantage of this situation and release VF5R for consoles.

    Allow players to unlock customizable items in online matches whether they are player/ranked/tournament matches. This makes people continue to play the game online and makes the community stronger. COD:MW2 "rewards" players almost every match with SOMETHING. This makes you want to keep playing and playing.
  5. Shwa

    Shwa New Member

    As soon as I heard about this, I registered as quick as I could.

    My first VF was VF2 when my hometown arcade still had it. I kept playing it constantly, and when VF3 was released on arcades, I jumped straight on the quickest occasion to play it. Back then, I didn't have a Saturn, so I couldn't have a proper home experience. When the Dreamcast was out, I rushed out to buy VF3, and then later found the occasion to buy a Saturn with VF, VF2 and VF Kids bundled with it and played constantly. I even found Fighters Megamix and dug through it like a maniac. My second favorite fighting game crossover, and my most favorite Saturn game.

    When VF4 came out for arcades, we didn't have it around here, and the PS2 port was only distributed much later after its release. I had to wait 'til VF4EVO, and it was an automatic buy. The newcomers were more than welcome additions, but I thought that the lack of Taka was a disappointing. However, since VF4EVO, I have always played as Goh more than anyone else, and it was a very interesting change of habit, being an ex-Lion player.

    With VF5 released on arcades, I still couldn't play since our arcades were pretty much dying, and when I bought my PS3, I jumped on the port as soon as I could, only to be a tad bit let down. The game is great, but the X360 version was based on ver.C rather than the PS3's ver.B, and it had online play. I did not want to spend $250 to buy a 360 and VF5O, so I was rather bummed.

    VF5R came out on arcades July 2008 I believe, and I was shocked to see no news of a console port of the game yet after being out for over a year and a half now, despite seemingly critical acclaim. I kept following on changes through videos on NicoDouga and realized this is the game we should all be playing right now.

    If there are plans to bring VF5R to consoles, count me in. The day it is released, I will have it in my home, whatever the price.

    As long as it gets a PS3 version that gets updated as much as the 360 version, s'all good with me.

    Maxime Côté, Montreal, Canada
  6. electricwizard

    electricwizard New Member

    I actually signed up for this forum just now for the cause! People want the game its in high demand! Consol releases are what keeps the game alive! please dont hold back on us sega!

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    I really hope this bares fruit because VF5R on consoles needs to happen

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I've been a huge Virtua Fighter fan since the very first game. With each new iteration Virtua Fighter has proven that it is the standard that all other fighting games should follow. Because of the high quality of the series I'll continue to be a fan.

    With 2009 being known as the "Year of the Fighter" it came as a SHOCK to us all that there was no release of Virtua Fighter 5R outside of Japan. It saddened the Virtua Fighter community here in my area and the rest of the world. If there ever was a time for such a release it would be now.

    There is a dedicated and loyal fanbase here in the United States as well as the rest of the world and we would gladly welcome any new addition to the Virtua Fighter series. In current times with fighting games becoming more high profile, future releases of Virtua Fighter outside of Japan would bring a much more attention to the series in my honest opinion.

    So I beg you for your continued support for the worldwide fans of the Virtua Fighter series.

    Thank you for hearing us out,
    Daniele "SPINMASTER X" Simpson
    Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
  9. Dror

    Dror New Member

    Dear SEGA,

    Please bring VF5R for the consoles.

    Dror Zilberman
  10. Jubeh

    Jubeh New Member

    Uh. I just saw this on the front page of srk. I've always wanted to play virtua fighter but there's no scene here. But if a new one was released, I'm sure I could get something started.

    I will post something on the sirlin forums if nobody else gets around to it.
  11. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Alright then,

    Please SEGA, after experiencing Virtua Fighter 5R on my holiday in Tokyo, I just can't switch back to the Virtua Fighter 5 console versions. I spend many yen on 5R, and would instantly buy a console version if it comes out. And would push my friends in buying one too, and get them of that wretched Street Fighter IV.

    Dave (fellow member of Magicbox)
  12. Page

    Page Member

    I'd be down for this. Been a long time since I played some VF5, and I was disappointed when 5r never made it over. I might even convince a certain friend of mine to start playing again. Probably not, but I'd at least buy a copy.
  13. ededol2

    ededol2 New Member

    Sega should release virtual fighter 5R on consoles because if they do, i will buy it and give sega my money.
  14. 4gotten_kazama

    4gotten_kazama Active Member

    PLEASE bring VF5R out on Cnsoles it needs to be represented, I will gladley by that game and dlc would be a nice touch also thanks SEGA
  15. GalFord

    GalFord Member

    Dear SEGA,

    As a Virtua Fighter fan since the first game on the Model 1 board, I've played and purchased every game available to me. (Yes, even Virtua Fighter Kids!) I for one would love to see Virtua Fighter 5R on a home console, I've played VF5 for far too long on the PS3, only to buy it on the 360 thanks to the Live support.

    VF5R would be a perfect reason to get me hooked all over again. [​IMG]

    Bob 'GalFord' Ritchings
  16. Novril

    Novril New Member

    Dear SEGA,
    I have purchased all the lastest VF games in the past since VF4, and I think it's a shame that VF players around the world can't play and support the game they love so much.
    In every country you'll be able to find quite a few people who are still waiting for the day they'll get to play the latest version of VF, just like the Japanese are doing in the arcades.

    The franchise is very respected even among players of other fighting games. Other fighting game communities are willing to help VFDC to spread the word. You don't need any other proof- The world is eager for VF5R.

    Please consider,
    Nadav Noyman, Israel
  17. cka

    cka Active Member


    I've spent hundreds of dollars on VF1, VF2, not so much VF3, and Fighting Vipers in the arcade. My VF4:E disc on PS2 got one of those cool little laser-bump halos around it from putting hundreds of hours into it. I want to do the same with 5R on my PS3. Let's make it happen, SEGA!

    A 5R console port would also probably be a money making machine, so it would be foolish to ignore making a port for the title. I do understand that you may not feel the cost-profit ratio is well enough, but with the recent resurgence in fighting game popularity with titles like Street Fighter IV, Tekken 6 and the new games from the Guilty Gear guys I'm sure it would at the absolute very least break even worldwide.

    Finally, I would like a new fighting game that's actually half-way fun to play with my friends nationally, internationally, and intercontinental, which I'm sure a PS3 copy of 5R would work nicely as. It's been far too long since I (and frankly the entire world outside of Japan) have enjoyed a fresh Virtua Fighter title, and the majority of us VF fans would love to see something recent from this camp.

    All the best,
  18. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm retired but before I retired I had purchased all of the Virtua Fighter console releases, yes, even the one on the Genesis, lol.
    I love VF and I will continue to love it, even if I'm not playing it, I will support it.
    I'm retired now but with the release of VF5R I will more than likely return.
    I'm believe that there are hundreds of other VF players who quit/retired but will come back if VF5R gets released.
    I love VF and if you release it I will not only buy a copy for myself, I will buy an extra copy for a friend as a Christmas gift [​IMG]
  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    I hope Virtua Fighter 5R will be brought to consoles.

    Virtua Fighter is a well regarded and highly respected brand among Fighting Games. I have traveled around the country to enjoy this series and have built many bonds around this game.

    In my local Northwest region (Oregon and Washington) of the USA, I've gathered players around to appreciate this game more and nurture competition and VF has always been looked up to.

    At the moment, while we still have some sessions, priorities among the serious fighting game players in my region and many others have shifted away from VF because our devotion of the game is being balanced with our drive for competition.

    The focus of the fighting game community has shifted away from Virtua Fighter because of the sense that we cannot play the current, improved, and much-wanted VF5R.

    As happy as we are with VF5, knowing that a VF5R exists but is unavailable deflates the possibility of Virtua Fighter being a nationally competitive game nor a game that should be promoted still.

    Despite all that, I still love Virtua Fighter and I personally still play it. I watch videos of VF5R and I really want to play it.

    I respect VF5R's arcade success in Japan being preserved as an arcade/Japan/VF.Net exclusive.

    But I also wonder if perhaps the arcade success has been enough, that perhaps VF5R can also become a Console success.

    As a player in the US, I understand that even if the game was to be made for console, that does not mean it's destined for US release, as much as I would love to believe that.

    I believe VF5R can be an international success and could be made for international consumption, measured on international sales. If Sega wanted to encourage me, a US player, to buy the "International Edition" of the game, I would be more than happy to oblige.

    Virtua Fighter has a super strong appeal to fighting game players and Sega fans. On an international level, factoring out boundaries, I believe it's an incredibly large fanbase as a whole. And that devotion is one of the greatest strengths Sega has on the videogame market. And Virtua Fighter is a flagship brand.

    But if we are concerned with mainstream appeal, I believe that Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution was a big success on many fronts. I don't presume to know more than Sega, but please correct me if I am misguided on the success of VF4: Evolution.

    Unfortunately, in my area, Virtua Fighter: Final Tuned's lack of availability lowered what seems to have been a strong attachment to Virtua Fighter 4 because like VF5R, it was a game praised by our opinion leaders and those we trust, a game we were not able to play or compete in because it wasn't made available.

    In any case, please bring Virtua Fighter 5R to consoles! I hope Sega decides to bring the title to the Playstation 3 and XBox 360. Friends who have been to Japan and the videos I have watched on YouTube tell me that this game is truly great.

    -Nicholas Saenguraiporn
  20. deebo

    deebo New Member


    I love Virtua Fighter, it's my favorite fighter. I would really appreciate it if you do release a console version of VF5R. But
    please make sure the ps3 version gets online play this time round.

    Adeeb (UK)

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